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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for various magic functions."""
import asyncio
import gc
import io
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys
import warnings
from importlib import invalidate_caches
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from unittest import TestCase, mock
import pytest
from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.core import magic
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
from IPython.core.magic import (
from IPython.core.magics import code, execution, logging, osm, script
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from IPython.testing import tools as tt
from IPython.utils.io import capture_output
from IPython.utils.process import find_cmd
from IPython.utils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory, TemporaryWorkingDirectory
from .test_debugger import PdbTestInput
class DummyMagics(magic.Magics): pass
def test_extract_code_ranges():
instr = "1 3 5-6 7-9 10:15 17: :10 10- -13 :"
expected = [
(0, 1),
(2, 3),
(4, 6),
(6, 9),
(9, 14),
(16, None),
(None, 9),
(9, None),
(None, 13),
(None, None),
actual = list(code.extract_code_ranges(instr))
assert actual == expected
def test_extract_symbols():
source = """import foo\na = 10\ndef b():\n return 42\n\n\nclass A: pass\n\n\n"""
symbols_args = ["a", "b", "A", "A,b", "A,a", "z"]
expected = [([], ['a']),
(["def b():\n return 42\n"], []),
(["class A: pass\n"], []),
(["class A: pass\n", "def b():\n return 42\n"], []),
(["class A: pass\n"], ['a']),
([], ['z'])]
for symbols, exp in zip(symbols_args, expected):
assert code.extract_symbols(source, symbols) == exp
def test_extract_symbols_raises_exception_with_non_python_code():
source = ("=begin A Ruby program :)=end\n"
"def hello\n"
"puts 'Hello world'\n"
with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
code.extract_symbols(source, "hello")
def test_magic_not_found():
# magic not found raises UsageError
with pytest.raises(UsageError):
# ensure result isn't success when a magic isn't found
result = _ip.run_cell('%doesntexist')
assert isinstance(result.error_in_exec, UsageError)
def test_cell_magic_not_found():
# magic not found raises UsageError
with pytest.raises(UsageError):
_ip.run_cell_magic('doesntexist', 'line', 'cell')
# ensure result isn't success when a magic isn't found
result = _ip.run_cell('%%doesntexist')
assert isinstance(result.error_in_exec, UsageError)
def test_magic_error_status():
def fail(shell):
result = _ip.run_cell('%fail')
assert isinstance(result.error_in_exec, ZeroDivisionError)
def test_config():
""" test that config magic does not raise
can happen if Configurable init is moved too early into
Magics.__init__ as then a Config object will be registered as a
## should not raise.
def test_config_available_configs():
""" test that config magic prints available configs in unique and
sorted order. """
with capture_output() as captured:
stdout = captured.stdout
config_classes = stdout.strip().split('\n')[1:]
assert config_classes == sorted(set(config_classes))
def test_config_print_class():
""" test that config with a classname prints the class's options. """
with capture_output() as captured:
_ip.magic('config TerminalInteractiveShell')
stdout = captured.stdout
assert re.match(
"TerminalInteractiveShell.* options", stdout.splitlines()[0]
), f"{stdout}\n\n1st line of stdout not like 'TerminalInteractiveShell.* options'"
def test_rehashx():
# clear up everything
del _ip.db['syscmdlist']
# Practically ALL ipython development systems will have more than 10 aliases
assert len(_ip.alias_manager.aliases) > 10
for name, cmd in _ip.alias_manager.aliases:
# we must strip dots from alias names
assert "." not in name
# rehashx must fill up syscmdlist
scoms = _ip.db['syscmdlist']
assert len(scoms) > 10
def test_magic_parse_options():
"""Test that we don't mangle paths when parsing magic options."""
ip = get_ipython()
path = 'c:\\x'
m = DummyMagics(ip)
opts = m.parse_options('-f %s' % path,'f:')[0]
# argv splitting is os-dependent
if os.name == 'posix':
expected = 'c:x'
expected = path
assert opts["f"] == expected
def test_magic_parse_long_options():
"""Magic.parse_options can handle --foo=bar long options"""
ip = get_ipython()
m = DummyMagics(ip)
opts, _ = m.parse_options("--foo --bar=bubble", "a", "foo", "bar=")
assert "foo" in opts
assert "bar" in opts
assert opts["bar"] == "bubble"
def doctest_hist_f():
"""Test %hist -f with temporary filename.
