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/ IPython / core / tests / test_interactiveshell.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for the key interactiveshell module.
Historically the main classes in interactiveshell have been under-tested. This
module should grow as many single-method tests as possible to trap many of the
recurring bugs we seem to encounter with high-level interaction.
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import ast
import os
import signal
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
import mock
from os.path import join
import nose.tools as nt
from IPython.core.error import InputRejected
from IPython.core.inputtransformer import InputTransformer
from IPython.testing.decorators import (
skipif, skip_win32, onlyif_unicode_paths, onlyif_cmds_exist,
from IPython.testing import tools as tt
from IPython.utils import io
from IPython.utils.process import find_cmd
from IPython.utils import py3compat
from IPython.utils.py3compat import unicode_type, PY3
if PY3:
from io import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
# Globals
# This is used by every single test, no point repeating it ad nauseam
ip = get_ipython()
# Tests
class InteractiveShellTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_naked_string_cells(self):
"""Test that cells with only naked strings are fully executed"""
# First, single-line inputs
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_'], 'a')
# And also multi-line cells
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_'], 'a\nb')
def test_run_empty_cell(self):
"""Just make sure we don't get a horrible error with a blank
cell of input. Yes, I did overlook that."""
old_xc = ip.execution_count
res = ip.run_cell('')
self.assertEqual(ip.execution_count, old_xc)
self.assertEqual(res.execution_count, None)
def test_run_cell_multiline(self):
"""Multi-block, multi-line cells must execute correctly.
src = '\n'.join(["x=1",
"if 1:",
" x += 1",
" y += 1",])
res = ip.run_cell(src)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['x'], 2)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['y'], 3)
self.assertEqual(res.success, True)
self.assertEqual(res.result, None)
def test_multiline_string_cells(self):
"Code sprinkled with multiline strings should execute (GH-306)"
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['tmp'], 0)
res = ip.run_cell('tmp=1;"""a\nb"""\n')
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['tmp'], 1)
self.assertEqual(res.success, True)
self.assertEqual(res.result, "a\nb")
def test_dont_cache_with_semicolon(self):
"Ending a line with semicolon should not cache the returned object (GH-307)"
oldlen = len(ip.user_ns['Out'])
for cell in ['1;', '1;1;']:
res = ip.run_cell(cell, store_history=True)
newlen = len(ip.user_ns['Out'])
self.assertEqual(oldlen, newlen)
i = 0
#also test the default caching behavior
for cell in ['1', '1;1']:
ip.run_cell(cell, store_history=True)
newlen = len(ip.user_ns['Out'])
i += 1
self.assertEqual(oldlen+i, newlen)
def test_syntax_error(self):
res = ip.run_cell("raise = 3")
self.assertIsInstance(res.error_before_exec, SyntaxError)
def test_In_variable(self):
"Verify that In variable grows with user input (GH-284)"
oldlen = len(ip.user_ns['In'])
ip.run_cell('1;', store_history=True)
newlen = len(ip.user_ns['In'])
self.assertEqual(oldlen+1, newlen)
def test_magic_names_in_string(self):
ip.run_cell('a = """\n%exit\n"""')
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['a'], '\n%exit\n')
def test_trailing_newline(self):
"""test that running !(command) does not raise a SyntaxError"""
ip.run_cell('!(true)\n', False)
ip.run_cell('!(true)\n\n\n', False)
def test_gh_597(self):
"""Pretty-printing lists of objects with non-ascii reprs may cause
class Spam(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "\xe9"*50
import IPython.core.formatters
f = IPython.core.formatters.PlainTextFormatter()
def test_future_flags(self):
"""Check that future flags are used for parsing code (gh-777)"""
ip.run_cell('from __future__ import print_function')
ip.run_cell('prfunc_return_val = print(1,2, sep=" ")')
