##// END OF EJS Templates
Revert "Merge pull request #12757 from dangreenisrael/patch-1"...
Revert "Merge pull request #12757 from dangreenisrael/patch-1" This reverts commit b8f8280802fe3b53ece56b3cd1e8d47730836106, reversing changes made to 3587f5bb6c8570e7bbb06cf5f7e3bc9b9467355a. IPython master is compatible with jedi 0.18, it's the 7.x branch which is not
Matthias Bussonnier -
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Name Size Modified Last Commit Author
/ docs / source / whatsnew / pr
README.md Loading ...
antigravity-feature.rst Loading ...
incompat-switching-to-perl.rst Loading ...

Documenting What's New

When making a new pull request that either adds a new feature, or makes a
backwards-incompatible change to IPython, please add a new .rst file in this
directory documenting this change as a part of your Pull Request.

This will allow multiple Pull Requests to do the same without conflicting with
one another. Periodically, IPython developers with commit rights will run a
script and populate development.rst
with the contents of this directory, and clean it up.

Files which describe new features can have any name, such as
antigravity-feature.rst, whereas backwards incompatible changes must have
have a filename starting with incompat-, such as
incompat-switching-to-perl.rst. Our "What's new" files always have two
sections, and this prefix scheme will make sure that the backwards incompatible
changes get routed to their proper section.

To merge these files into :file:whatsnew/development.rst, run the script :file:tools/update_whatsnew.py.