Making an IPython release
Make sure the repository is clean of any file that could be problematic. Remove all non-tracked files with:
git clean -xfdi
This will ask for confirmation before removing all untracked files. Make sure the dist/ folder is clean to avoid any stale builds from previous build attempts.
Update version number and _version_extra content in IPython/core/
Make sure the version number matches pep440, in particular, rc and beta are not separated by . or the sdist and bdist will appear as different releases. For example, a valid version number for a release candidate (rc) release is: 1.3rc1. Notice that there is no separator between the '3' and the 'r'.
Commit and tag the release with the current version number:
git commit -am "release $VERSION" git tag $VERSION
Build the sdist and wheel:
python sdist --formats=zip,gztar python2 bdist_wheel python3 bdist_wheel
Be sure to test the wheel and the sdist locally before uploading them to PyPI. Make sure to use twine to upload these archives over SSL.
$ twine upload dist/*
If all went well, change the _version_extra = '' in IPython/core/ back to the .dev suffix, or _version_extra='.dev'.
Push directly to master, remembering to push --tags too.