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Adds configuration options to use Google Drive content manager...
Adds configuration options to use Google Drive content manager Adds the key contentmanager_js_source to webapp_settings that allows for specifying the content manager JavaScript source file. Also adds a NotebookManager subclass, ClientSideNotebookManager, which does minimal logic. This class is used when the JavaScript content manager doesn't use the Python notebook manager, but rather implements that logic client side, as is the case for the Google Drive based content manager. A sample command line that uses the Google Drive content manager, and the ClientSideNotebookManager, is ipython notebook --NotebookApp.webapp_settings="{'contentmanager_js_source': 'base/js/drive_contentmanager'}" --NotebookApp.notebook_manager_class="IPython.html.services.notebooks.clientsidenbmanager.ClientSideNotebookManager"

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/ IPython / core / tests / test_inputtransformer.py
import tokenize
import nose.tools as nt
from IPython.testing import tools as tt
from IPython.utils import py3compat
u_fmt = py3compat.u_format
from IPython.core import inputtransformer as ipt
def transform_and_reset(transformer):
transformer = transformer()
def transform(inp):
return transformer.push(inp)
return transform
# Transformer tests
def transform_checker(tests, transformer, **kwargs):
"""Utility to loop over test inputs"""
transformer = transformer(**kwargs)
for inp, tr in tests:
if inp is None:
out = transformer.reset()
out = transformer.push(inp)
nt.assert_equal(out, tr)
# Data for all the syntax tests in the form of lists of pairs of
# raw/transformed input. We store it here as a global dict so that we can use
# it both within single-function tests and also to validate the behavior of the
# larger objects
syntax = \
dict(assign_system =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[(u'a =! ls', "a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
(u'b = !ls', "b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
(u'c= !ls', "c = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
(u'd == !ls', u'd == !ls'), # Invalid syntax, but we leave == alone.
('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
(' ',' '), # blank lines are kept intact
# Tuple unpacking
(u"a, b = !echo 'a\\nb'", u"a, b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a\\\\nb'\")"),
(u"a,= !echo 'a'", u"a, = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a'\")"),
(u"a, *bc = !echo 'a\\nb\\nc'", u"a, *bc = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a\\\\nb\\\\nc'\")"),
# Tuple unpacking with regular Python expressions, not our syntax.
(u"a, b = range(2)", u"a, b = range(2)"),
(u"a, = range(1)", u"a, = range(1)"),
(u"a, *bc = range(3)", u"a, *bc = range(3)"),
assign_magic =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[(u'a =% who', "a = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
(u'b = %who', "b = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
(u'c= %ls', "c = get_ipython().magic({u}'ls')"),
(u'd == %ls', u'd == %ls'), # Invalid syntax, but we leave == alone.
('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
(' ',' '), # blank lines are kept intact
(u"a, b = %foo", u"a, b = get_ipython().magic({u}'foo')"),
classic_prompt =
[('>>> x=1', 'x=1'),
('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
(' ', ' '), # blank lines are kept intact
ipy_prompt =
[('In [1]: x=1', 'x=1'),
('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
(' ',' '), # blank lines are kept intact
strip_encoding_cookie =
('# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-', ''),
('# coding: latin-1', ''),
# Tests for the escape transformer to leave normal code alone
escaped_noesc =
[ (' ', ' '),
('x=1', 'x=1'),
# System calls
escaped_shell =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[ (u'!ls', "get_ipython().system({u}'ls')"),
# Double-escape shell, this means to capture the output of the
# subprocess and return it
(u'!!ls', "get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
# Help/object info
escaped_help =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[ (u'?', 'get_ipython().show_usage()'),
(u'?x1', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo x1')"),
(u'??x2', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo2 x2')"),
(u'?a.*s', "get_ipython().magic({u}'psearch a.*s')"),
(u'?%hist1', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo %hist1')"),
(u'?%%hist2', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo %%hist2')"),
(u'?abc = qwe', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo abc')"),
end_help =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[ (u'x3?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo x3')"),
(u'x4??', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo2 x4')"),
(u'%hist1?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo %hist1')"),
(u'%hist2??', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo2 %hist2')"),
(u'%%hist3?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo %%hist3')"),
(u'%%hist4??', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo2 %%hist4')"),
(u'f*?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'psearch f*')"),
(u'ax.*aspe*?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'psearch ax.*aspe*')"),
(u'a = abc?', "get_ipython().set_next_input({u}'a = abc');"
"get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo abc')"),
(u'a = abc.qe??', "get_ipython().set_next_input({u}'a = abc.qe');"
"get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo2 abc.qe')"),
(u'a = *.items?', "get_ipython().set_next_input({u}'a = *.items');"
"get_ipython().magic({u}'psearch *.items')"),
(u'plot(a?', "get_ipython().set_next_input({u}'plot(a');"
"get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo a')"),
(u'a*2 #comment?', 'a*2 #comment?'),
# Explicit magic calls
escaped_magic =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[ (u'%cd', "get_ipython().magic({u}'cd')"),
