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Backport PR #2384: Adapt inline backend to changes in matplotlib...
Backport PR #2384: Adapt inline backend to changes in matplotlib Matplotlib recently merged https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/1125 that makes it simpler to use objective oriented figure creation by automatically creating the right canvas for the backend. To solve that all backends must provide a backend_xxx.FigureCanvas. This is obviosly missing from the inline backend. The change is needed to make the inline backend work with mpl's 1.2.x branch which is due to released soon. Simply setting the default canvas equal to a Agg canvas appears to work for both svg and png figures but I'm not sure weather that is the right approach. Should the canvas depend on the figure format and provide a svg canvas for a svg figure? (Note that before this change to matplotlib the canvas from a plt.figure call seams to be a agg type in all cases) Edit: I made the pull request against 0.13.1 since it would be good to have this in the stable branch for when mpl is released. Just let me know and I can rebase it against master

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222 lines | 7.0 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
''' A decorator-based method of constructing IPython magics with `argparse`
option handling.
New magic functions can be defined like so::
from IPython.core.magic_arguments import (argument, magic_arguments,
@argument('-o', '--option', help='An optional argument.')
@argument('arg', type=int, help='An integer positional argument.')
def magic_cool(self, arg):
""" A really cool magic command.
args = parse_argstring(magic_cool, arg)
The `@magic_arguments` decorator marks the function as having argparse arguments.
The `@argument` decorator adds an argument using the same syntax as argparse's
`add_argument()` method. More sophisticated uses may also require the
`@argument_group` or `@kwds` decorator to customize the formatting and the
Help text for the magic is automatically generated from the docstring and the
In[1]: %cool?
%cool [-o OPTION] arg
A really cool magic command.
positional arguments:
arg An integer positional argument.
optional arguments:
-o OPTION, --option OPTION
An optional argument.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011, IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# Our own imports
from IPython.external import argparse
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
from IPython.utils.process import arg_split
from IPython.utils.text import dedent
class MagicHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
""" A HelpFormatter which dedents but otherwise preserves indentation.
def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
return argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter._fill_text(self, dedent(text), width, indent)
class MagicArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
""" An ArgumentParser tweaked for use by IPython magics.
def __init__(self,
if parents is None:
parents = []
super(MagicArgumentParser, self).__init__(prog=prog, usage=usage,
description=description, epilog=epilog,
parents=parents, formatter_class=formatter_class,
prefix_chars=prefix_chars, argument_default=argument_default,
conflict_handler=conflict_handler, add_help=add_help)
def error(self, message):
""" Raise a catchable error instead of exiting.
raise UsageError(message)
def parse_argstring(self, argstring):
""" Split a string into an argument list and parse that argument list.
argv = arg_split(argstring)
return self.parse_args(argv)
def construct_parser(magic_func):
""" Construct an argument parser using the function decorations.
kwds = getattr(magic_func, 'argcmd_kwds', {})
if 'description' not in kwds:
kwds['description'] = getattr(magic_func, '__doc__', None)
arg_name = real_name(magic_func)
parser = MagicArgumentParser(arg_name, **kwds)
# Reverse the list of decorators in order to apply them in the
# order in which they appear in the source.
group = None
for deco in magic_func.decorators[::-1]:
result = deco.add_to_parser(parser, group)
if result is not None:
group = result
# Replace the starting 'usage: ' with IPython's %.
help_text = parser.format_help()
if help_text.startswith('usage: '):
help_text = help_text.replace('usage: ', '%', 1)
help_text = '%' + help_text
# Replace the magic function's docstring with the full help text.
magic_func.__doc__ = help_text
return parser
def parse_argstring(magic_func, argstring):
""" Parse the string of arguments for the given magic function.
return magic_func.parser.parse_argstring(argstring)
def real_name(magic_func):
""" Find the real name of the magic.
magic_name = magic_func.__name__
if magic_name.startswith('magic_'):
magic_name = magic_name[len('magic_'):]
return getattr(magic_func, 'argcmd_name', magic_name)
class ArgDecorator(object):
""" Base class for decorators to add ArgumentParser information to a method.
def __call__(self, func):
if not getattr(func, 'has_arguments', False):
func.has_arguments = True
func.decorators = []
return func
def add_to_parser(self, parser, group):
""" Add this object's information to the parser, if necessary.
class magic_arguments(ArgDecorator):
""" Mark the magic as having argparse arguments and possibly adjust the
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name
def __call__(self, func):
if not getattr(func, 'has_arguments', False):
func.has_arguments = True
func.decorators = []
if self.name is not None:
func.argcmd_name = self.name
# This should be the first decorator in the list of decorators, thus the
# last to execute. Build the parser.
func.parser = construct_parser(func)
return func
class argument(ArgDecorator):
""" Store arguments and keywords to pass to add_argument().
Instances also serve to decorate command methods.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.args = args
self.kwds = kwds
def add_to_parser(self, parser, group):
""" Add this object's information to the parser.
if group is not None:
parser = group
parser.add_argument(*self.args, **self.kwds)
return None
class argument_group(ArgDecorator):
""" Store arguments and keywords to pass to add_argument_group().
Instances also serve to decorate command methods.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.args = args
self.kwds = kwds
def add_to_parser(self, parser, group):
""" Add this object's information to the parser.
return parser.add_argument_group(*self.args, **self.kwds)
class kwds(ArgDecorator):
""" Provide other keywords to the sub-parser constructor.
def __init__(self, **kwds):
self.kwds = kwds
def __call__(self, func):
func = super(kwds, self).__call__(func)
func.argcmd_kwds = self.kwds
return func
__all__ = ['magic_arguments', 'argument', 'argument_group', 'kwds',