##// END OF EJS Templates
removing DirectoryLink class (which was an alias for FileLink) and modifying FileLink to raise an error if a directory is provided. @ellisonbg pointed out that these give a 404. I think removing this for now is the way to go as we don't have an immediate use case for DirectoryLink - FileLinks is what we would want users to call for linking to a directory.
removing DirectoryLink class (which was an alias for FileLink) and modifying FileLink to raise an error if a directory is provided. @ellisonbg pointed out that these give a 404. I think removing this for now is the way to go as we don't have an immediate use case for DirectoryLink - FileLinks is what we would want users to call for linking to a directory.

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283 lines | 10.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Various display related classes.
Authors : MinRK, gregcaporaso, dannystaple
import urllib
from os.path import exists, isfile, splitext, abspath, join, isdir
from os import walk
class YouTubeVideo(object):
"""Class for embedding a YouTube Video in an IPython session, based on its video id.
e.g. to embed the video on this page:
you would do:
vid = YouTubeVideo("foo")
To start from 30 seconds:
vid = YouTubeVideo("abc", start=30)
To calculate seconds from time as hours, minutes, seconds use:
start=int(timedelta(hours=1, minutes=46, seconds=40).total_seconds())
Other parameters can be provided as documented at
def __init__(self, id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs):
self.id = id
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.params = kwargs
def _repr_html_(self):
"""return YouTube embed iframe for this video id"""
if self.params:
params = "?" + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
params = ""
return """
""" % (self.width, self.height, self.id, params)
class FileLink(object):
"""Class for embedding a local file link in an IPython session, based on path
e.g. to embed a link that was generated in the IPython notebook as my/data.txt
you would do:
local_file = FileLink("my/data.txt")
or in the HTML notebook, just
html_link_str = "<a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>"
def __init__(self,
path : path to the file or directory that should be formatted
directory_prefix : prefix to be prepended to all files to form a
working link [default: 'files']
result_html_prefix : text to append to beginning to link
[default: none]
result_html_suffix : text to append at the end of link
[default: '<br>']
if isdir(path):
raise ValueError,\
("Cannot display a directory as a FileLink object. "
"Use FileLinks to display '%s'." % path)
self.path = path
self.url_prefix = url_prefix
self.result_html_prefix = result_html_prefix
self.result_html_suffix = result_html_suffix
def _format_path(self):
fp = ''.join([self.url_prefix,self.path])
return ''.join([self.result_html_prefix,
self.html_link_str % (fp, self.path),
def _repr_html_(self):
"""return html link to file
if not exists(self.path):
return ("Path (<tt>%s</tt>) doesn't exist. "
"It may still be in the process of "
"being generated, or you may have the "
"incorrect path." % self.path)
return self._format_path()
def __repr__(self):
"""return absolute path to file
return abspath(self.path)
class FileLinks(FileLink):
"""Class for embedding local file links in an IPython session, based on path
e.g. to embed links to files that were generated in the IPython notebook under my/data
you would do:
local_files = FileLinks("my/data")
or in the HTML notebook, just
def __init__(self,
included_suffixes : list of filename suffixes to include when
formatting output [default: include all files]
See the FileLink (baseclass of LocalDirectory) docstring for
information on additional parameters.
notebook_display_formatter : func used to format links for display
in the notebook. See discussion of formatter function below.
terminal_display_formatter : func used to format links for display
in the terminal. See discussion of formatter function below.
Passing custom formatter functions
Formatter functions must be of the form:
f(dirname, fnames, included_suffixes)
dirname : the name of a directory (a string),
fnames : a list of the files in that directory
included_suffixes : a list of the file suffixes that should be
included in the output (passing None means
to include all suffixes in the output in
the built-in formatters)
returns a list of lines that should will be print in the
notebook (if passing notebook_display_formatter) or the terminal
(if passing terminal_display_formatter). This function is iterated
over for each directory in self.path. Default formatters are in
place, can be passed here to support alternative formatting.
self.included_suffixes = included_suffixes
# remove trailing slashs for more consistent output formatting
path = path.rstrip('/')
self.path = path
self.url_prefix = url_prefix
self.result_html_prefix = result_html_prefix
self.result_html_suffix = result_html_suffix
self.notebook_display_formatter = \
notebook_display_formatter or self._get_notebook_display_formatter()
self.terminal_display_formatter = \
terminal_display_formatter or self._get_terminal_display_formatter()
def _get_display_formatter(self,
""" generate built-in formatter function
this is used to define both the notebook and terminal built-in
formatters as they only differ by some wrapper text for each entry
dirname_output_format: string to use for formatting directory
names, dirname will be substituted for a single "%s" which
must appear in this string
fname_output_format: string to use for formatting file names,
if a single "%s" appears in the string, fname will be substituted
if two "%s" appear in the string, the path to fname will be
substituted for the first and fname will be substituted for the
fp_format: string to use for formatting filepaths, must contain
exactly two "%s" and the dirname will be subsituted for the first
and fname will be substituted for the second
def f(dirname, fnames, included_suffixes=None):
result = []
# begin by figuring out which filenames, if any,
# are going to be displayed
display_fnames = []
for fname in fnames:
if (isfile(join(dirname,fname)) and
(included_suffixes == None or
splitext(fname)[1] in included_suffixes)):
if len(display_fnames) == 0:
# if there are no filenames to display, don't print anything
# (not even the directory name)
# otherwise print the formatted directory name followed by
# the formatted filenames
dirname_output_line = dirname_output_format % dirname
for fname in display_fnames:
fp = fp_format % (dirname,fname)
# output can include both a filepath and a filename...
fname_output_line = fname_output_format % (fp, fname)
except TypeError:
# ... or just a single filepath
fname_output_line = fname_output_format % fname
return result
return f
def _get_notebook_display_formatter(self,
""" generate function to use for notebook formatting
dirname_output_format = \
self.result_html_prefix + "%s/" + self.result_html_suffix
fname_output_format = \
self.result_html_prefix + spacer + self.html_link_str + self.result_html_suffix
fp_format = self.url_prefix + '%s/%s'
return self._get_display_formatter(dirname_output_format,
def _get_terminal_display_formatter(self,
spacer=" "):
""" generate function to use for terminal formatting
dirname_output_format = "%s/"
fname_output_format = spacer + "%s"
fp_format = '%s/%s'
return self._get_display_formatter(dirname_output_format,
def _format_path(self):
result_lines = []
walked_dir = list(walk(self.path))
for dirname, subdirs, fnames in walked_dir:
result_lines += self.notebook_display_formatter(dirname, fnames, self.included_suffixes)
return '\n'.join(result_lines)
def __repr__(self):
"""return newline-separated absolute paths
result_lines = []
walked_dir = list(walk(self.path))
for dirname, subdirs, fnames in walked_dir:
result_lines += self.terminal_display_formatter(dirname, fnames, self.included_suffixes)
return '\n'.join(result_lines)