In [9]: import tempfile
In [10]: tfile = tempfile.mktemp('.py','tmp-ipython-')
In [11]: %hist -nl -f $tfile 3
In [13]: import os; os.unlink(tfile)
def doctest_hist_op():
"""Test %hist -op
In [1]: class b(float):
...: pass
In [2]: class s(object):
...: def __str__(self):
...: return 's'
In [3]:
In [4]: class r(b):
...: def __repr__(self):
...: return 'r'
In [5]: class sr(s,r): pass
In [6]:
In [7]: bb=b()
In [8]: ss=s()
In [9]: rr=r()
In [10]: ssrr=sr()
In [11]: 4.5
Out[11]: 4.5
In [12]: str(ss)
Out[12]: 's'
In [13]:
In [14]: %hist -op
>>> class b:
... pass
>>> class s(b):
... def __str__(self):
... return 's'
>>> class r(b):
... def __repr__(self):
... return 'r'
>>> class sr(s,r): pass
>>> bb=b()
>>> ss=s()
>>> rr=r()
>>> ssrr=sr()
>>> 4.5
>>> str(ss)
def test_hist_pof():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell("1+2", store_history=True)
#raise Exception(ip.history_manager.session_number)
#raise Exception(list(ip.history_manager._get_range_session()))
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
tf = os.path.join(td, 'hist.py')
ip.run_line_magic('history', '-pof %s' % tf)
assert os.path.isfile(tf)
def test_macro():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history.
cmds = ["a=1", "def b():\n return a**2", "print(a,b())"]
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1):
ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd)
ip.magic("macro test 1-3")
assert ip.user_ns["test"].value == "\n".join(cmds) + "\n"
# List macros
assert "test" in ip.magic("macro")
def test_macro_run():
"""Test that we can run a multi-line macro successfully."""
ip = get_ipython()
cmds = ["a=10", "a+=1", "print(a)", "%macro test 2-3"]
for cmd in cmds:
ip.run_cell(cmd, store_history=True)
assert ip.user_ns["test"].value == "a+=1\nprint(a)\n"
with tt.AssertPrints("12"):
with tt.AssertPrints("13"):
def test_magic_magic():
"""Test %magic"""
ip = get_ipython()
with capture_output() as captured:
stdout = captured.stdout
assert "%magic" in stdout
assert "IPython" in stdout
assert "Available" in stdout
def test_numpy_reset_array_undec():
"Test '%reset array' functionality"
_ip.ex("import numpy as np")
_ip.ex("a = np.empty(2)")
assert "a" in _ip.user_ns
_ip.magic("reset -f array")
assert "a" not in _ip.user_ns
def test_reset_out():
"Test '%reset out' magic"
_ip.run_cell("parrot = 'dead'", store_history=True)
# test '%reset -f out', make an Out prompt
_ip.run_cell("parrot", store_history=True)
assert "dead" in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in ("_", "__", "___")]
_ip.magic("reset -f out")
assert "dead" not in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in ("_", "__", "___")]
assert len(_ip.user_ns["Out"]) == 0
def test_reset_in():
"Test '%reset in' magic"
# test '%reset -f in'
_ip.run_cell("parrot", store_history=True)
assert "parrot" in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in ("_i", "_ii", "_iii")]
_ip.magic("%reset -f in")
assert "parrot" not in [_ip.user_ns[x] for x in ("_i", "_ii", "_iii")]
assert len(set(_ip.user_ns["In"])) == 1
def test_reset_dhist():
"Test '%reset dhist' magic"
_ip.run_cell("tmp = [d for d in _dh]") # copy before clearing
_ip.magic("cd " + os.path.dirname(pytest.__file__))
_ip.magic("cd -")
assert len(_ip.user_ns["_dh"]) > 0
_ip.magic("reset -f dhist")
assert len(_ip.user_ns["_dh"]) == 0
_ip.run_cell("_dh = [d for d in tmp]") # restore
def test_reset_in_length():
"Test that '%reset in' preserves In[] length"
_ip.run_cell("print 'foo'")
_ip.run_cell("reset -f in")
assert len(_ip.user_ns["In"]) == _ip.displayhook.prompt_count + 1
class TestResetErrors(TestCase):
def test_reset_redefine(self):
class KernelMagics(Magics):
def less(self, shell): pass
with self.assertLogs() as cm:
