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755 lines | 26.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# encoding: utf-8
This module defines the things that are used in setup.py for building IPython
This includes:
* The basic arguments to setup
* Functions for finding things like packages, package data, etc.
* A function for checking dependencies.
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from __future__ import print_function
import errno
import os
import sys
from distutils import log
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py
from distutils.command.build_scripts import build_scripts
from distutils.command.install import install
from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
from distutils.cmd import Command
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from glob import glob
from subprocess import check_call
from setupext import install_data_ext
# Useful globals and utility functions
# A few handy globals
isfile = os.path.isfile
pjoin = os.path.join
repo_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def oscmd(s):
print(">", s)
# Py3 compatibility hacks, without assuming IPython itself is installed with
# the full py3compat machinery.
except NameError:
def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None):
locs = locs or globs
exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs)
# A little utility we'll need below, since glob() does NOT allow you to do
# exclusion on multiple endings!
def file_doesnt_endwith(test,endings):
"""Return true if test is a file and its name does NOT end with any
of the strings listed in endings."""
if not isfile(test):
return False
for e in endings:
if test.endswith(e):
return False
return True
# Basic project information
# release.py contains version, authors, license, url, keywords, etc.
execfile(pjoin(repo_root, 'IPython','core','release.py'), globals())
# Create a dict with the basic information
# This dict is eventually passed to setup after additional keys are added.
setup_args = dict(
name = name,
version = version,
description = description,
long_description = long_description,
author = author,
author_email = author_email,
url = url,
download_url = download_url,
license = license,
platforms = platforms,
keywords = keywords,
classifiers = classifiers,
cmdclass = {'install_data': install_data_ext},
# Find packages
def find_packages():
Find all of IPython's packages.
excludes = ['deathrow', 'quarantine']
packages = []
for dir,subdirs,files in os.walk('IPython'):
package = dir.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
if any(package.startswith('IPython.'+exc) for exc in excludes):
# package is to be excluded (e.g. deathrow)
if '__init__.py' not in files:
# not a package
return packages
# Find package data
def find_package_data():
Find IPython's package_data.
# This is not enough for these things to appear in an sdist.
# We need to muck with the MANIFEST to get this to work
# exclude components and less from the walk;
# we will build the components separately
excludes = [
pjoin('static', 'components'),
pjoin('static', '*', 'less'),
# walk notebook resources:
cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.join('IPython', 'html'))
static_data = []
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk('static'):
if any(fnmatch(parent, pat) for pat in excludes):
# prevent descending into subdirs
dirs[:] = []
for f in files:
static_data.append(pjoin(parent, f))
components = pjoin("static", "components")
# select the components we actually need to install
# (there are lots of resources we bundle for sdist-reasons that we don't actually use)
pjoin(components, "backbone", "backbone-min.js"),
pjoin(components, "bootstrap", "js", "bootstrap.min.js"),
pjoin(components, "bootstrap-tour", "build", "css", "bootstrap-tour.min.css"),
pjoin(components, "bootstrap-tour", "build", "js", "bootstrap-tour.min.js"),
pjoin(components, "es6-promise", "*.js"),
pjoin(components, "font-awesome", "fonts", "*.*"),
pjoin(components, "google-caja", "html-css-sanitizer-minified.js"),
pjoin(components, "jquery", "jquery.min.js"),
pjoin(components, "jquery-ui", "ui", "minified", "jquery-ui.min.js"),
pjoin(components, "jquery-ui", "themes", "smoothness", "jquery-ui.min.css"),
pjoin(components, "jquery-ui", "themes", "smoothness", "images", "*"),
pjoin(components, "marked", "lib", "marked.js"),
pjoin(components, "requirejs", "require.js"),
pjoin(components, "rsvp", "rsvp.js"),
pjoin(components, "underscore", "underscore-min.js"),
pjoin(components, "moment", "moment.js"),
pjoin(components, "moment", "min", "moment.min.js"),
pjoin(components, "term.js", "src", "term.js"),
pjoin(components, "text-encoding", "lib", "encoding.js"),
# Ship all of Codemirror's CSS and JS
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(pjoin(components, 'codemirror')):
for f in files:
if f.endswith(('.js', '.css')):
static_data.append(pjoin(parent, f))
js_tests = glob('*.js') + glob('*/*.js')
os.chdir(os.path.join(cwd, 'IPython', 'nbconvert'))
nbconvert_templates = [os.path.join(dirpath, '*.*')
for dirpath, _, _ in os.walk('templates')]
package_data = {
'IPython.config.profile' : ['README*', '*/*.py'],
'IPython.core.tests' : ['*.png', '*.jpg'],
'IPython.lib.tests' : ['*.wav'],
'IPython.testing.plugin' : ['*.txt'],
'IPython.html' : ['templates/*'] + static_data,
'IPython.html.tests' : js_tests,
'IPython.qt.console' : ['resources/icon/*.svg'],
'IPython.nbconvert' : nbconvert_templates +
'IPython.nbconvert.filters' : ['marked.js'],
'IPython.nbformat' : [
return package_data
def check_package_data(package_data):
"""verify that package_data globs make sense"""
print("checking package data")
for pkg, data in package_data.items():
pkg_root = pjoin(*pkg.split('.'))