assert 'prfunc_return_val' in ip.user_ns
# Reset compiler flags so we don't mess up other tests.
def test_future_unicode(self):
"""Check that unicode_literals is imported from __future__ (gh #786)"""
ip.run_cell(u'byte_str = "a"')
assert isinstance(ip.user_ns['byte_str'], str) # string literals are byte strings by default
ip.run_cell('from __future__ import unicode_literals')
ip.run_cell(u'unicode_str = "a"')
assert isinstance(ip.user_ns['unicode_str'], unicode_type) # strings literals are now unicode
# Reset compiler flags so we don't mess up other tests.
def test_can_pickle(self):
"Can we pickle objects defined interactively (GH-29)"
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell(("class Mylist(list):\n"
" def __init__(self,x=[]):\n"
" list.__init__(self,x)"))
from pickle import dumps
# We need to swap in our main module - this is only necessary
# inside the test framework, because IPython puts the interactive module
# in place (but the test framework undoes this).
_main = sys.modules['__main__']
sys.modules['__main__'] = ip.user_module
res = dumps(ip.user_ns["w"])
sys.modules['__main__'] = _main
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, bytes))
def test_global_ns(self):
"Code in functions must be able to access variables outside them."
ip = get_ipython()
ip.run_cell("a = 10")
ip.run_cell(("def f(x):\n"
" return x + a"))
ip.run_cell("b = f(12)")
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns["b"], 22)
def test_bad_custom_tb(self):
"""Check that InteractiveShell is protected from bad custom exception handlers"""
from IPython.utils import io
save_stderr = io.stderr
# capture stderr
io.stderr = StringIO()
ip.set_custom_exc((IOError,), lambda etype,value,tb: 1/0)
self.assertEqual(ip.custom_exceptions, (IOError,))
ip.run_cell(u'raise IOError("foo")')
self.assertEqual(ip.custom_exceptions, ())
self.assertTrue("Custom TB Handler failed" in io.stderr.getvalue())
io.stderr = save_stderr
def test_bad_custom_tb_return(self):
"""Check that InteractiveShell is protected from bad return types in custom exception handlers"""
from IPython.utils import io
save_stderr = io.stderr
# capture stderr
io.stderr = StringIO()
ip.set_custom_exc((NameError,),lambda etype,value,tb, tb_offset=None: 1)
self.assertEqual(ip.custom_exceptions, (NameError,))
self.assertEqual(ip.custom_exceptions, ())
self.assertTrue("Custom TB Handler failed" in io.stderr.getvalue())
io.stderr = save_stderr
def test_drop_by_id(self):
myvars = {"a":object(), "b":object(), "c": object()}
ip.push(myvars, interactive=False)
for name in myvars:
assert name in ip.user_ns, name
assert name in ip.user_ns_hidden, name
ip.user_ns['b'] = 12
for name in ["a", "c"]:
assert name not in ip.user_ns, name
assert name not in ip.user_ns_hidden, name
assert ip.user_ns['b'] == 12
def test_var_expand(self):
ip.user_ns['f'] = u'Ca\xf1o'
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u'echo $f'), u'echo Ca\xf1o')
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u'echo {f}'), u'echo Ca\xf1o')
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u'echo {f[:-1]}'), u'echo Ca\xf1')
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u'echo {1*2}'), u'echo 2')
ip.user_ns['f'] = b'Ca\xc3\xb1o'
# This should not raise any exception:
ip.var_expand(u'echo $f')
def test_var_expand_local(self):
"""Test local variable expansion in !system and %magic calls"""
# !system
ip.run_cell('def test():\n'
' lvar = "ttt"\n'
' ret = !echo {lvar}\n'
' return ret[0]\n')
res = ip.user_ns['test']()
nt.assert_in('ttt', res)
# %magic
ip.run_cell('def makemacro():\n'
' macroname = "macro_var_expand_locals"\n'
' %macro {macroname} codestr\n')
ip.user_ns['codestr'] = "str(12)"
nt.assert_in('macro_var_expand_locals', ip.user_ns)
def test_var_expand_self(self):
"""Test variable expansion with the name 'self', which was failing.