# hack, we want to just capture logs, but assertLogs fails if not
# logs get produce.
# so log one things we ignore.
import logging as log_mod
log = log_mod.getLogger()
# end hack.
_ip.run_cell("reset -f")
assert len(cm.output) == 1
for out in cm.output:
assert "Invalid alias" not in out
def test_tb_syntaxerror():
"""test %tb after a SyntaxError"""
ip = get_ipython()
# trap and validate stdout
save_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
out = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = save_stdout
# trim output, and only check the last line
last_line = out.rstrip().splitlines()[-1].strip()
assert last_line == "SyntaxError: invalid syntax"
def test_time():
ip = get_ipython()
with tt.AssertPrints("Wall time: "):
ip.run_cell("%time None")
ip.run_cell("def f(kmjy):\n"
" %time print (2*kmjy)")
with tt.AssertPrints("Wall time: "):
with tt.AssertPrints("hihi", suppress=False):
def test_time_last_not_expression():
"var_1 = 1\n"
"var_2 = 2\n")
assert ip.user_ns['var_1'] == 1
del ip.user_ns['var_1']
assert ip.user_ns['var_2'] == 2
del ip.user_ns['var_2']
def test_time2():
ip = get_ipython()
with tt.AssertPrints("CPU times: user "):
ip.run_cell("%time None")
def test_time3():
"""Erroneous magic function calls, issue gh-3334"""
ip = get_ipython()
ip.user_ns.pop('run', None)
with tt.AssertNotPrints("not found", channel='stderr'):
"run = 0\n"
"run += 1")
def test_multiline_time():
"""Make sure last statement from time return a value."""
ip = get_ipython()
ip.user_ns.pop('run', None)
a = "ho"
b = "hey"
assert ip.user_ns_hidden["_"] == "hohey"
def test_time_local_ns():
Test that local_ns is actually global_ns when running a cell magic
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell("%%time\n" "myvar = 1")
assert ip.user_ns["myvar"] == 1
del ip.user_ns["myvar"]
def test_doctest_mode():
"Toggle doctest_mode twice, it should be a no-op and run without error"
def test_parse_options():
"""Tests for basic options parsing in magics."""
# These are only the most minimal of tests, more should be added later. At
# the very least we check that basic text/unicode calls work OK.
m = DummyMagics(_ip)
assert m.parse_options("foo", "")[1] == "foo"
assert m.parse_options("foo", "")[1] == "foo"
def test_parse_options_preserve_non_option_string():
"""Test to assert preservation of non-option part of magic-block, while parsing magic options."""
m = DummyMagics(_ip)
opts, stmt = m.parse_options(
" -n1 -r 13 _ = 314 + foo", "n:r:", preserve_non_opts=True
assert opts == {"n": "1", "r": "13"}
assert stmt == "_ = 314 + foo"
def test_run_magic_preserve_code_block():
"""Test to assert preservation of non-option part of magic-block, while running magic."""
_ip.user_ns["spaces"] = []
_ip.magic("timeit -n1 -r1 spaces.append([s.count(' ') for s in ['document']])")
assert _ip.user_ns["spaces"] == [[0]]
def test_dirops():
"""Test various directory handling operations."""