for d in data:
path = pjoin(pkg_root, d)
if '*' in path:
assert len(glob(path)) > 0, "No files match pattern %s" % path
assert os.path.exists(path), "Missing package data: %s" % path
def check_package_data_first(command):
"""decorator for checking package_data before running a given command
Probably only needs to wrap build_py
class DecoratedCommand(command):
def run(self):
return DecoratedCommand
# Find data files
def make_dir_struct(tag,base,out_base):
"""Make the directory structure of all files below a starting dir.
This is just a convenience routine to help build a nested directory
hierarchy because distutils is too stupid to do this by itself.
XXX - this needs a proper docstring!
# we'll use these a lot below
lbase = len(base)
pathsep = os.path.sep
lpathsep = len(pathsep)
out = []
for (dirpath,dirnames,filenames) in os.walk(base):
# we need to strip out the dirpath from the base to map it to the
# output (installation) path. This requires possibly stripping the
# path separator, because otherwise pjoin will not work correctly
# (pjoin('foo/','/bar') returns '/bar').
dp_eff = dirpath[lbase:]
if dp_eff.startswith(pathsep):
dp_eff = dp_eff[lpathsep:]
# The output path must be anchored at the out_base marker
out_path = pjoin(out_base,dp_eff)
# Now we can generate the final filenames. Since os.walk only produces
# filenames, we must join back with the dirpath to get full valid file
# paths:
pfiles = [pjoin(dirpath,f) for f in filenames]
# Finally, generate the entry we need, which is a pari of (output
# path, files) for use as a data_files parameter in install_data.
out.append((out_path, pfiles))
return out
def find_data_files():
Find IPython's data_files.
Just man pages at this point.
manpagebase = pjoin('share', 'man', 'man1')
# Simple file lists can be made by hand
manpages = [f for f in glob(pjoin('docs','man','*.1.gz')) if isfile(f)]
if not manpages:
# When running from a source tree, the manpages aren't gzipped
manpages = [f for f in glob(pjoin('docs','man','*.1')) if isfile(f)]
# And assemble the entire output list
data_files = [ (manpagebase, manpages) ]
return data_files
def make_man_update_target(manpage):
"""Return a target_update-compliant tuple for the given manpage.
manpage : string
Name of the manpage, must include the section number (trailing number).
>>> make_man_update_target('ipython.1') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipython.1 > ipython.1.gz')
man_dir = pjoin('docs', 'man')
manpage_gz = manpage + '.gz'
manpath = pjoin(man_dir, manpage)
manpath_gz = pjoin(man_dir, manpage_gz)
gz_cmd = ( "cd %(man_dir)s && gzip -9c %(manpage)s > %(manpage_gz)s" %
locals() )
return (manpath_gz, [manpath], gz_cmd)
# The two functions below are copied from IPython.utils.path, so we don't need
# to import IPython during setup, which fails on Python 3.
def target_outdated(target,deps):
"""Determine whether a target is out of date.
target_outdated(target,deps) -> 1/0
deps: list of filenames which MUST exist.
target: single filename which may or may not exist.
If target doesn't exist or is older than any file listed in deps, return
true, otherwise return false.
target_time = os.path.getmtime(target)
except os.error:
return 1
for dep in deps:
dep_time = os.path.getmtime(dep)
if dep_time > target_time:
#print "For target",target,"Dep failed:",dep # dbg
#print "times (dep,tar):",dep_time,target_time # dbg
return 1
return 0
def target_update(target,deps,cmd):
"""Update a target with a given command given a list of dependencies.
target_update(target,deps,cmd) -> runs cmd if target is outdated.
