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Adding new tests for test_magic for win32.
Adding new tests for test_magic for win32.

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247 lines | 6.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Tests for various magic functions.
Needs to be run by nose (to make ipython session available).
# Standard library imports
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import types
# Third-party imports
import nose.tools as nt
# From our own code
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from IPython.testing import tools as tt
# Test functions begin
def test_rehashx():
# clear up everything
del _ip.db['syscmdlist']
# Practically ALL ipython development systems will have more than 10 aliases
assert len(_ip.IP.alias_table) > 10
for key, val in _ip.IP.alias_table.items():
# we must strip dots from alias names
assert '.' not in key
# rehashx must fill up syscmdlist
scoms = _ip.db['syscmdlist']
assert len(scoms) > 10
def doctest_hist_f():
"""Test %hist -f with temporary filename.
In [9]: import tempfile
In [10]: tfile = tempfile.mktemp('.py','tmp-ipython-')
In [11]: %history -n -f $tfile 3
def doctest_hist_r():
"""Test %hist -r
XXX - This test is not recording the output correctly. Not sure why...
In [6]: x=1
In [7]: hist -n -r 2
x=1 # random
hist -n -r 2 # random
# This is skipped for now because getoutput doesn't find the ipython
# executable. See ticket https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/366334
def test_obj_del():
"""Test that object's __del__ methods are called on exit."""
test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
del_file = os.path.join(test_dir,'obj_del.py')
out = _ip.IP.getoutput('ipython %s' % del_file)
nt.assert_equals(out,'obj_del.py: object A deleted')
def test_shist():
# Simple tests of ShadowHist class - test generator.
import os, shutil, tempfile
from IPython.Extensions import pickleshare
from IPython.history import ShadowHist
tfile = tempfile.mktemp('','tmp-ipython-')
db = pickleshare.PickleShareDB(tfile)
s = ShadowHist(db)
yield nt.assert_equals,s.all(),[(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world'), (3, 'karhu')]
yield nt.assert_equal,s.get(2),'world'
def test_numpy_clear_array_undec():
_ip.ex('import numpy as np')
_ip.ex('a = np.empty(2)')
yield nt.assert_true,'a' in _ip.user_ns
_ip.magic('clear array')
yield nt.assert_false,'a' in _ip.user_ns
def test_fail_dec(*a,**k):
yield nt.assert_true, False
@dec.skip('This one shouldn not run')
def test_fail_dec2(*a,**k):
yield nt.assert_true, False
def test_fail_dec3(*a,**k):
yield nt.assert_true, False
def doctest_refbug():
"""Very nasty problem with references held by multiple runs of a script.
See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+bug/269966
In [1]: _ip.IP.clear_main_mod_cache()
In [2]: run refbug
In [3]: call_f()
lowercased: hello
In [4]: run refbug
In [5]: call_f()
lowercased: hello
lowercased: hello
# Tests for %run
# %run is critical enough that it's a good idea to have a solid collection of
# tests for it, some as doctests and some as normal tests.
def doctest_run_ns():
"""Classes declared %run scripts must be instantiable afterwards.
In [11]: run tclass foo
In [12]: isinstance(f(),foo)
Out[12]: True
def doctest_run_ns2():
"""Classes declared %run scripts must be instantiable afterwards.
In [4]: run tclass C-first_pass
In [5]: run tclass C-second_pass
tclass.py: deleting object: C-first_pass
def doctest_run_builtins():
"""Check that %run doesn't damage __builtins__ via a doctest.
This is similar to the test_run_builtins, but I want *both* forms of the
test to catch any possible glitches in our testing machinery, since that
modifies %run somewhat. So for this, we have both a normal test (below)
and a doctest (this one).
In [1]: import tempfile
In [2]: bid1 = id(__builtins__)
In [3]: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
In [4]: f.write('pass\\n')
In [5]: f.flush()
In [6]: print 'B1:',type(__builtins__)
B1: <type 'module'>
In [7]: %run $f.name
In [8]: bid2 = id(__builtins__)
In [9]: print 'B2:',type(__builtins__)
B2: <type 'module'>
In [10]: bid1 == bid2
Out[10]: True
# For some tests, it will be handy to organize them in a class with a common
# setup that makes a temp file
class TestMagicRun(object):
def setup(self):
"""Make a valid python temp file."""
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.tmpfile = f
def run_tmpfile(self):
_ip.magic('run %s' % self.tmpfile.name)
# See https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/366353
def test_run_tempfile_path(self):
# self.run_tmpfile() # This is what triggers the error!
tt.assert_equals(True,False,"%run doesn't work with tempfile paths on win32.")
def test_builtins_id(self):
"""Check that %run doesn't damage __builtins__ """
# Test that the id of __builtins__ is not modified by %run
bid1 = id(_ip.user_ns['__builtins__'])
bid2 = id(_ip.user_ns['__builtins__'])
tt.assert_equals(bid1, bid2)
def test_builtins_type(self):
"""Check that the type of __builtins__ doesn't change with %run.
However, the above could pass if __builtins__ was already modified to
be a dict (it should be a module) by a previous use of %run. So we
also check explicitly that it really is a module:
def test_prompts(self):
"""Test that prompts correctly generate after %run"""
p2 = str(_ip.IP.outputcache.prompt2).strip()
nt.assert_equals(p2[:3], '...')
def teardown(self):