# curpath = lambda :os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[1].replace('\\','/')
curpath = os.getcwd
startdir = os.getcwd()
ipdir = os.path.realpath(_ip.ipython_dir)
_ip.magic('cd "%s"' % ipdir)
assert curpath() == ipdir
_ip.magic('cd -')
assert curpath() == startdir
_ip.magic('pushd "%s"' % ipdir)
assert curpath() == ipdir
assert curpath() == startdir
def test_cd_force_quiet():
"""Test OSMagics.cd_force_quiet option"""
_ip.config.OSMagics.cd_force_quiet = True
osmagics = osm.OSMagics(shell=_ip)
startdir = os.getcwd()
ipdir = os.path.realpath(_ip.ipython_dir)
with tt.AssertNotPrints(ipdir):
osmagics.cd('"%s"' % ipdir)
with tt.AssertNotPrints(startdir):
def test_xmode():
# Calling xmode three times should be a no-op
xmode = _ip.InteractiveTB.mode
for i in range(4):
assert _ip.InteractiveTB.mode == xmode
def test_reset_hard():
monitor = []
class A(object):
def __del__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<A instance>"
_ip.user_ns["a"] = A()
assert monitor == []
_ip.magic("reset -f")
assert monitor == [1]
class TestXdel(tt.TempFileMixin):
def test_xdel(self):
"""Test that references from %run are cleared by xdel."""
src = ("class A(object):\n"
" monitor = []\n"
" def __del__(self):\n"
" self.monitor.append(1)\n"
"a = A()\n")
# %run creates some hidden references...
_ip.magic("run %s" % self.fname)
# ... as does the displayhook.
monitor = _ip.user_ns["A"].monitor
assert monitor == []
_ip.magic("xdel a")
# Check that a's __del__ method has been called.
assert monitor == [1]
def doctest_who():
"""doctest for %who
In [1]: %reset -sf
In [2]: alpha = 123
In [3]: beta = 'beta'
In [4]: %who int
In [5]: %who str
In [6]: %whos
Variable Type Data/Info
alpha int 123
beta str beta
In [7]: %who_ls
Out[7]: ['alpha', 'beta']
def test_whos():
"""Check that whos is protected against objects where repr() fails."""
class A(object):
def __repr__(self):
raise Exception()
_ip.user_ns['a'] = A()
def doctest_precision():
"""doctest for %precision
In [1]: f = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['text/plain']
In [2]: %precision 5
Out[2]: '%.5f'
In [3]: f.float_format
Out[3]: '%.5f'
In [4]: %precision %e
Out[4]: '%e'
In [5]: f(3.1415927)
Out[5]: '3.141593e+00'
def test_debug_magic():
"""Test debugging a small code with %debug
In [1]: with PdbTestInput(['c']):
...: %debug print("a b") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
ipdb> c
a b
In [2]:
def test_psearch():
with tt.AssertPrints("dict.fromkeys"):
with tt.AssertPrints("Ï€.is_integer"):
_ip.run_cell("π = 3.14;\nπ.is_integ*?")
