"""Shell mode for IPython.
Start ipython in shell mode by invoking "ipython -p sh"
(the old version, "ipython -p pysh" still works but this is the more "modern"
shell mode and is recommended for users who don't care about pysh-mode
from IPython import ipapi
import os,textwrap
# The import below effectively obsoletes your old-style ipythonrc[.ini],
# so consider yourself warned!
import ipy_defaults
def main():
ip = ipapi.get()
o = ip.options
# autocall to "full" mode (smart mode is default, I like full mode)
o.autocall = 2
# Jason Orendorff's path class is handy to have in user namespace
# if you are doing shell-like stuff
ip.ex("from path import path" )
except ImportError:
ip.ex('import os')
ip.ex("def up(): os.chdir('..')")
# Get pysh-like prompt for all profiles.
o.prompt_in1= '\C_LightBlue[\C_LightCyan\Y1\C_LightBlue]\C_Green|\#> '
o.prompt_in2= '\C_Green|\C_LightGreen\D\C_Green> '
o.prompt_out= '<\#> '
from IPython import Release
import sys
# I like my banner minimal.
o.banner = "Py %s IPy %s\n" % (sys.version.split('\n')[0],Release.version)
# make 'd' an alias for ls -F
ip.magic('alias d ls -F --color=auto')
# Make available all system commands through "rehashing" immediately.
# You can comment these lines out to speed up startup on very slow
# machines, and to conserve a bit of memory. Note that pysh profile does this
# automatically
# Remove all blank lines in between prompts, like a normal shell.
# now alias all syscommands
db = ip.db
syscmds = db.get("syscmdlist",[] )
if not syscmds:
print textwrap.dedent("""
System command list not initialized, probably the first run...
running %rehashx to refresh the command list. Run %rehashx
again to refresh command list (after installing new software etc.)
syscmds = db.get("syscmdlist")
for cmd in syscmds:
#print "al",cmd
noext, ext = os.path.splitext(cmd)
ip.IP.alias_table[noext] = (0,cmd)