See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/1878#issuecomment-7698218
ip.run_cell('class cTest:\n'
' classvar="see me"\n'
' def test(self):\n'
' res = !echo Variable: {self.classvar}\n'
' return res[0]\n')
nt.assert_in('see me', ip.user_ns['cTest']().test())
def test_bad_var_expand(self):
"""var_expand on invalid formats shouldn't raise"""
# SyntaxError
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u"{'a':5}"), u"{'a':5}")
# NameError
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u"{asdf}"), u"{asdf}")
# ZeroDivisionError
self.assertEqual(ip.var_expand(u"{1/0}"), u"{1/0}")
def test_silent_postexec(self):
"""run_cell(silent=True) doesn't invoke pre/post_run_cell callbacks"""
pre_explicit = mock.Mock()
pre_always = mock.Mock()
post_explicit = mock.Mock()
post_always = mock.Mock()
ip.events.register('pre_run_cell', pre_explicit)
ip.events.register('pre_execute', pre_always)
ip.events.register('post_run_cell', post_explicit)
ip.events.register('post_execute', post_always)
ip.run_cell("1", silent=True)
assert pre_always.called
assert not pre_explicit.called
assert post_always.called
assert not post_explicit.called
# double-check that non-silent exec did what we expected
# silent to avoid
assert pre_explicit.called
assert post_explicit.called
# remove post-exec
ip.events.unregister('pre_run_cell', pre_explicit)
ip.events.unregister('pre_execute', pre_always)
ip.events.unregister('post_run_cell', post_explicit)
ip.events.unregister('post_execute', post_always)
def test_silent_noadvance(self):
"""run_cell(silent=True) doesn't advance execution_count"""
ec = ip.execution_count
# silent should force store_history=False
ip.run_cell("1", store_history=True, silent=True)
self.assertEqual(ec, ip.execution_count)
# double-check that non-silent exec did what we expected
# silent to avoid
ip.run_cell("1", store_history=True)
self.assertEqual(ec+1, ip.execution_count)
def test_silent_nodisplayhook(self):
"""run_cell(silent=True) doesn't trigger displayhook"""
d = dict(called=False)
trap = ip.display_trap
save_hook = trap.hook
def failing_hook(*args, **kwargs):
d['called'] = True
trap.hook = failing_hook
res = ip.run_cell("1", silent=True)
# double-check that non-silent exec did what we expected
# silent to avoid
trap.hook = save_hook
@skipif(sys.version_info[0] >= 3, "softspace removed in py3")
def test_print_softspace(self):
"""Verify that softspace is handled correctly when executing multiple
In [1]: print 1; print 2
In [2]: print 1,; print 2
1 2
def test_ofind_line_magic(self):
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic
def lmagic(line):
"A line magic"
# Get info on line magic
lfind = ip._ofind('lmagic')
info = dict(found=True, isalias=False, ismagic=True,
namespace = 'IPython internal', obj= lmagic.__wrapped__,
parent = None)
nt.assert_equal(lfind, info)
def test_ofind_cell_magic(self):
from IPython.core.magic import register_cell_magic
def cmagic(line, cell):
"A cell magic"
# Get info on cell magic
find = ip._ofind('cmagic')
info = dict(found=True, isalias=False, ismagic=True,
namespace = 'IPython internal', obj= cmagic.__wrapped__,
parent = None)
nt.assert_equal(find, info)
def test_ofind_property_with_error(self):
class A(object):
def foo(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
a = A()
found = ip._ofind('a.foo', [('locals', locals())])
info = dict(found=True, isalias=False, ismagic=False,
namespace='locals', obj=A.foo, parent=a)
nt.assert_equal(found, info)
def test_ofind_multiple_attribute_lookups(self):
class A(object):
def foo(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
a = A()
a.a = A()
a.a.a = A()
found = ip._ofind('a.a.a.foo', [('locals', locals())])
info = dict(found=True, isalias=False, ismagic=False,
namespace='locals', obj=A.foo, parent=a.a.a)
nt.assert_equal(found, info)
def test_ofind_slotted_attributes(self):
class A(object):
__slots__ = ['foo']
def __init__(self):
self.foo = 'bar'
a = A()
found = ip._ofind('a.foo', [('locals', locals())])
info = dict(found=True, isalias=False, ismagic=False,
namespace='locals', obj=a.foo, parent=a)
nt.assert_equal(found, info)
found = ip._ofind('a.bar', [('locals', locals())])
info = dict(found=False, isalias=False, ismagic=False,
namespace=None, obj=None, parent=a)
nt.assert_equal(found, info)
def test_ofind_prefers_property_to_instance_level_attribute(self):
class A(object):
def foo(self):
return 'bar'
a = A()
a.__dict__['foo'] = 'baz'
nt.assert_equal(a.foo, 'bar')
found = ip._ofind('a.foo', [('locals', locals())])
nt.assert_is(found['obj'], A.foo)
def test_custom_exception(self):
called = []
def my_handler(shell, etype, value, tb, tb_offset=None):
shell.showtraceback((etype, value, tb), tb_offset=tb_offset)
ip.set_custom_exc((ValueError,), my_handler)
res = ip.run_cell("raise ValueError('test')")