def test_timeit_shlex():
"""test shlex issues with timeit (#1109)"""
_ip.ex("def f(*a,**kw): pass")
_ip.magic('timeit -n1 "this is a bug".count(" ")')
_ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f(" ", 1)')
_ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f(" ", 1, " ", 2, " ")')
_ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 ("a " + "b")')
_ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f("a " + "b")')
_ip.magic('timeit -r1 -n1 f("a " + "b ")')
def test_timeit_special_syntax():
"Test %%timeit with IPython special syntax"
def lmagic(line):
ip = get_ipython()
ip.user_ns['lmagic_out'] = line
# line mode test
_ip.run_line_magic("timeit", "-n1 -r1 %lmagic my line")
assert _ip.user_ns["lmagic_out"] == "my line"
# cell mode test
_ip.run_cell_magic("timeit", "-n1 -r1", "%lmagic my line2")
assert _ip.user_ns["lmagic_out"] == "my line2"
def test_timeit_return():
test whether timeit -o return object
res = _ip.run_line_magic('timeit','-n10 -r10 -o 1')
assert(res is not None)
def test_timeit_quiet():
test quiet option of timeit magic
with tt.AssertNotPrints("loops"):
_ip.run_cell("%timeit -n1 -r1 -q 1")
def test_timeit_return_quiet():
with tt.AssertNotPrints("loops"):
res = _ip.run_line_magic('timeit', '-n1 -r1 -q -o 1')
assert (res is not None)
def test_timeit_invalid_return():
with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
_ip.run_line_magic('timeit', 'return')
@dec.skipif(execution.profile is None)
def test_prun_special_syntax():
"Test %%prun with IPython special syntax"
def lmagic(line):
ip = get_ipython()
ip.user_ns['lmagic_out'] = line
# line mode test
_ip.run_line_magic("prun", "-q %lmagic my line")
assert _ip.user_ns["lmagic_out"] == "my line"
# cell mode test
_ip.run_cell_magic("prun", "-q", "%lmagic my line2")
assert _ip.user_ns["lmagic_out"] == "my line2"
@dec.skipif(execution.profile is None)
def test_prun_quotes():
"Test that prun does not clobber string escapes (GH #1302)"
_ip.magic(r"prun -q x = '\t'")
assert _ip.user_ns["x"] == "\t"
def test_extension():
# Debugging information for failures of this test
for p in sys.path:
print(' ', p)
print('CWD', os.getcwd())
pytest.raises(ImportError, _ip.magic, "load_ext daft_extension")
daft_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "daft_extension")
sys.path.insert(0, daft_path)
_ip.user_ns.pop('arq', None)
invalidate_caches() # Clear import caches
_ip.magic("load_ext daft_extension")
assert _ip.user_ns["arq"] == 185
_ip.magic("unload_ext daft_extension")
assert 'arq' not in _ip.user_ns
def test_notebook_export_json():
_ip = get_ipython()
_ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history.
cmds = ["a=1", "def b():\n return a**2", "print('noël, été', b())"]
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1):
_ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd)
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
outfile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
_ip.magic("notebook %s" % outfile)
class TestEnv(TestCase):
def test_env(self):
env = _ip.magic("env")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(env, dict))
def test_env_secret(self):
env = _ip.magic("env")
hidden = "<hidden>"
with mock.patch.dict(
"API_KEY": "abc123",
"SECRET_THING": "ssshhh",
"VAR": "abc"
env = _ip.magic("env")
assert env["API_KEY"] == hidden
assert env["SECRET_THING"] == hidden
assert env["JUPYTER_TOKEN"] == hidden
assert env["VAR"] == "abc"
def test_env_get_set_simple(self):
env = _ip.magic("env var val1")
self.assertEqual(env, None)
self.assertEqual(os.environ['var'], 'val1')
self.assertEqual(_ip.magic("env var"), 'val1')
env = _ip.magic("env var=val2")
self.assertEqual(env, None)
self.assertEqual(os.environ['var'], 'val2')
def test_env_get_set_complex(self):
env = _ip.magic("env var 'val1 '' 'val2")
self.assertEqual(env, None)
self.assertEqual(os.environ['var'], "'val1 '' 'val2")
self.assertEqual(_ip.magic("env var"), "'val1 '' 'val2")
env = _ip.magic('env var=val2 val3="val4')
self.assertEqual(env, None)
self.assertEqual(os.environ['var'], 'val2 val3="val4')
def test_env_set_bad_input(self):