This is just a wrapper around target_outdated() which calls the given
command if target is outdated."""
if target_outdated(target,deps):
# Find scripts
def find_entry_points():
"""Defines the command line entry points for IPython
This always uses setuptools-style entry points. When setuptools is not in
use, our own build_scripts_entrypt class below parses these and builds
command line scripts.
Each of our entry points gets both a plain name, e.g. ipython, and one
suffixed with the Python major version number, e.g. ipython3.
ep = [
'ipython%s = IPython:start_ipython',
'ipcontroller%s = IPython.parallel.apps.ipcontrollerapp:launch_new_instance',
'ipengine%s = IPython.parallel.apps.ipengineapp:launch_new_instance',
'ipcluster%s = IPython.parallel.apps.ipclusterapp:launch_new_instance',
'iptest%s = IPython.testing.iptestcontroller:main',
suffix = str(sys.version_info[0])
return [e % '' for e in ep] + [e % suffix for e in ep]
script_src = """#!{executable}
# This script was automatically generated by setup.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
from {mod} import {func}
class build_scripts_entrypt(build_scripts):
"""Build the command line scripts
Parse setuptools style entry points and write simple scripts to run the
target functions.
On Windows, this also creates .cmd wrappers for the scripts so that you can
easily launch them from a command line.
def run(self):
outfiles = []
for script in find_entry_points():
name, entrypt = script.split('=')
name = name.strip()
entrypt = entrypt.strip()
outfile = os.path.join(self.build_dir, name)
print('Writing script to', outfile)
mod, func = entrypt.split(':')
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
mod=mod, func=func))
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# Write .cmd wrappers for Windows so 'ipython' etc. work at the
# command line
cmd_file = os.path.join(self.build_dir, name + '.cmd')
cmd = '@"{python}" "%~dp0\{script}" %*\r\n'.format(
python=sys.executable, script=name)
log.info("Writing %s wrapper script" % cmd_file)
with open(cmd_file, 'w') as f:
return outfiles, outfiles
class install_lib_symlink(Command):
user_options = [
('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install to"),
def initialize_options(self):
self.install_dir = None
def finalize_options(self):
('install_lib', 'install_dir'),
def run(self):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
raise Exception("This doesn't work on Windows.")
pkg = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'IPython')
dest = os.path.join(self.install_dir, 'IPython')
if os.path.islink(dest):
print('removing existing symlink at %s' % dest)
print('symlinking %s -> %s' % (pkg, dest))
os.symlink(pkg, dest)
class unsymlink(install):
def run(self):
dest = os.path.join(self.install_lib, 'IPython')
if os.path.islink(dest):
print('removing symlink at %s' % dest)
print('No symlink exists at %s' % dest)
class install_symlinked(install):
def run(self):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
raise Exception("This doesn't work on Windows.")
# Run all sub-commands (at least those that need to be run)
for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
# 'sub_commands': a list of commands this command might have to run to
# get its work done. See cmd.py for more info.
sub_commands = [('install_lib_symlink', lambda self:True),
('install_scripts_sym', lambda self:True),
class install_scripts_for_symlink(install_scripts):
"""Redefined to get options from 'symlink' instead of 'install'.
I love distutils almost as much as I love setuptools.
def finalize_options(self):
self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_scripts', 'build_dir'))
('install_scripts', 'install_dir'),
('force', 'force'),
('skip_build', 'skip_build'),
# Verify all dependencies
def check_for_dependencies():
"""Check for IPython's dependencies.
This function should NOT be called if running under setuptools!
from setupext.setupext import (
print_line, print_raw, print_status,
check_for_sphinx, check_for_pygments,
check_for_nose, check_for_pexpect,
check_for_pyzmq, check_for_readline,
check_for_jinja2, check_for_tornado
print_status('python', sys.version)
print_status('platform', sys.platform)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
print_status('Windows version', sys.getwindowsversion())
if os.name == 'posix':
# VCS related
# utils.submodule has checks for submodule status
execfile(pjoin('IPython','utils','submodule.py'), globals())
class UpdateSubmodules(Command):
"""Update git submodules
IPython's external javascript dependencies live in a separate repo.
description = "Update git submodules"
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
failure = False
self.spawn('git submodule init'.split())
self.spawn('git submodule update --recursive'.split())
except Exception as e:
failure = e
if not check_submodule_status(repo_root) == 'clean':
print("submodules could not be checked out")
def git_prebuild(pkg_dir, build_cmd=build_py):
"""Return extended build or sdist command class for recording commit
records git commit in IPython.utils._sysinfo.commit
for use in IPython.utils.sysinfo.sys_info() calls after installation.
