Issues closed in the 5.x development cycle
Issues closed in 5.2
GitHub stats for 2016/08/13 - 2017/01/29 (tag: 5.1.0)
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
We closed 30 issues and merged 74 pull requests. The full list can be seen on GitHub
The following 40 authors contributed 434 commits.
- Adam Eury
- anantkaushik89
- anatoly techtonik
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Bibo Hao
- Carl Smith
- Carol Willing
- Chilaka Ramakrishna
- Christopher Welborn
- Denis S. Tereshchenko
- Diego Garcia
- fatData
- Fermi paradox
- Fernando Perez
- fuho
- Hassan Kibirige
- Jamshed Vesuna
- Jens Hedegaard Nielsen
- Jeroen Demeyer
- kaushikanant
- Kenneth Hoste
- Keshav Ramaswamy
- Kyle Kelley
- Matteo
- Matthias Bussonnier
- mbyt
- memeplex
- Moez Bouhlel
- Pablo Galindo
- Paul Ivanov
- pietvo
- Piotr Przetacznik
- Rounak Banik
- sachet-mittal
- Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
- Tamir Bahar
- Thomas A Caswell
- Thomas Kluyver
- tillahoffmann
- Yuri Numerov
Issues closed in 5.1
GitHub stats for 2016/07/08 - 2016/08/13 (tag: 5.0.0)
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
We closed 33 issues and merged 43 pull requests. The full list can be seen on GitHub
The following 17 authors contributed 129 commits.
- Antony Lee
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Carol Willing
- Danilo J. S. Bellini
- 小明 (dongweiming)
- Fernando Perez
- Gavin Cooper
- Gil Forsyth
- Jacob Niehus
- Julian Kuhlmann
- Matthias Bussonnier
- Michael Pacer
- Nik Nyby
- Pavol Juhas
- Luke Deen Taylor
- Thomas Kluyver
- Tamir Bahar
Issues closed in 5.0
GitHub stats for 2016/07/05 - 2016/07/07 (tag: 5.0.0)
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
We closed 95 issues and merged 191 pull requests. The full list can be seen on GitHub
The following 27 authors contributed 229 commits.
- Adam Greenhall
- Adrian
- Antony Lee
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Carlos Cordoba
- Carol Willing
- Chris
- Craig Citro
- Dmitry Zotikov
- Fernando Perez
- Gil Forsyth
- Jason Grout
- Jonathan Frederic
- Jonathan Slenders
- Justin Zymbaluk
- Kelly Liu
- klonuo
- Matthias Bussonnier
- nvdv
- Pavol Juhas
- Pierre Gerold
- sukisuki
- Sylvain Corlay
- Thomas A Caswell
- Thomas Kluyver
- Trevor Bekolay
- Yuri Numerov