self.assertRaises(UsageError, lambda: _ip.magic("set_env var"))
def test_env_set_whitespace(self):
self.assertRaises(UsageError, lambda: _ip.magic("env var A=B"))
class CellMagicTestCase(TestCase):
def check_ident(self, magic):
# Manually called, we get the result
out = _ip.run_cell_magic(magic, "a", "b")
assert out == ("a", "b")
# Via run_cell, it goes into the user's namespace via displayhook
_ip.run_cell("%%" + magic + " c\nd\n")
assert _ip.user_ns["_"] == ("c", "d\n")
def test_cell_magic_func_deco(self):
"Cell magic using simple decorator"
def cellm(line, cell):
return line, cell
def test_cell_magic_reg(self):
"Cell magic manually registered"
def cellm(line, cell):
return line, cell
_ip.register_magic_function(cellm, 'cell', 'cellm2')
def test_cell_magic_class(self):
"Cell magics declared via a class"
class MyMagics(Magics):
def cellm3(self, line, cell):
return line, cell
def test_cell_magic_class2(self):
"Cell magics declared via a class, #2"
class MyMagics2(Magics):
def cellm33(self, line, cell):
return line, cell
# Check that nothing is registered as 'cellm33'
c33 = _ip.find_cell_magic('cellm33')
assert c33 == None
def test_file():
"""Basic %%writefile"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1')
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", fname, u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line2" in s
def test_file_single_quote():
"""Basic %%writefile with embedded single quotes"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, '\'file1\'')
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", fname, u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line2" in s
def test_file_double_quote():
"""Basic %%writefile with embedded double quotes"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, '"file1"')
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", fname, u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line2" in s
def test_file_var_expand():
"""%%writefile $filename"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1')
ip.user_ns['filename'] = fname
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", '$filename', u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line2" in s
def test_file_unicode():
"""%%writefile with unicode cell"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, 'file1')
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", fname, u'\n'.join([
with io.open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
s = f.read()
assert "liné1\n" in s
assert "liné2" in s
def test_file_amend():
"""%%writefile -a amends files"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fname = os.path.join(td, 'file2')
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", fname, u'\n'.join([
ip.run_cell_magic("writefile", "-a %s" % fname, u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line3\n" in s
def test_file_spaces():
"""%%file with spaces in filename"""
ip = get_ipython()
with TemporaryWorkingDirectory() as td:
fname = "file name"
ip.run_cell_magic("file", '"%s"'%fname, u'\n'.join([
s = Path(fname).read_text()
assert "line1\n" in s
assert "line2" in s
def test_script_config():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.config.ScriptMagics.script_magics = ['whoda']
sm = script.ScriptMagics(shell=ip)
assert "whoda" in sm.magics["cell"]
def event_loop():
policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()
loop = policy.new_event_loop()
yield loop
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
def test_script_out(event_loop):
assert event_loop.is_running() is False
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--out output sh", "echo 'hi'")
assert event_loop.is_running() is False
assert ip.user_ns["output"] == "hi\n"
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
def test_script_err(event_loop):
ip = get_ipython()
assert event_loop.is_running() is False
ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--err error sh", "echo 'hello' >&2")
assert event_loop.is_running() is False
assert ip.user_ns["error"] == "hello\n"
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
def test_script_out_err():
ip = get_ipython()
