disallow no-prefix `ipython foo=bar` argument style....
disallow no-prefix `ipython foo=bar` argument style.
This style is in rc1, but will be removed in rc2. Since they don't
match any flag pattern, rc1-style arguments will be interpreted by
IPython as files to be run. So `ipython gui=foo -i` will exec gui=foo,
and pass '-i' to gui=foo. Presumably this file won't exist, so there
will be an error:
Error in executing file in user namespace: gui=foo
Assignments *must* have two leading '-', as in:
ipython --foo=bar
all flags (non-assignments) can be specified with one or two leading '-', as in:
ipython -i --pylab -pdb --pprint script.py
ipython --i -pylab --pdb -pprint script.py
but help only reports two-leading, as single-leading options will likely
be removed on moving to argparse, where they will be replaced by single-letter aliases.
The common remaining invalid option will be:
ipython -foo=bar
and a suggestion for 'did you mean --foo=bar'? will be presented
in these cases.