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Simplify StreamCapturer for subprocess testing...
Simplify StreamCapturer for subprocess testing Rather than using a transient pipe for each subprocess started, the StreamCapturer now makes a single pipe, and subprocesses redirect their output to it. So long as this works on Windows (I've done brief testing, and os.pipe() seems to be functional), this will hopefully make this much more robust. The recent failures in ShiningPanda on IPython.parallel have been caused by StreamCapturer.
Thomas Kluyver -
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/ git-hooks
README.md Loading ...
post-checkout Loading ...
post-merge Loading ...

git hooks for IPython

add these to your .git/hooks

For now, we just have post-checkout and post-merge,
both of which just update submodules,
so make sure that you have a fully synced repo whenever you checkout or pull.

To use these hooks, you can symlink or copy them to your .git/hooks directory.

ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-checkout .git/hooks/post-checkout
ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-merge .git/hooks/post-merge