"script", "--out output --err error sh", "echo 'hi'\necho 'hello' >&2"
assert ip.user_ns["output"] == "hi\n"
assert ip.user_ns["error"] == "hello\n"
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
async def test_script_bg_out(event_loop):
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--bg --out output sh", "echo 'hi'")
assert (await ip.user_ns["output"].read()) == b"hi\n"
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
async def test_script_bg_err():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell_magic("script", "--bg --err error sh", "echo 'hello' >&2")
assert (await ip.user_ns["error"].read()) == b"hello\n"
sys.platform == "win32", reason="This test does not run under Windows"
async def test_script_bg_out_err():
ip = get_ipython()
"script", "--bg --out output --err error sh", "echo 'hi'\necho 'hello' >&2"
assert (await ip.user_ns["output"].read()) == b"hi\n"
assert (await ip.user_ns["error"].read()) == b"hello\n"
def test_script_defaults():
ip = get_ipython()
for cmd in ['sh', 'bash', 'perl', 'ruby']:
except Exception:
assert cmd in ip.magics_manager.magics["cell"]
class FooFoo(Magics):
"""class with both %foo and %%foo magics"""
def line_foo(self, line):
"I am line foo"
def cell_foo(self, line, cell):
"I am cell foo, not line foo"
def test_line_cell_info():
"""%%foo and %foo magics are distinguishable to inspect"""
ip = get_ipython()
oinfo = ip.object_inspect("foo")
assert oinfo["found"] is True
assert oinfo["ismagic"] is True
oinfo = ip.object_inspect("%%foo")
assert oinfo["found"] is True
assert oinfo["ismagic"] is True
assert oinfo["docstring"] == FooFoo.cell_foo.__doc__
oinfo = ip.object_inspect("%foo")
assert oinfo["found"] is True
assert oinfo["ismagic"] is True
assert oinfo["docstring"] == FooFoo.line_foo.__doc__
def test_multiple_magics():
ip = get_ipython()
foo1 = FooFoo(ip)
foo2 = FooFoo(ip)
mm = ip.magics_manager
assert mm.magics["line"]["foo"].__self__ is foo1
assert mm.magics["line"]["foo"].__self__ is foo2
def test_alias_magic():
"""Test %alias_magic."""
ip = get_ipython()
mm = ip.magics_manager
# Basic operation: both cell and line magics are created, if possible.
ip.run_line_magic("alias_magic", "timeit_alias timeit")
assert "timeit_alias" in mm.magics["line"]
assert "timeit_alias" in mm.magics["cell"]
# --cell is specified, line magic not created.
ip.run_line_magic("alias_magic", "--cell timeit_cell_alias timeit")
assert "timeit_cell_alias" not in mm.magics["line"]
assert "timeit_cell_alias" in mm.magics["cell"]
# Test that line alias is created successfully.
ip.run_line_magic("alias_magic", "--line env_alias env")
assert ip.run_line_magic("env", "") == ip.run_line_magic("env_alias", "")
# Test that line alias with parameters passed in is created successfully.
"alias_magic", "--line history_alias history --params " + shlex.quote("3")
assert "history_alias" in mm.magics["line"]
def test_save():
"""Test %save."""
ip = get_ipython()
ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history.
cmds = ["a=1", "def b():\n return a**2", "print(a, b())"]
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1):
ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd)
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "testsave.py")
ip.run_line_magic("save", "%s 1-10" % file)
content = Path(file).read_text()
assert content.count(cmds[0]) == 1
assert "coding: utf-8" in content
ip.run_line_magic("save", "-a %s 1-10" % file)
content = Path(file).read_text()
assert content.count(cmds[0]) == 2
assert "coding: utf-8" in content
def test_save_with_no_args():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.history_manager.reset() # Clear any existing history.
cmds = ["a=1", "def b():\n return a**2", "print(a, b())", "%save"]
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmds, start=1):
ip.history_manager.store_inputs(i, cmd)
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "testsave.py")
ip.run_line_magic("save", path)
content = Path(path).read_text()
expected_content = dedent(
# coding: utf-8
def b():
return a**2
print(a, b())
assert content == expected_content
def test_store():
"""Test %store."""
