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Merge pull request #1008 from minrk/excepthook...
Merge pull request #1008 from minrk/excepthook Use a much more restrained crash handler by default. Now the excepthook shows a regular traceback, with a brief message about reporting bugs and how to enable to the big crash handler. Our previous, extremely verbose crash handler can still be activated via `%config Application.verbose_crash=True`, so we can debug real crashes or ask users for extra detail easily. Small fixes along the way: * current Application added to configurables list, for use in %config. * email addresses in full crash reports changed to ipython-dev, so they don't go straight to individual users. Should close #695, and ameliorate #833 (doesn't fix the bug, but the message is more sensible).
Fernando Perez -
r5348:493f6d4b merge
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/ IPython / deathrow / gui
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