##// END OF EJS Templates
prevent esc from bubbling up when dismissing tooltip...
prevent esc from bubbling up when dismissing tooltip prevents esc from entering command mode when it's meant to dismiss the tooltip. The logic for the event was already there, it just lacked the `ipkmIgnore` bit.

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468 lines | 16.3 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
], function(IPython, $, events) {
"use strict";
var CellToolbar = function (options) {
* Constructor
* Parameters:
* options: dictionary
* Dictionary of keyword arguments.
* events: $(Events) instance
* cell: Cell instance
* notebook: Notebook instance
* TODO: This leaks, when cell are deleted
* There is still a reference to each celltoolbars.
this.notebook = options.notebook;
this.cell = options.cell;
return this;
CellToolbar.prototype.create_element = function () {
this.inner_element = $('<div/>').addClass('celltoolbar');
this.element = $('<div/>').addClass('ctb_hideshow')
// The default css style for the outer celltoolbar div
// (ctb_hideshow) is display: none.
// To show the cell toolbar, *both* of the following conditions must be met:
// - A parent container has class `ctb_global_show`
// - The celltoolbar has the class `ctb_show`
// This allows global show/hide, as well as per-cell show/hide.
CellToolbar.global_hide = function () {
CellToolbar.global_show = function () {
CellToolbar.prototype.hide = function () {
CellToolbar.prototype.show = function () {
* Class variable that should contain a dict of all available callback
* we need to think of wether or not we allow nested namespace
* @property _callback_dict
* @private
* @static
* @type Dict
CellToolbar._callback_dict = {};
* Class variable that should contain the reverse order list of the button
* to add to the toolbar of each cell
* @property _ui_controls_list
* @private
* @static
* @type List
CellToolbar._ui_controls_list = [];
* Class variable that should contain the CellToolbar instances for each
* cell of the notebook
* @private
* @property _instances
* @static
* @type List
CellToolbar._instances = [];
* keep a list of all the available presets for the toolbar
* @private
* @property _presets
* @static
* @type Dict
CellToolbar._presets = {};
// this is by design not a prototype.
* Register a callback to create an UI element in a cell toolbar.
* @method register_callback
* @param name {String} name to use to refer to the callback. It is advised to use a prefix with the name
* for easier sorting and avoid collision
* @param callback {function(div, cell)} callback that will be called to generate the ui element
* @param [cell_types] {List_of_String|undefined} optional list of cell types. If present the UI element
* will be added only to cells of types in the list.
* The callback will receive the following element :
* * a div in which to add element.
* * the cell it is responsible from
* @example
* Example that create callback for a button that toggle between `true` and `false` label,
* with the metadata under the key 'foo' to reflect the status of the button.
* // first param reference to a DOM div
* // second param reference to the cell.
* var toggle = function(div, cell) {
* var button_container = $(div)
* // let's create a button that show the current value of the metadata
* var button = $('<div/>').button({label:String(cell.metadata.foo)});
* // On click, change the metadata value and update the button label
* button.click(function(){
* var v = cell.metadata.foo;
* cell.metadata.foo = !v;
* button.button("option", "label", String(!v));
* })
* // add the button to the DOM div.
* button_container.append(button);
* }
* // now we register the callback under the name `foo` to give the
* // user the ability to use it later
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo', toggle);
CellToolbar.register_callback = function(name, callback, cell_types) {
// Overwrite if it already exists.
CellToolbar._callback_dict[name] = cell_types ? {callback: callback, cell_types: cell_types} : callback;
* Register a preset of UI element in a cell toolbar.
* Not supported Yet.
* @method register_preset
* @param name {String} name to use to refer to the preset. It is advised to use a prefix with the name
* for easier sorting and avoid collision
* @param preset_list {List_of_String} reverse order of the button in the toolbar. Each String of the list
* should correspond to a name of a registerd callback.
* @private
* @example
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo.c1', function(div, cell){...});
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo.c2', function(div, cell){...});
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo.c3', function(div, cell){...});
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo.c4', function(div, cell){...});
* CellToolbar.register_callback('foo.c5', function(div, cell){...});
* CellToolbar.register_preset('foo.foo_preset1', ['foo.c1', 'foo.c2', 'foo.c5'])
* CellToolbar.register_preset('foo.foo_preset2', ['foo.c4', 'foo.c5'])
CellToolbar.register_preset = function(name, preset_list, notebook) {
CellToolbar._presets[name] = preset_list;
events.trigger('preset_added.CellToolbar', {name: name});
// When "register_callback" is called by a custom extension, it may be executed after notebook is loaded.
// In that case, activate the preset if needed.
if (notebook && notebook.metadata && notebook.metadata.celltoolbar === name){
* unregister the selected preset,
* return true if preset successfully unregistered
* false otherwise
CellToolbar.unregister_preset = function(name){
delete CellToolbar._presets[name];
events.trigger('unregistered_preset.CellToolbar', {name: name});
return true
return false
* List the names of the presets that are currently registered.
* @method list_presets
* @static
CellToolbar.list_presets = function() {
var keys = [];
for (var k in CellToolbar._presets) {
return keys;
* Activate an UI preset from `register_preset`
* This does not update the selection UI.
* @method activate_preset
* @param preset_name {String} string corresponding to the preset name
* @static
* @private
* @example
* CellToolbar.activate_preset('foo.foo_preset1');
CellToolbar.activate_preset = function(preset_name){
var preset = CellToolbar._presets[preset_name];
if(preset !== undefined){
CellToolbar._ui_controls_list = preset;
events.trigger('preset_activated.CellToolbar', {name: preset_name});
* This should be called on the class and not on a instance as it will trigger
* rebuild of all the instances.
