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Display exception notes in tracebacks (#14039)...
Display exception notes in tracebacks (#14039) [PEP 678](https://peps.python.org/pep-0678/) introduced the ability to add notes to exception objects. This has been [released in Python 3.11](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#BaseException.add_note) and is currently not implemented in IPython. These changes are fully compatible with older Python versions that don't include PEP 678. Here's a sample test that shows the consistency in Python's stdlib traceback module (test 1) and the difference between Python and IPython's runtimes (test 2): ```python import traceback print('--- test 1 ---') try: raise Exception('Testing notes') except Exception as e: e.add_note('Does this work?') e.add_note('Yes!') traceback.print_exc() print('\n--- test 2 ---') try: raise Exception('Testing notes') except Exception as e: e.add_note('Does this work?') e.add_note('No!') raise ``` When executed with Python 3.11, both notes are displayed in both tracebacks: ``` $ python test.py --- test 1 --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/test.py", line 5, in <module> raise Exception('Testing notes') Exception: Testing notes Does this work? Yes! --- test 2 --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/test.py", line 13, in <module> raise Exception('Testing notes') Exception: Testing notes Does this work? No! ``` In IPython's VerboseTB does not yet handle exception notes: ``` $ ipython test.py --- test 1 --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/test.py", line 5, in <module> raise Exception('Testing notes') Exception: Testing notes Does this work? Yes! --- test 2 --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) File /app/test.py:13 11 print('\n--- test 2 ---') 12 try: ---> 13 raise Exception('Testing notes') 14 except Exception as e: 15 e.add_note('Does this work?') Exception: Testing notes ``` The changes I am suggesting are inspired from implementation of [Lib/traceback.py](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/traceback.py) (search for `__notes__`) and improvements for dealing with edge cases more nicely in [cpython#103897](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/103897). Although notes are meant to be strings only, I kept some inspiration from the existing exception handling to ensure that the notes are uncolored and bytes decoded, if there are any. I am definitely open to using a different color if deemed better. For context, `bpython` keeps the notes uncolored, and [Python's tutorial](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/errors.html#enriching-exceptions-with-notes) puts them in light gray, like the line numbers. Here's how the test 2 looks like after these changes: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16963011/234723689-6bbfe0ff-94d4-4a90-9da6-acfe1c8e5edf.png) ## :snake: :man_juggling:

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/ docs / autogen_shortcuts.py
from dataclasses import dataclass
from inspect import getsource
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast, List, Union
from html import escape as html_escape
import re
from prompt_toolkit.keys import KEY_ALIASES
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindingsBase
from prompt_toolkit.filters import Filter, Condition
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession
from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import create_ipython_shortcuts, create_identifier
from IPython.terminal.shortcuts.filters import KEYBINDING_FILTERS
class Shortcut:
#: a sequence of keys (each element on the list corresponds to pressing one or more keys)
keys_sequence: List[str]
filter: str
class Handler:
description: str
identifier: str
class Binding:
handler: Handler
shortcut: Shortcut
class _NestedFilter(Filter):
"""Protocol reflecting non-public prompt_toolkit's `_AndList` and `_OrList`."""
filters: List[Filter]
class _Invert(Filter):
"""Protocol reflecting non-public prompt_toolkit's `_Invert`."""
filter: Filter
conjunctions_labels = {"_AndList": "&", "_OrList": "|"}
ATOMIC_CLASSES = {"Never", "Always", "Condition"}
filter_: name for name, filter_ in KEYBINDING_FILTERS.items()
def format_filter(
filter_: Union[Filter, _NestedFilter, Condition, _Invert],
) -> str:
"""Create easily readable description of the filter."""
