##// END OF EJS Templates
Always run the OS X loop even if no windows....
Always run the OS X loop even if no windows. Otherwise this can trigger infinite Python-Icon-In-Dock bouncing. See #10137. I will guess that this is because application on OS X may not have windows and still need to process events. It may be that an alternative is to run the loop only once the first time, but I'm unsure. at_least_once = False def inputhook(context): """Inputhook for Cocoa (NSApp)""" NSApp = _NSApp() window_count = msg( msg(NSApp, n('windows')), n('count') ) if not window_count and not at_least_once: at_least_once = True return _stop_on_read(context.fileno()) msg(NSApp, n('run')) if not _triggered.is_set(): # app closed without firing callback, # probably due to last window being closed. # Run the loop manually in this case, # since there may be events still to process (#9734) CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopRun() Closes #10137
Matthias Bussonnier -
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/ tools / alldeps
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pkginstall.cfg Loading ...

Self-contained IPython installation with all dependencies

This is a self-contained source distribution of IPython with all its
*non-graphical* dependencies, that installs in a single ``make`` call to your
home directory (by default) or any location of your choice.

This distribution is meant for developer-type usage in Unix environments, it is
*not* an easy way to get IPython working on Windows, since it assumes the
presence of a working compiler and development tools.

Currently, the distribution contains::



Download the single tarball where this README file lives and unpack it. If
your system is already configured as described below, these lines will do the
whole job::

wget http://ipython.scipy.org/dist/alldeps/ipython-alldeps-0.9.1.tar
tar xf ipython-alldeps-0.9.1.tar
cd ipython-alldeps-0.9.1

If all goes well, then just type::


to run IPython's test suite.

It is meant to be used in an environment where you have your ``$PATH``,
``$PYTHONPATH``, etc variables properly configured, so that the installation of
packages can be made with (using ``~/usr/local`` as an example)::

python setup.py install --prefix=~/usr/local

For an explanation of how to do this, see below.

You can configure the default prefix used by editing the file
``pkginstall.cfg``, where you can also override the python version used for the
process. If your system is configured in this manner, you can simply type::


and this will build and install all of IPython's non-graphical dependencies on
your system, assuming you have Python, a compiler, the Python headers and the
SSL headers available.

.. _environment_configuration:

Environment configuration

Below is an example of what to put in your ``~/.bashrc`` file to configure your
environment as described in this document, in a reasonably portable manner that
takes 64-bit operating systems into account::

# For processor dependent config
MACHINE=$(uname -m)

# Python version information
PYVER=$(python -ESV 2>&1)

function export_paths {
# Export useful paths based on a common prefix

# Input: a path prefix

local prefix=$1
local pp
local lp
local pypath=python${PYVER_MAJOR}/site-packages

# Compute paths with 64-bit specifics
if [[ $MACHINE == "x86_64" ]]; then

# Set paths based on given prefix
export PATH=$prefix/bin:$PATH
export CPATH=$prefix/include:$CPATH

# Actually call the export function to set the paths. If you want more than
# one such prefix, note that the call *prepends* the new prefix to the
# existing paths, so later calls take priority.

export_paths $HOME/usr/local