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"""Interact with functions using widgets."""
# Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# Imports
from __future__ import print_function
try: # Python >= 3.3
from inspect import signature, Parameter
except ImportError:
from IPython.utils.signatures import signature, Parameter
from inspect import getcallargs
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
from IPython.html.widgets import (Widget, Text,
FloatSlider, IntSlider, Checkbox, Dropdown,
Box, Button, DOMWidget)
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types, unicode_type
from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Any, Unicode
empty = Parameter.empty
# Classes and Functions
def _matches(o, pattern):
"""Match a pattern of types in a sequence."""
if not len(o) == len(pattern):
return False
comps = zip(o,pattern)
return all(isinstance(obj,kind) for obj,kind in comps)
def _get_min_max_value(min, max, value=None, step=None):
"""Return min, max, value given input values with possible None."""
if value is None:
if not max > min:
raise ValueError('max must be greater than min: (min={0}, max={1})'.format(min, max))
value = min + abs(min-max)/2
value = type(min)(value)
elif min is None and max is None:
if value == 0.0:
min, max, value = 0.0, 1.0, 0.5
elif value == 0:
min, max, value = 0, 1, 0
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
min, max = (-value, 3*value) if value > 0 else (3*value, -value)
raise TypeError('expected a number, got: %r' % value)
raise ValueError('unable to infer range, value from: ({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(min, max, value))
if step is not None:
# ensure value is on a step
r = (value - min) % step
value = value - r
return min, max, value
def _widget_abbrev_single_value(o):
"""Make widgets from single values, which can be used as parameter defaults."""
if isinstance(o, string_types):
return Text(value=unicode_type(o))
elif isinstance(o, dict):
return Dropdown(values=o)
elif isinstance(o, bool):
return Checkbox(value=o)
elif isinstance(o, float):
min, max, value = _get_min_max_value(None, None, o)
return FloatSlider(value=o, min=min, max=max)
elif isinstance(o, int):
min, max, value = _get_min_max_value(None, None, o)
return IntSlider(value=o, min=min, max=max)
return None
def _widget_abbrev(o):
"""Make widgets from abbreviations: single values, lists or tuples."""
float_or_int = (float, int)
if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):
if o and all(isinstance(x, string_types) for x in o):
return Dropdown(values=[unicode_type(k) for k in o])
elif _matches(o, (float_or_int, float_or_int)):
min, max, value = _get_min_max_value(o[0], o[1])
if all(isinstance(_, int) for _ in o):
cls = IntSlider
cls = FloatSlider
return cls(value=value, min=min, max=max)
elif _matches(o, (float_or_int, float_or_int, float_or_int)):
step = o[2]
if step <= 0:
raise ValueError("step must be >= 0, not %r" % step)
min, max, value = _get_min_max_value(o[0], o[1], step=step)
if all(isinstance(_, int) for _ in o):
cls = IntSlider
cls = FloatSlider
return cls(value=value, min=min, max=max, step=step)
return _widget_abbrev_single_value(o)
def _widget_from_abbrev(abbrev, default=empty):
"""Build a Widget instance given an abbreviation or Widget."""
if isinstance(abbrev, Widget) or isinstance(abbrev, fixed):
return abbrev
widget = _widget_abbrev(abbrev)
if default is not empty and isinstance(abbrev, (list, tuple, dict)):
# if it's not a single-value abbreviation,
# set the initial value from the default
widget.value = default
except Exception:
# ignore failure to set default
if widget is None:
raise ValueError("%r cannot be transformed to a Widget" % (abbrev,))
return widget
def _yield_abbreviations_for_parameter(param, kwargs):
"""Get an abbreviation for a function parameter."""