* @method rebuild_all
* @static
CellToolbar.rebuild_all = function(){
for(var i=0; i < CellToolbar._instances.length; i++){
* Rebuild all the button on the toolbar to update its state.
* @method rebuild
CellToolbar.prototype.rebuild = function(){
* strip evrything from the div
* which is probably inner_element
* or this.element.
this.ui_controls_list = [];
var callbacks = CellToolbar._callback_dict;
var preset = CellToolbar._ui_controls_list;
// Yes we iterate on the class variable, not the instance one.
for (var i=0; i < preset.length; i++) {
var key = preset[i];
var callback = callbacks[key];
if (!callback) continue;
if (typeof callback === 'object') {
if (callback.cell_types.indexOf(this.cell.cell_type) === -1) continue;
callback = callback.callback;
var local_div = $('<div/>').addClass('button_container');
try {
callback(local_div, this.cell, this);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error in cell toolbar callback " + key, e);
// only append if callback succeeded.
// If there are no controls or the cell is a rendered TextCell hide the toolbar.
if (!this.ui_controls_list.length) {
} else {
CellToolbar.utils = {};
* A utility function to generate bindings between a checkbox and cell/metadata
* @method utils.checkbox_ui_generator
* @static
* @param name {string} Label in front of the checkbox
* @param setter {function( cell, newValue )}
* A setter method to set the newValue
* @param getter {function( cell )}
* A getter methods which return the current value.
* @return callback {function( div, cell )} Callback to be passed to `register_callback`
* @example
* An exmple that bind the subkey `slideshow.isSectionStart` to a checkbox with a `New Slide` label
* var newSlide = CellToolbar.utils.checkbox_ui_generator('New Slide',
* // setter
* function(cell, value){
* // we check that the slideshow namespace exist and create it if needed
* if (cell.metadata.slideshow == undefined){cell.metadata.slideshow = {}}
* // set the value
* cell.metadata.slideshow.isSectionStart = value
* },
* //geter
* function(cell){ var ns = cell.metadata.slideshow;
* // if the slideshow namespace does not exist return `undefined`
* // (will be interpreted as `false` by checkbox) otherwise
* // return the value
* return (ns == undefined)? undefined: ns.isSectionStart
* }
* );
* CellToolbar.register_callback('newSlide', newSlide);
CellToolbar.utils.checkbox_ui_generator = function(name, setter, getter){
return function(div, cell, celltoolbar) {
var button_container = $(div);
var chkb = $('<input/>').attr('type', 'checkbox');
var lbl = $('<label/>').append($('<span/>').text(name));
chkb.attr("checked", getter(cell));
var v = getter(cell);
setter(cell, !v);
chkb.attr("checked", !v);
* A utility function to generate bindings between a input field and cell/metadata
* @method utils.input_ui_generator
* @static
* @param name {string} Label in front of the input field
* @param setter {function( cell, newValue )}
* A setter method to set the newValue
* @param getter {function( cell )}
* A getter methods which return the current value.
* @return callback {function( div, cell )} Callback to be passed to `register_callback`
CellToolbar.utils.input_ui_generator = function(name, setter, getter){
return function(div, cell, celltoolbar) {
var button_container = $(div);
var text = $('<input/>').attr('type', 'text');
var lbl = $('<label/>').append($('<span/>').text(name));
text.attr("value", getter(cell));
setter(cell, text.val());
* A utility function to generate bindings between a dropdown list cell
* @method utils.select_ui_generator
* @static
* @param list_list {list_of_sublist} List of sublist of metadata value and name in the dropdown list.
* subslit shoud contain 2 element each, first a string that woul be displayed in the dropdown list,
* and second the corresponding value to be passed to setter/return by getter. the corresponding value
* should not be "undefined" or behavior can be unexpected.
* @param setter {function( cell, newValue )}
* A setter method to set the newValue
* @param getter {function( cell )}
* A getter methods which return the current value of the metadata.
* @param [label=""] {String} optionnal label for the dropdown menu
* @return callback {function( div, cell )} Callback to be passed to `register_callback`
* @example
* var select_type = CellToolbar.utils.select_ui_generator([
* ["<None>" , "None" ],
* ["Header Slide" , "header_slide" ],
* ["Slide" , "slide" ],
* ["Fragment" , "fragment" ],
* ["Skip" , "skip" ],
* ],
* // setter
* function(cell, value){
* // we check that the slideshow namespace exist and create it if needed
* if (cell.metadata.slideshow == undefined){cell.metadata.slideshow = {}}
* // set the value
* cell.metadata.slideshow.slide_type = value
* },
* //geter
* function(cell){ var ns = cell.metadata.slideshow;
* // if the slideshow namespace does not exist return `undefined`
* // (will be interpreted as `false` by checkbox) otherwise
* // return the value
* return (ns == undefined)? undefined: ns.slide_type
* }
* CellToolbar.register_callback('slideshow.select', select_type);
CellToolbar.utils.select_ui_generator = function(list_list, setter, getter, label) {
label = label || "";
return function(div, cell, celltoolbar) {
var button_container = $(div);
var lbl = $("<label/>").append($('<span/>').text(label));
var select = $('<select/>');
for(var i=0; i < list_list.length; i++){
var opt = $('<option/>')
.attr('value', list_list[i][1])
setter(cell, select.val());
// Backwards compatability.
IPython.CellToolbar = CellToolbar;
return {'CellToolbar': CellToolbar};