##// END OF EJS Templates
Remove yield test that are not support by pytest anymore...
Remove yield test that are not support by pytest anymore And remove comparison of str/unicode as it is not relevant anymore as both are the same. We can now unpin pytest as well, which we should make sure is in release notes and in the conda-forge recipe As nose does not understand `@parametrize`, and the nose `@skip` decorator messes with that as well, we mark tests with parametrize as not-tests for iptests

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191 lines | 5.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Tests for IPython.utils.path.py"""
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from unittest.mock import patch
import nose.tools as nt
import pytest
from IPython.lib import latextools
from IPython.testing.decorators import (
from IPython.utils.process import FindCmdError
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', ['latex', 'dvipng'])
def test_check_latex_to_png_dvipng_fails_when_no_cmd(command):
def mock_find_cmd(arg):
if arg == command:
raise FindCmdError
with patch.object(latextools, "find_cmd", mock_find_cmd):
assert latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng("whatever", True) == None
def no_op(*args, **kwargs):
@onlyif_cmds_exist("latex", "dvipng")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("s, wrap", [(u"$$x^2$$", False), (u"x^2", True)])
def test_latex_to_png_dvipng_runs(s, wrap):
Test that latex_to_png_dvipng just runs without error.
def mock_kpsewhich(filename):
assert filename == "breqn.sty"
return None
latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng(s, wrap)
with patch_latextool(mock_kpsewhich):
latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng(s, wrap)
def mock_kpsewhich(filename):
assert filename == "breqn.sty"
return None
def patch_latextool(mock=mock_kpsewhich):
with patch.object(latextools, "kpsewhich", mock):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('context', [no_op, patch_latextool])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('s_wrap', [("$x^2$", False), ("x^2", True)])
def test_latex_to_png_mpl_runs(s_wrap, context):
Test that latex_to_png_mpl just runs without error.
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("This needs matplotlib to be available")
s, wrap = s_wrap
with context():
latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(s, wrap)
def test_latex_to_html():
img = latextools.latex_to_html("$x^2$")
assert "" in img
def test_genelatex_no_wrap():
Test genelatex with wrap=False.
def mock_kpsewhich(filename):
assert False, ("kpsewhich should not be called "
"(called with {0})".format(filename))
with patch_latextool(mock_kpsewhich):
assert '\n'.join(latextools.genelatex("body text", False)) == r'''\documentclass{article}
body text
def test_genelatex_wrap_with_breqn():
Test genelatex with wrap=True for the case breqn.sty is installed.
def mock_kpsewhich(filename):
assert filename == "breqn.sty"
return "path/to/breqn.sty"
with patch_latextool(mock_kpsewhich):
assert '\n'.join(latextools.genelatex("x^2", True)) == r'''\documentclass{article}
def test_genelatex_wrap_without_breqn():
Test genelatex with wrap=True for the case breqn.sty is not installed.
def mock_kpsewhich(filename):
assert filename == "breqn.sty"
return None
with patch_latextool(mock_kpsewhich):
assert '\n'.join(latextools.genelatex("x^2", True)) == r'''\documentclass{article}
@onlyif_cmds_exist('latex', 'dvipng')
def test_latex_to_png_color():
Test color settings for latex_to_png.
latex_string = "$x^2$"
default_value = latextools.latex_to_png(latex_string, wrap=False)
default_hexblack = latextools.latex_to_png(latex_string, wrap=False,
dvipng_default = latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng(latex_string, False)
dvipng_black = latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng(latex_string, False, 'Black')
assert dvipng_default == dvipng_black
mpl_default = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False)
mpl_black = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False, 'Black')
assert mpl_default == mpl_black
assert default_value in [dvipng_black, mpl_black]
assert default_hexblack in [dvipng_black, mpl_black]
# Test that dvips name colors can be used without error
dvipng_maroon = latextools.latex_to_png_dvipng(latex_string, False,
# And that it doesn't return the black one
assert dvipng_black != dvipng_maroon
mpl_maroon = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False, 'Maroon')
assert mpl_black != mpl_maroon
mpl_white = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False, 'White')
mpl_hexwhite = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False, '#FFFFFF')
assert mpl_white == mpl_hexwhite
mpl_white_scale = latextools.latex_to_png_mpl(latex_string, False,
'White', 1.2)
assert mpl_white != mpl_white_scale
def test_latex_to_png_invalid_hex_colors():
Test that invalid hex colors provided to dvipng gives an exception.
latex_string = "$x^2$"
nt.assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: latextools.latex_to_png(latex_string,
backend='dvipng', color="#f00bar"))
nt.assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: latextools.latex_to_png(latex_string,
backend='dvipng', color="#f00"))