s = filter_.__class__.__name__
if s == "Condition":
func = cast(Condition, filter_).func
name = func.__name__
if name == "<lambda>":
source = getsource(func)
return source.split("=")[0].strip()
return func.__name__
elif s == "_Invert":
operand = cast(_Invert, filter_).filter
if operand.__class__.__name__ in ATOMIC_CLASSES:
return f"~{format_filter(operand, is_top_level=False)}"
return f"~({format_filter(operand, is_top_level=False)})"
elif s in conjunctions_labels:
filters = cast(_NestedFilter, filter_).filters
conjunction = conjunctions_labels[s]
glue = f" {conjunction} "
result = glue.join(format_filter(x, is_top_level=False) for x in filters)
if len(filters) > 1 and not is_top_level:
result = f"({result})"
return result
elif s in ["Never", "Always"]:
return s.lower()
elif s == "PassThrough":
return "pass_through"
raise ValueError(f"Unknown filter type: {filter_}")
def sentencize(s) -> str:
"""Extract first sentence"""
s = re.split(r"\.\W", s.replace("\n", " ").strip())
s = s[0] if len(s) else ""
if not s.endswith("."):
s += "."
return " ".join(s.split())
except AttributeError:
return s
class _DummyTerminal:
"""Used as a buffer to get prompt_toolkit bindings
handle_return = None
input_transformer_manager = None
display_completions = None
editing_mode = "emacs"
auto_suggest = None
def bindings_from_prompt_toolkit(prompt_bindings: KeyBindingsBase) -> List[Binding]:
"""Collect bindings to a simple format that does not depend on prompt-toolkit internals"""
bindings: List[Binding] = []
for kb in prompt_bindings.bindings:
description=kb.handler.__doc__ or "",
str(k.value) if hasattr(k, "value") else k for k in kb.keys
filter=format_filter(kb.filter, skip={"has_focus_filter"}),
return bindings
INDISTINGUISHABLE_KEYS = {**KEY_ALIASES, **{v: k for k, v in KEY_ALIASES.items()}}
def format_prompt_keys(keys: str, add_alternatives=True) -> str:
"""Format prompt toolkit key with modifier into an RST representation."""
def to_rst(key):
escaped = key.replace("\\", "\\\\")
return f":kbd:`{escaped}`"
keys_to_press: List[str]
prefixes = {
"c-s-": [to_rst("ctrl"), to_rst("shift")],
"s-c-": [to_rst("ctrl"), to_rst("shift")],
"c-": [to_rst("ctrl")],
"s-": [to_rst("shift")],
for prefix, modifiers in prefixes.items():
if keys.startswith(prefix):
remainder = keys[len(prefix) :]
keys_to_press = [*modifiers, to_rst(remainder)]
keys_to_press = [to_rst(keys)]
result = " + ".join(keys_to_press)
if keys in INDISTINGUISHABLE_KEYS and add_alternatives:
alternative = INDISTINGUISHABLE_KEYS[keys]
result = (
+ " (or "
+ format_prompt_keys(alternative, add_alternatives=False)
+ ")"
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
here = Path(__file__).parent
dest = here / "source" / "config" / "shortcuts"
ipy_bindings = create_ipython_shortcuts(_DummyTerminal())
session = PromptSession(key_bindings=ipy_bindings)
prompt_bindings = session.app.key_bindings
assert prompt_bindings
# Ensure that we collected the default shortcuts
assert len(prompt_bindings.bindings) > len(ipy_bindings.bindings)
bindings = bindings_from_prompt_toolkit(prompt_bindings)
def sort_key(binding: Binding):
return binding.handler.identifier, binding.shortcut.filter
filters = []
with (dest / "table.tsv").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as csv:
for binding in sorted(bindings, key=sort_key):
sequence = ", ".join(
[format_prompt_keys(keys) for keys in binding.shortcut.keys_sequence]
if binding.shortcut.filter == "always":
condition_label = "-"
# we cannot fit all the columns as the filters got too complex over time
condition_label = "ⓘ"
+ f" :raw-html:`<br>` `{binding.handler.identifier}`",
f':raw-html:`<span title="{html_escape(binding.shortcut.filter)}" style="cursor: help">{condition_label}</span>`',
+ "\n"