(u'%cd /home', "get_ipython().magic({u}'cd /home')"),
# Backslashes need to be escaped.
(u'%cd C:\\User', "get_ipython().magic({u}'cd C:\\\\User')"),
(u' %magic', " get_ipython().magic({u}'magic')"),
# Quoting with separate arguments
escaped_quote =
[ (',f', 'f("")'),
(',f x', 'f("x")'),
(' ,f y', ' f("y")'),
(',f a b', 'f("a", "b")'),
# Quoting with single argument
escaped_quote2 =
[ (';f', 'f("")'),
(';f x', 'f("x")'),
(' ;f y', ' f("y")'),
(';f a b', 'f("a b")'),
# Simply apply parens
escaped_paren =
[ ('/f', 'f()'),
('/f x', 'f(x)'),
(' /f y', ' f(y)'),
('/f a b', 'f(a, b)'),
# Check that we transform prompts before other transforms
mixed =
[(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
[ (u'In [1]: %lsmagic', "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic')"),
(u'>>> %lsmagic', "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic')"),
(u'In [2]: !ls', "get_ipython().system({u}'ls')"),
(u'In [3]: abs?', "get_ipython().magic({u}'pinfo abs')"),
(u'In [4]: b = %who', "b = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
# multiline syntax examples. Each of these should be a list of lists, with
# each entry itself having pairs of raw/transformed input. The union (with
# '\n'.join() of the transformed inputs is what the splitter should produce
# when fed the raw lines one at a time via push.
syntax_ml = \
dict(classic_prompt =
[ [('>>> for i in range(10):','for i in range(10):'),
('... print i',' print i'),
('... ', ''),
[('>>> a="""','a="""'),
('... 123"""','123"""'),
('... 123','123'),
('... 456"""','456"""'),
('>>> 123','123'),
('... 456"""','456"""'),
('... 456"""','... 456"""'),
[('a=5', 'a=5'),
('...', ''),
[('>>> def f(x):', 'def f(x):'),
('...', ''),
('... return x', ' return x'),
[('board = """....', 'board = """....'),
('....', '....'),
('...."""', '...."""'),
ipy_prompt =
[ [('In [24]: for i in range(10):','for i in range(10):'),
(' ....: print i',' print i'),
(' ....: ', ''),
[('In [24]: for i in range(10):','for i in range(10):'),
# Qt console prompts expand with spaces, not dots
(' ...: print i',' print i'),
(' ...: ', ''),
[('In [2]: a="""','a="""'),
(' ...: 123"""','123"""'),
(' ...: 123','123'),
(' ...: 456"""','456"""'),
('In [1]: 123','123'),
(' ...: 456"""','456"""'),
(' ...: 456"""',' ...: 456"""'),
strip_encoding_cookie =
('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-', ''),
('foo', 'foo'),
('#!/usr/bin/env python', '#!/usr/bin/env python'),
('# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-', ''),
# only the first-two lines
('# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-', '# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-'),
multiline_datastructure_prompt =
[ [('>>> a = [1,','a = [1,'),
('... 2]','2]'),
multiline_datastructure =
[ [('b = ("%s"', None),
('# comment', None),
('%foo )', 'b = ("%s"\n# comment\n%foo )'),
multiline_string =
[ [("'''foo?", None),
("bar'''", "'''foo?\nbar'''"),
leading_indent =
[ [(' print "hi"','print "hi"'),
[(' for a in range(5):','for a in range(5):'),
(' a*2',' a*2'),
[(' a="""','a="""'),
(' 123"""','123"""'),
(' 123"""',' 123"""'),
cellmagic =
[ [(u'%%foo a', None),
(None, u_fmt("get_ipython().run_cell_magic({u}'foo', {u}'a', {u}'')")),
[(u'%%bar 123', None),
(u'hello', None),
(None , u_fmt("get_ipython().run_cell_magic({u}'bar', {u}'123', {u}'hello')")),
[(u'a=5', 'a=5'),
(u'%%cellmagic', '%%cellmagic'),
escaped =
[ [('%abc def \\', None),
('ghi', u_fmt("get_ipython().magic({u}'abc def ghi')")),
[('%abc def \\', None),
('ghi\\', None),
(None, u_fmt("get_ipython().magic({u}'abc def ghi')")),
assign_magic =
[ [(u'a = %bc de \\', None),
(u'fg', u_fmt("a = get_ipython().magic({u}'bc de fg')")),
[(u'a = %bc de \\', None),
(u'fg\\', None),
(None, u_fmt("a = get_ipython().magic({u}'bc de fg')")),
assign_system =
[ [(u'a = !bc de \\', None),
(u'fg', u_fmt("a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'bc de fg')")),
[(u'a = !bc de \\', None),
(u'fg\\', None),
(None, u_fmt("a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'bc de fg')")),
