completer update code-miror on the fly...
completer update code-miror on the fly
Following @fperez advice, change the completer apparence to avoid user confusion.
- Append what the user type in the completer in code-miror, (Almost) as if
codemirror still have focus
- distinguish between "fixed" completion part, which was sent to the kernel
(now written in bold) and filtering one,handled only in JS,that the user
can errase without dismissing the completer
I changed the action of <Space> to dismiss the completer with what have
already been typed and inserting a space instead of "picking" the currently
hilighted option
<Escape> will still dissmiss the completer and remove everything the user as
typed since the completer invocation
Note that while the completer is shown, code-mirror does not show any
blinking cursor