##// END OF EJS Templates
Switch master to development of 6.0...
Switch master to development of 6.0 I'm thinking about this because we've just released 5.1, but I'm happy for it to wait a bit longer if we prefer. As planned, 6.0 will require Python 3, while we will continue to support 5.x for some time for Python 2 users. Before merging this, we should send a message to the mailing list for any Python 2 users following master, and make a 5.x branch off master.

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303 lines | 10.0 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Functions for Github API requests."""
from __future__ import print_function
input = raw_input
except NameError:
import os
import re
import sys
import requests
import getpass
import json
import requests_cache
except ImportError:
print("cache not available, install `requests_cache` for caching.", file=sys.stderr)
requests_cache.install_cache("gh_api", expire_after=3600)
# Keyring stores passwords by a 'username', but we're not storing a username and
# password
fake_username = 'ipython_tools'
class Obj(dict):
"""Dictionary with attribute access to names."""
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
self[name] = val
token = None
def get_auth_token():
global token
if token is not None:
return token
import keyring
token = keyring.get_password('github', fake_username)
if token is not None:
return token
print("Please enter your github username and password. These are not "
"stored, only used to get an oAuth token. You can revoke this at "
"any time on Github.\n"
"Username: ", file=sys.stderr, end='')
user = input('')
pw = getpass.getpass("Password: ", stream=sys.stderr)
auth_request = {
"scopes": [
"note": "IPython tools",
"note_url": "https://github.com/ipython/ipython/tree/master/tools",
response = requests.post('https://api.github.com/authorizations',
auth=(user, pw), data=json.dumps(auth_request))
if response.status_code == 401 and \
'required;' in response.headers.get('X-GitHub-OTP', ''):
print("Your login API requested a one time password", file=sys.stderr)
otp = getpass.getpass("One Time Password: ", stream=sys.stderr)
response = requests.post('https://api.github.com/authorizations',
auth=(user, pw),
token = json.loads(response.text)['token']
keyring.set_password('github', fake_username, token)
return token
def make_auth_header():
return {'Authorization': 'token ' + get_auth_token()}
def post_issue_comment(project, num, body):
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/issues/{num}/comments'.format(project=project, num=num)
payload = json.dumps({'body': body})
requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=make_auth_header())
def post_gist(content, description='', filename='file', auth=False):
"""Post some text to a Gist, and return the URL."""
post_data = json.dumps({
"description": description,
"public": True,
"files": {
filename: {
"content": content
headers = make_auth_header() if auth else {}
response = requests.post("https://api.github.com/gists", data=post_data, headers=headers)
response_data = json.loads(response.text)
return response_data['html_url']
def get_pull_request(project, num, auth=False):
"""get pull request info by number
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/pulls/{num}".format(project=project, num=num)
if auth:
header = make_auth_header()
header = None
print("fetching %s" % url, file=sys.stderr)
response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
return json.loads(response.text, object_hook=Obj)
def get_pull_request_files(project, num, auth=False):
"""get list of files in a pull request"""
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/pulls/{num}/files".format(project=project, num=num)
if auth:
header = make_auth_header()
header = None
return get_paged_request(url, headers=header)
element_pat = re.compile(r'<(.+?)>')
rel_pat = re.compile(r'rel=[\'"](\w+)[\'"]')
def get_paged_request(url, headers=None, **params):
"""get a full list, handling APIv3's paging"""
results = []
params.setdefault("per_page", 100)
while True:
if '?' in url:
params = None
print("fetching %s" % url, file=sys.stderr)
print("fetching %s with %s" % (url, params), file=sys.stderr)
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
if 'next' in response.links:
url = response.links['next']['url']
return results
def get_pulls_list(project, auth=False, **params):
"""get pull request list"""
params.setdefault("state", "closed")
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/pulls".format(project=project)
if auth:
headers = make_auth_header()
headers = None
pages = get_paged_request(url, headers=headers, **params)
return pages
def get_issues_list(project, auth=False, **params):
"""get issues list"""
params.setdefault("state", "closed")
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/issues".format(project=project)
if auth:
headers = make_auth_header()
headers = None
pages = get_paged_request(url, headers=headers, **params)
return pages
def get_milestones(project, auth=False, **params):
params.setdefault('state', 'all')
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/milestones".format(project=project)
if auth:
headers = make_auth_header()
headers = None
milestones = get_paged_request(url, headers=headers, **params)
return milestones
def get_milestone_id(project, milestone, auth=False, **params):
milestones = get_milestones(project, auth=auth, **params)
for mstone in milestones:
if mstone['title'] == milestone:
return mstone['number']
raise ValueError("milestone %s not found" % milestone)
def is_pull_request(issue):
"""Return True if the given issue is a pull request."""
return bool(issue.get('pull_request', {}).get('html_url', None))
def get_authors(pr):
print("getting authors for #%i" % pr['number'], file=sys.stderr)
h = make_auth_header()
r = requests.get(pr['commits_url'], headers=h)
commits = r.json()
authors = []
for commit in commits:
author = commit['commit']['author']
authors.append("%s <%s>" % (author['name'], author['email']))
return authors
# encode_multipart_formdata is from urllib3.filepost
# The only change is to iter_fields, to enforce S3's required key ordering
def iter_fields(fields):
fields = fields.copy()
for key in ('key', 'acl', 'Filename', 'success_action_status', 'AWSAccessKeyId',
'Policy', 'Signature', 'Content-Type', 'file'):
yield (key, fields.pop(key))
for (k,v) in fields.items():
yield k,v
def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, boundary=None):
Encode a dictionary of ``fields`` using the multipart/form-data mime format.
:param fields:
Dictionary of fields or list of (key, value) field tuples. The key is
treated as the field name, and the value as the body of the form-data
bytes. If the value is a tuple of two elements, then the first element
is treated as the filename of the form-data section.
Field names and filenames must be unicode.
:param boundary:
If not specified, then a random boundary will be generated using
# copy requests imports in here:
from io import BytesIO
from requests.packages.urllib3.filepost import (
choose_boundary, six, writer, b, get_content_type
body = BytesIO()
if boundary is None:
boundary = choose_boundary()
for fieldname, value in iter_fields(fields):
body.write(b('--%s\r\n' % (boundary)))
if isinstance(value, tuple):
filename, data = value
writer(body).write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; '
'filename="%s"\r\n' % (fieldname, filename))
body.write(b('Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' %
data = value
writer(body).write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"\r\n'
% (fieldname))
body.write(b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n')
if isinstance(data, int):
data = str(data) # Backwards compatibility
if isinstance(data, six.text_type):
body.write(b('--%s--\r\n' % (boundary)))
content_type = b('multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary)
return body.getvalue(), content_type
def post_download(project, filename, name=None, description=""):
"""Upload a file to the GitHub downloads area"""
if name is None:
name = os.path.basename(filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
filedata = f.read()
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/downloads".format(project=project)
payload = json.dumps(dict(name=name, size=len(filedata),
response = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=make_auth_header())
reply = json.loads(response.content)
s3_url = reply['s3_url']
fields = dict(
file=(reply['name'], filedata),
fields['Content-Type'] = reply['mime_type']
data, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(fields)
s3r = requests.post(s3_url, data=data, headers={'Content-Type': content_type})
return s3r