Also ensures that submodules exist prior to running
class MyBuildPy(build_cmd):
''' Subclass to write commit data into installation tree '''
def run(self):
# this one will only fire for build commands
if hasattr(self, 'build_lib'):
def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):
# this one will fire for sdist
build_cmd.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files)
def _record_commit(self, base_dir):
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen('git rev-parse --short HEAD',
repo_commit, _ = proc.communicate()
repo_commit = repo_commit.strip().decode("ascii")
out_pth = pjoin(base_dir, pkg_dir, 'utils', '_sysinfo.py')
if os.path.isfile(out_pth) and not repo_commit:
# nothing to write, don't clobber
print("writing git commit '%s' to %s" % (repo_commit, out_pth))
# remove to avoid overwriting original via hard link
except (IOError, OSError):
with open(out_pth, 'w') as out_file:
'# GENERATED BY setup.py\n',
'commit = u"%s"\n' % repo_commit,
return require_submodules(MyBuildPy)
def require_submodules(command):
"""decorator for instructing a command to check for submodules before running"""
class DecoratedCommand(command):
def run(self):
if not check_submodule_status(repo_root) == 'clean':
print("submodules missing! Run `setup.py submodule` and try again")
return DecoratedCommand
# bdist related
def get_bdist_wheel():
"""Construct bdist_wheel command for building wheels
Constructs py2-none-any tag, instead of py2.7-none-any
class RequiresWheel(Command):
description = "Dummy command for missing bdist_wheel"
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
print("bdist_wheel requires the wheel package")
if 'setuptools' not in sys.modules:
return RequiresWheel
from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel, read_pkg_info, write_pkg_info
except ImportError:
return RequiresWheel
class bdist_wheel_tag(bdist_wheel):
def add_requirements(self, metadata_path):
"""transform platform-dependent requirements"""
pkg_info = read_pkg_info(metadata_path)
# pkg_info is an email.Message object (?!)
# we have to remove the unconditional 'readline' and/or 'pyreadline' entries
# and transform them to conditionals
requires = pkg_info.get_all('Requires-Dist')
del pkg_info['Requires-Dist']
def _remove_startswith(lis, prefix):
"""like list.remove, but with startswith instead of =="""
found = False
for idx, item in enumerate(lis):
if item.startswith(prefix):
found = True
if found:
for pkg in ("gnureadline", "pyreadline", "mock"):
_remove_startswith(requires, pkg)
requires.append("gnureadline; sys.platform == 'darwin' and platform.python_implementation == 'CPython'")
requires.append("pyreadline (>=2.0); extra == 'terminal' and sys.platform == 'win32' and platform.python_implementation == 'CPython'")
requires.append("pyreadline (>=2.0); extra == 'all' and sys.platform == 'win32' and platform.python_implementation == 'CPython'")
requires.append("mock; extra == 'test' and python_version < '3.3'")
for r in requires:
pkg_info['Requires-Dist'] = r
write_pkg_info(metadata_path, pkg_info)
return bdist_wheel_tag
# Notebook related
class CompileCSS(Command):
"""Recompile Notebook CSS
Regenerate the compiled CSS from LESS sources.
Requires various dev dependencies, such as invoke and lessc.
description = "Recompile Notebook CSS"
user_options = [
('minify', 'x', "minify CSS"),
('force', 'f', "force recompilation of CSS"),
def initialize_options(self):
self.minify = False
self.force = False
def finalize_options(self):
self.minify = bool(self.minify)
self.force = bool(self.force)
def run(self):
cmd = ['invoke', 'css']
if self.minify:
if self.force:
check_call(cmd, cwd=pjoin(repo_root, "IPython", "html"))
class JavascriptVersion(Command):
"""write the javascript version to notebook javascript"""
description = "Write IPython version to javascript"
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
nsfile = pjoin(repo_root, "IPython", "html", "static", "base", "js", "namespace.js")
with open(nsfile) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(nsfile, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("IPython.version"):
line = 'IPython.version = "{0}";\n'.format(version)
def css_js_prerelease(command, strict=True):
"""decorator for building js/minified css prior to a release"""
class DecoratedCommand(command):
def run(self):
css = self.distribution.get_command_obj('css')
css.minify = True
except Exception as e:
if strict:
log.warn("Failed to build css sourcemaps: %s" % e)
return DecoratedCommand