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_line_magic('load_ext', 'storemagic')
# make sure the storage is empty
ip.run_line_magic("store", "-z")
ip.user_ns["var"] = 42
ip.run_line_magic("store", "var")
ip.user_ns["var"] = 39
ip.run_line_magic("store", "-r")
assert ip.user_ns["var"] == 42
ip.run_line_magic("store", "-d var")
ip.user_ns["var"] = 39
ip.run_line_magic("store", "-r")
assert ip.user_ns["var"] == 39
def _run_edit_test(arg_s, exp_filename=None,
ip = get_ipython()
M = code.CodeMagics(ip)
last_call = ['','']
opts,args = M.parse_options(arg_s,'prxn:')
filename, lineno, is_temp = M._find_edit_target(ip, args, opts, last_call)
if exp_filename is not None:
assert exp_filename == filename
if exp_contents is not None:
with io.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
contents = f.read()
assert exp_contents == contents
if exp_lineno != -1:
assert exp_lineno == lineno
if exp_is_temp is not None:
assert exp_is_temp == is_temp
def test_edit_interactive():
"""%edit on interactively defined objects"""
ip = get_ipython()
n = ip.execution_count
ip.run_cell("def foo(): return 1", store_history=True)
with pytest.raises(code.InteractivelyDefined) as e:
assert e.value.index == n
def test_edit_cell():
"""%edit [cell id]"""
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell("def foo(): return 1", store_history=True)
# test
_run_edit_test("1", exp_contents=ip.user_ns['In'][1], exp_is_temp=True)
def test_edit_fname():
"""%edit file"""
# test
_run_edit_test("test file.py", exp_filename="test file.py")
def test_bookmark():
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_line_magic('bookmark', 'bmname')
with tt.AssertPrints('bmname'):
ip.run_line_magic('bookmark', '-l')
ip.run_line_magic('bookmark', '-d bmname')
def test_ls_magic():
ip = get_ipython()
json_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['application/json']
json_formatter.enabled = True
lsmagic = ip.magic('lsmagic')
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
j = json_formatter(lsmagic)
assert sorted(j) == ["cell", "line"]
assert w == [] # no warnings
def test_strip_initial_indent():
def sii(s):
lines = s.splitlines()
return '\n'.join(code.strip_initial_indent(lines))
assert sii(" a = 1\nb = 2") == "a = 1\nb = 2"
assert sii(" a\n b\nc") == "a\n b\nc"
assert sii("a\n b") == "a\n b"
def test_logging_magic_quiet_from_arg():
_ip.config.LoggingMagics.quiet = False
lm = logging.LoggingMagics(shell=_ip)
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
with tt.AssertNotPrints(re.compile("Activating.*")):
lm.logstart('-q {}'.format(
os.path.join(td, "quiet_from_arg.log")))
def test_logging_magic_quiet_from_config():
_ip.config.LoggingMagics.quiet = True
lm = logging.LoggingMagics(shell=_ip)
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
with tt.AssertNotPrints(re.compile("Activating.*")):
lm.logstart(os.path.join(td, "quiet_from_config.log"))
def test_logging_magic_not_quiet():
_ip.config.LoggingMagics.quiet = False
lm = logging.LoggingMagics(shell=_ip)
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
with tt.AssertPrints(re.compile("Activating.*")):
lm.logstart(os.path.join(td, "not_quiet.log"))
def test_time_no_var_expand():
_ip.user_ns['a'] = 5
_ip.user_ns['b'] = []
_ip.magic('time b.append("{a}")')
assert _ip.user_ns['b'] == ['{a}']
# this is slow, put at the end for local testing.
def test_timeit_arguments():
"Test valid timeit arguments, should not cause SyntaxError (GH #1269)"
_ip.magic("timeit -n1 -r1 a=('#')")
print('Loaded my_tmp')
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('I just ran a script')
def test_run_module_from_import_hook():
"Test that a module can be loaded via an import hook"
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
fullpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'my_tmp.py')
import importlib.abc
import importlib.util
class MyTempImporter(importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder, importlib.abc.SourceLoader):
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None):
if fullname == "my_tmp":
return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, self)
def get_filename(self, fullname):
assert fullname == "my_tmp"
return fullpath
def get_data(self, path):
assert Path(path).samefile(fullpath)
return Path(fullpath).read_text()
sys.meta_path.insert(0, MyTempImporter())
with capture_output() as captured:
_ip.magic("run -m my_tmp")
_ip.run_cell("import my_tmp")
output = "Loaded my_tmp\nI just ran a script\nLoaded my_tmp\n"
assert output == captured.stdout