name = param.name
kind = param.kind
ann = param.annotation
default = param.default
not_found = (name, empty, empty)
if kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY):
if name in kwargs:
value = kwargs.pop(name)
elif ann is not empty:
value = ann
elif default is not empty:
value = default
yield not_found
yield (name, value, default)
elif kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
# In this case name=kwargs and we yield the items in kwargs with their keys.
for k, v in kwargs.copy().items():
yield k, v, empty
def _find_abbreviations(f, kwargs):
"""Find the abbreviations for a function and kwargs passed to interact."""
new_kwargs = []
for param in signature(f).parameters.values():
for name, value, default in _yield_abbreviations_for_parameter(param, kwargs):
if value is empty:
raise ValueError('cannot find widget or abbreviation for argument: {!r}'.format(name))
new_kwargs.append((name, value, default))
return new_kwargs
def _widgets_from_abbreviations(seq):
"""Given a sequence of (name, abbrev) tuples, return a sequence of Widgets."""
result = []
for name, abbrev, default in seq:
widget = _widget_from_abbrev(abbrev, default)
if not widget.description:
widget.description = name
return result
def interactive(__interact_f, **kwargs):
"""Build a group of widgets to interact with a function."""
f = __interact_f
co = kwargs.pop('clear_output', True)
manual = kwargs.pop('__manual', False)
kwargs_widgets = []
container = Box()
container.result = None
container.args = []
container.kwargs = dict()
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
new_kwargs = _find_abbreviations(f, kwargs)
# Before we proceed, let's make sure that the user has passed a set of args+kwargs
# that will lead to a valid call of the function. This protects against unspecified
# and doubly-specified arguments.
getcallargs(f, **{n:v for n,v,_ in new_kwargs})
# Now build the widgets from the abbreviations.
# This has to be done as an assignment, not using container.children.append,
# so that traitlets notices the update. We skip any objects (such as fixed) that
# are not DOMWidgets.
c = [w for w in kwargs_widgets if isinstance(w, DOMWidget)]
# If we are only to run the function on demand, add a button to request this
if manual:
manual_button = Button(description="Run %s" % f.__name__)
container.children = c
# Build the callback
def call_f(name=None, old=None, new=None):
container.kwargs = {}
for widget in kwargs_widgets:
value = widget.value
container.kwargs[widget.description] = value
if co:
if manual:
manual_button.disabled = True
container.result = f(**container.kwargs)
except Exception as e:
ip = get_ipython()
if ip is None:
container.log.warn("Exception in interact callback: %s", e, exc_info=True)
if manual:
manual_button.disabled = False
# Wire up the widgets
# If we are doing manual running, the callback is only triggered by the button
# Otherwise, it is triggered for every trait change received
# On-demand running also suppresses running the fucntion with the initial parameters
if manual:
for widget in kwargs_widgets:
widget.on_trait_change(call_f, 'value')
container.on_displayed(lambda _: call_f(None, None, None))
return container
def interact(__interact_f=None, **kwargs):
"""interact(f, **kwargs)
Interact with a function using widgets."""
# positional arg support in: https://gist.github.com/8851331
if __interact_f is not None:
# This branch handles the cases:
# 1. interact(f, **kwargs)
# 2. @interact
# def f(*args, **kwargs):
# ...
f = __interact_f
w = interactive(f, **kwargs)
f.widget = w
return f
# This branch handles the case:
# @interact(a=30, b=40)
# def f(*args, **kwargs):
# ...
def dec(f):
w = interactive(f, **kwargs)
f.widget = w
return f
return dec
def interact_manual(__interact_f=None, **kwargs):
"""interact_manual(f, **kwargs)
As `interact()`, generates widgets for each argument, but rather than running
the function after each widget change, adds a "Run" button and waits for it
to be clicked. Useful if the function is long-running and has several
parameters to change.
return interact(__interact_f, __manual=True, **kwargs)
class fixed(HasTraits):
"""A pseudo-widget whose value is fixed and never synced to the client."""
value = Any(help="Any Python object")
description = Unicode('', help="Any Python object")
def __init__(self, value, **kwargs):
super(fixed, self).__init__(value=value, **kwargs)