def test_assign_system():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.assign_from_system), syntax['assign_system'])
def test_assign_magic():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.assign_from_magic), syntax['assign_magic'])
def test_classic_prompt():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.classic_prompt), syntax['classic_prompt'])
for example in syntax_ml['classic_prompt']:
transform_checker(example, ipt.classic_prompt)
for example in syntax_ml['multiline_datastructure_prompt']:
transform_checker(example, ipt.classic_prompt)
def test_ipy_prompt():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.ipy_prompt), syntax['ipy_prompt'])
for example in syntax_ml['ipy_prompt']:
transform_checker(example, ipt.ipy_prompt)
def test_coding_cookie():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.strip_encoding_cookie), syntax['strip_encoding_cookie'])
for example in syntax_ml['strip_encoding_cookie']:
transform_checker(example, ipt.strip_encoding_cookie)
def test_assemble_logical_lines():
tests = \
[ [(u"a = \\", None),
(u"123", u"a = 123"),
[(u"a = \\", None), # Test resetting when within a multi-line string
(u"12 *\\", None),
(None, u"a = 12 *"),
[(u"# foo\\", u"# foo\\"), # Comments can't be continued like this
for example in tests:
transform_checker(example, ipt.assemble_logical_lines)
def test_assemble_python_lines():
tests = \
[ [(u"a = '''", None),
(u"abc'''", u"a = '''\nabc'''"),
[(u"a = '''", None), # Test resetting when within a multi-line string
(u"def", None),
(None, u"a = '''\ndef"),
[(u"a = [1,", None),
(u"2]", u"a = [1,\n2]"),
[(u"a = [1,", None), # Test resetting when within a multi-line string
(u"2,", None),
(None, u"a = [1,\n2,"),
] + syntax_ml['multiline_datastructure']
for example in tests:
transform_checker(example, ipt.assemble_python_lines)
def test_help_end():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.help_end), syntax['end_help'])
def test_escaped_noesc():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_noesc'])
def test_escaped_shell():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_shell'])
def test_escaped_help():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_help'])
def test_escaped_magic():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_magic'])
def test_escaped_quote():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_quote'])
def test_escaped_quote2():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_quote2'])
def test_escaped_paren():
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(ipt.escaped_commands), syntax['escaped_paren'])
def test_cellmagic():
for example in syntax_ml['cellmagic']:
transform_checker(example, ipt.cellmagic)
line_example = [(u'%%bar 123', None),
(u'hello', None),
(u'' , u_fmt("get_ipython().run_cell_magic({u}'bar', {u}'123', {u}'hello')")),
transform_checker(line_example, ipt.cellmagic, end_on_blank_line=True)
def test_has_comment():
tests = [('text', False),
('text #comment', True),
('text #comment\n', True),
('#comment', True),
('#comment\n', True),
('a = "#string"', False),
('a = "#string" # comment', True),
('a #comment not "string"', True),
tt.check_pairs(ipt.has_comment, tests)
def decistmt(tokens):
"""Substitute Decimals for floats in a string of statements.
Based on an example from the tokenize module docs.
result = []
for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in tokens:
if toknum == tokenize.NUMBER and '.' in tokval: # replace NUMBER tokens
for newtok in [
(tokenize.NAME, 'Decimal'),
(tokenize.OP, '('),
(tokenize.STRING, repr(tokval)),
(tokenize.OP, ')')
yield newtok
yield (toknum, tokval)
def test_token_input_transformer():
tests = [(u'1.2', u_fmt(u"Decimal ({u}'1.2')")),
(u'"1.2"', u'"1.2"'),
tt.check_pairs(transform_and_reset(decistmt), tests)
ml_tests = \
[ [(u"a = 1.2; b = '''x", None),
(u"y'''", u_fmt(u"a =Decimal ({u}'1.2');b ='''x\ny'''")),
[(u"a = [1.2,", None),
(u"3]", u_fmt(u"a =[Decimal ({u}'1.2'),\n3 ]")),
[(u"a = '''foo", None), # Test resetting when within a multi-line string
(u"bar", None),
(None, u"a = '''foo\nbar"),
for example in ml_tests:
transform_checker(example, decistmt)