# Check that this was called, and only once.
self.assertEqual(called, [ValueError])
# Check that the error is on the result object
self.assertIsInstance(res.error_in_exec, ValueError)
# Reset the custom exception hook
ip.set_custom_exc((), None)
@skipif(sys.version_info[0] >= 3, "no differences with __future__ in py3")
def test_future_environment(self):
"Can we run code with & without the shell's __future__ imports?"
ip.run_cell("from __future__ import division")
ip.run_cell("a = 1/2", shell_futures=True)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['a'], 0.5)
ip.run_cell("b = 1/2", shell_futures=False)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['b'], 0)
# This shouldn't leak to the shell's compiler
ip.run_cell("from __future__ import division \nc=1/2", shell_futures=False)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['c'], 0.5)
ip.run_cell("d = 1/2", shell_futures=True)
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['d'], 0)
def test_mktempfile(self):
filename = ip.mktempfile()
# Check that we can open the file again on Windows
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
filename = ip.mktempfile(data='blah')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'blah')
def test_new_main_mod(self):
# Smoketest to check that this accepts a unicode module name
name = u'jiefmw'
mod = ip.new_main_mod(u'%s.py' % name, name)
self.assertEqual(mod.__name__, name)
def test_get_exception_only(self):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt:
msg = ip.get_exception_only()
self.assertEqual(msg, 'KeyboardInterrupt\n')
class DerivedInterrupt(KeyboardInterrupt):
raise DerivedInterrupt("foo")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
msg = ip.get_exception_only()
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
self.assertEqual(msg, 'DerivedInterrupt: foo\n')
self.assertEqual(msg, 'IPython.core.tests.test_interactiveshell.DerivedInterrupt: foo\n')
class TestSafeExecfileNonAsciiPath(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.BASETESTDIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.TESTDIR = join(self.BASETESTDIR, u"åäö")
with open(join(self.TESTDIR, u"åäötestscript.py"), "w") as sfile:
self.oldpath = py3compat.getcwd()
self.fname = u"åäötestscript.py"
def tearDown(self):
def test_1(self):
"""Test safe_execfile with non-ascii path
ip.safe_execfile(self.fname, {}, raise_exceptions=True)
class ExitCodeChecks(tt.TempFileMixin):
def test_exit_code_ok(self):
self.system('exit 0')
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_exit_code'], 0)
def test_exit_code_error(self):
self.system('exit 1')
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_exit_code'], 1)
@skipif(not hasattr(signal, 'SIGALRM'))
def test_exit_code_signal(self):
self.mktmp("import signal, time\n"
"signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0.1)\n"
self.system("%s %s" % (sys.executable, self.fname))
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_exit_code'], -signal.SIGALRM)
def test_exit_code_signal_csh(self):
SHELL = os.environ.get('SHELL', None)
os.environ['SHELL'] = find_cmd("csh")
if SHELL is not None:
os.environ['SHELL'] = SHELL
del os.environ['SHELL']
class TestSystemRaw(unittest.TestCase, ExitCodeChecks):
system = ip.system_raw
def test_1(self):
"""Test system_raw with non-ascii cmd
cmd = u'''python -c "'åäö'" '''
@mock.patch('subprocess.call', side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt)
@mock.patch('os.system', side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt)
def test_control_c(self, *mocks):
self.system("sleep 1 # wont happen")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.fail("system call should intercept "
"keyboard interrupt from subprocess.call")
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['_exit_code'], -signal.SIGINT)
