##// END OF EJS Templates
Change types of some config items and adjust code accordingly...
Change types of some config items and adjust code accordingly Use Integer and Float instead of CInt and CFloat (per MinRK) Use ms instead of seconds for check period as the "HeartMonitor.period" also uses ms. Signed-off-by: Jan Schulz <jasc@gmx.net>

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82 lines | 2.6 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
from IPython.extensions import rmagic
import nose.tools as nt
ip = get_ipython()
ip.magic('load_ext rmagic')
def test_push():
rm = rmagic.RMagics(ip)
ip.push({'X':np.arange(5), 'Y':np.array([3,5,4,6,7])})
ip.run_line_magic('Rpush', 'X Y')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.asarray(rm.r('X')), ip.user_ns['X'])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.asarray(rm.r('Y')), ip.user_ns['Y'])
def test_pull():
rm = rmagic.RMagics(ip)
ip.run_line_magic('Rpull', 'Z')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.asarray(rm.r('Z')), ip.user_ns['Z'])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ip.user_ns['Z'], np.arange(11,21))
def test_Rconverter():
datapy= np.array([(1, 2.9, 'a'), (2, 3.5, 'b'), (3, 2.1, 'c')],
dtype=[('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '|S1')])
ip.user_ns['datapy'] = datapy
ip.run_line_magic('Rpush', 'datapy')
# test to see if a copy is being made
v = ip.run_line_magic('Rget', '-d datapy')
w = ip.run_line_magic('Rget', '-d datapy')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(w['x'], v['x'])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(w['y'], v['y'])
nt.assert_true(np.all(w['z'] == v['z']))
np.testing.assert_equal(id(w.data), id(v.data))
nt.assert_equal(w.dtype, v.dtype)
ip.run_cell_magic('R', ' -d datar datar=datapy', '')
u = ip.run_line_magic('Rget', ' -d datar')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u['x'], v['x'])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u['y'], v['y'])
nt.assert_true(np.all(u['z'] == v['z']))
np.testing.assert_equal(id(u.data), id(v.data))
nt.assert_equal(u.dtype, v.dtype)
def test_cell_magic():
ip.push({'x':np.arange(5), 'y':np.array([3,5,4,6,7])})
snippet = '''
plot(x, y, pch=23, bg='orange', cex=2)
plot(x, x)
r = resid(a)
xc = coef(a)
ip.run_cell_magic('R', '-i x,y -o r,xc a=lm(y~x)', snippet)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ip.user_ns['xc'], [3.2, 0.9])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ip.user_ns['r'], np.array([-0.2, 0.9, -1. , 0.1, 0.2]))
def test_rmagic_localscope():
ip.run_line_magic('R', '-i x -o result result <-x+1')
result = ip.user_ns['result']
nt.assert_equal(result[0], 1)
ip.run_cell('''def rmagic_addone(u):
%R -i u -o result result <- u+1
return result[0]''')
ip.run_cell('result = rmagic_addone(1)')
result = ip.user_ns['result']
nt.assert_equal(result, 2)
"-i var_not_defined 1+1")