# TODO: Exit codes are currently ignored on Windows.
class TestSystemPipedExitCode(unittest.TestCase, ExitCodeChecks):
system = ip.system_piped
def test_exit_code_ok(self):
def test_exit_code_error(self):
def test_exit_code_signal(self):
class TestModules(unittest.TestCase, tt.TempFileMixin):
def test_extraneous_loads(self):
"""Test we're not loading modules on startup that we shouldn't.
self.mktmp("import sys\n"
"print('numpy' in sys.modules)\n"
"print('IPython.parallel' in sys.modules)\n"
"print('IPython.kernel.zmq' in sys.modules)\n"
out = "False\nFalse\nFalse\n"
tt.ipexec_validate(self.fname, out)
class Negator(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Negates all number literals in an AST."""
def visit_Num(self, node):
node.n = -node.n
return node
class TestAstTransform(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.negator = Negator()
def tearDown(self):
def test_run_cell(self):
with tt.AssertPrints('-34'):
ip.run_cell('print (12 + 22)')
# A named reference to a number shouldn't be transformed.
ip.user_ns['n'] = 55
with tt.AssertNotPrints('-55'):
ip.run_cell('print (n)')
def test_timeit(self):
called = set()
def f(x):
with tt.AssertPrints("best of "):
ip.run_line_magic("timeit", "-n1 f(1)")
self.assertEqual(called, set([-1]))
with tt.AssertPrints("best of "):
ip.run_cell_magic("timeit", "-n1 f(2)", "f(3)")
self.assertEqual(called, set([-2, -3]))
def test_time(self):
called = []
def f(x):
# Test with an expression
with tt.AssertPrints("Wall time: "):
ip.run_line_magic("time", "f(5+9)")
self.assertEqual(called, [-14])
called[:] = []
# Test with a statement (different code path)
with tt.AssertPrints("Wall time: "):
ip.run_line_magic("time", "a = f(-3 + -2)")
self.assertEqual(called, [5])
def test_macro(self):
# The AST transformation makes this do a+=-1
ip.define_macro("amacro", "a+=1\nprint(a)")
with tt.AssertPrints("9"):
with tt.AssertPrints("8"):
class IntegerWrapper(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Wraps all integers in a call to Integer()"""
def visit_Num(self, node):
if isinstance(node.n, int):
return ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='Integer', ctx=ast.Load()),
args=[node], keywords=[])
return node
class TestAstTransform2(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.intwrapper = IntegerWrapper()
self.calls = []
def Integer(*args):
return args
ip.push({"Integer": Integer})
def tearDown(self):
del ip.user_ns['Integer']
def test_run_cell(self):
ip.run_cell("n = 2")
self.assertEqual(self.calls, [(2,)])
# This shouldn't throw an error
ip.run_cell("o = 2.0")
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['o'], 2.0)
def test_timeit(self):
called = set()
def f(x):
with tt.AssertPrints("best of "):
ip.run_line_magic("timeit", "-n1 f(1)")
self.assertEqual(called, set([(1,)]))
with tt.AssertPrints("best of "):
ip.run_cell_magic("timeit", "-n1 f(2)", "f(3)")
self.assertEqual(called, set([(2,), (3,)]))
class ErrorTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Throws an error when it sees a number."""
def visit_Num(self, node):
raise ValueError("test")
class TestAstTransformError(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unregistering(self):
err_transformer = ErrorTransformer()
with tt.AssertPrints("unregister", channel='stderr'):
ip.run_cell("1 + 2")
# This should have been removed.
nt.assert_not_in(err_transformer, ip.ast_transformers)
class StringRejector(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Throws an InputRejected when it sees a string literal.
Used to verify that NodeTransformers can signal that a piece of code should
not be executed by throwing an InputRejected.
def visit_Str(self, node):
raise InputRejected("test")
class TestAstTransformInputRejection(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.transformer = StringRejector()
def tearDown(self):
def test_input_rejection(self):
"""Check that NodeTransformers can reject input."""
expect_exception_tb = tt.AssertPrints("InputRejected: test")
expect_no_cell_output = tt.AssertNotPrints("'unsafe'", suppress=False)
# Run the same check twice to verify that the transformer is not
# disabled after raising.
with expect_exception_tb, expect_no_cell_output:
with expect_exception_tb, expect_no_cell_output:
res = ip.run_cell("'unsafe'")
self.assertIsInstance(res.error_before_exec, InputRejected)
def test__IPYTHON__():
# This shouldn't raise a NameError, that's all
class DummyRepr(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "DummyRepr"
def _repr_html_(self):
return "<b>dummy</b>"
def _repr_javascript_(self):
return "console.log('hi');", {'key': 'value'}
def test_user_variables():
# enable all formatters
ip.display_formatter.active_types = ip.display_formatter.format_types
ip.user_ns['dummy'] = d = DummyRepr()
keys = set(['dummy', 'doesnotexist'])
r = ip.user_expressions({ key:key for key in keys})
nt.assert_equal(keys, set(r.keys()))
dummy = r['dummy']
nt.assert_equal(set(['status', 'data', 'metadata']), set(dummy.keys()))
nt.assert_equal(dummy['status'], 'ok')
data = dummy['data']
metadata = dummy['metadata']
nt.assert_equal(data.get('text/html'), d._repr_html_())
js, jsmd = d._repr_javascript_()
nt.assert_equal(data.get('application/javascript'), js)
nt.assert_equal(metadata.get('application/javascript'), jsmd)
dne = r['doesnotexist']
nt.assert_equal(dne['status'], 'error')
nt.assert_equal(dne['ename'], 'NameError')
# back to text only
ip.display_formatter.active_types = ['text/plain']
def test_user_expression():
# enable all formatters
ip.display_formatter.active_types = ip.display_formatter.format_types
query = {
'a' : '1 + 2',
'b' : '1/0',
r = ip.user_expressions(query)
import pprint
nt.assert_equal(set(r.keys()), set(query.keys()))
a = r['a']
nt.assert_equal(set(['status', 'data', 'metadata']), set(a.keys()))
nt.assert_equal(a['status'], 'ok')
data = a['data']
metadata = a['metadata']
nt.assert_equal(data.get('text/plain'), '3')
b = r['b']
nt.assert_equal(b['status'], 'error')
nt.assert_equal(b['ename'], 'ZeroDivisionError')
# back to text only
ip.display_formatter.active_types = ['text/plain']
class TestSyntaxErrorTransformer(unittest.TestCase):
"""Check that SyntaxError raised by an input transformer is handled by run_cell()"""
class SyntaxErrorTransformer(InputTransformer):
def push(self, line):
pos = line.find('syntaxerror')
if pos >= 0:
e = SyntaxError('input contains "syntaxerror"')
e.text = line
e.offset = pos + 1
raise e
return line
def reset(self):
def setUp(self):
self.transformer = TestSyntaxErrorTransformer.SyntaxErrorTransformer()
def tearDown(self):
def test_syntaxerror_input_transformer(self):
with tt.AssertPrints('1234'):
with tt.AssertPrints('SyntaxError: invalid syntax'):
ip.run_cell('1 2 3') # plain python syntax error
with tt.AssertPrints('SyntaxError: input contains "syntaxerror"'):
ip.run_cell('2345 # syntaxerror') # input transformer syntax error
with tt.AssertPrints('3456'):
def test_warning_suppression():
ip.run_cell("import warnings")
with tt.AssertPrints("UserWarning: asdf", channel="stderr"):
# Here's the real test -- if we run that again, we should get the
# warning again. Traditionally, each warning was only issued once per
# IPython session (approximately), even if the user typed in new and
# different code that should have also triggered the warning, leading
# to much confusion.
with tt.AssertPrints("UserWarning: asdf", channel="stderr"):
ip.run_cell("del warnings")