##// END OF EJS Templates
Backport PR #2738: Unicode content crashes the pager (console)...
Backport PR #2738: Unicode content crashes the pager (console) We've run into an interesting bug in the astropy project. https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/600 When displaying a docstring that contains Unicode and is also long enough that it gets sent to the pager it fails since the docstring can't be sent to the pager as ascii. This crashes in the middle of sending content to the pager, so the shell ends up in an inconsistent state and stops echoing the keyboard etc. The fix (attached) is merely to encode the content sent to the pager in the same encoding as the terminal (`sys.stdout.encoding`). Strictly speaking, this isn't always the right thing to do, since the pager may be configured to expect a different encoding than the terminal, but that is sort of an irrational way to configure a machine... ;) For example, `less`, in the absence of any special environment variables to tell it otherwise, uses the standard `LC*` environment variables to determine what to do, which should be the same mechanism the terminal also uses by default. If anyone can suggest a better fix, I'm all for it. Perhaps it should be configurable, defaulting to `sys.stdout.encoding`?

File last commit:

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520 lines | 18.4 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# encoding: utf-8
A base class for a configurable application.
* Brian Granger
* Min RK
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from IPython.external.decorator import decorator
from IPython.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable
from IPython.config.loader import (
KVArgParseConfigLoader, PyFileConfigLoader, Config, ArgumentError, ConfigFileNotFound,
from IPython.utils.traitlets import (
Unicode, List, Enum, Dict, Instance, TraitError
from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item
from IPython.utils.text import indent, wrap_paragraphs, dedent
# function for re-wrapping a helpstring
# Descriptions for the various sections
# merge flags&aliases into options
option_description = """
Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.
""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back
keyvalue_description = """
Parameters are set from command-line arguments of the form:
This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed, e.g.::
`--C.a='range(3)'` For setting C.a=[0,1,2].
""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back
subcommand_description = """
Subcommands are launched as `{app} cmd [args]`. For information on using
subcommand 'cmd', do: `{app} cmd -h`.
# get running program name
# Application class
def catch_config_error(method, app, *args, **kwargs):
"""Method decorator for catching invalid config (Trait/ArgumentErrors) during init.
On a TraitError (generally caused by bad config), this will print the trait's
message, and exit the app.
For use on init methods, to prevent invoking excepthook on invalid input.
return method(app, *args, **kwargs)
except (TraitError, ArgumentError) as e:
app.log.fatal("Bad config encountered during initialization:")
app.log.debug("Config at the time: %s", app.config)
class ApplicationError(Exception):
class Application(SingletonConfigurable):
"""A singleton application with full configuration support."""
# The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command
# line application
name = Unicode(u'application')
# The description of the application that is printed at the beginning
# of the help.
description = Unicode(u'This is an application.')
# default section descriptions
option_description = Unicode(option_description)
keyvalue_description = Unicode(keyvalue_description)
subcommand_description = Unicode(subcommand_description)
# The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string.
examples = Unicode()
# A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will
# be exposed at the command line.
classes = List([])
# The version string of this application.
version = Unicode(u'0.0')
# The log level for the application
log_level = Enum((0,10,20,30,40,50,'DEBUG','INFO','WARN','ERROR','CRITICAL'),
help="Set the log level by value or name.")
def _log_level_changed(self, name, old, new):
"""Adjust the log level when log_level is set."""
if isinstance(new, basestring):
new = getattr(logging, new)
self.log_level = new
log_format = Unicode("[%(name)s] %(message)s", config=True,
help="The Logging format template",
log = Instance(logging.Logger)
def _log_default(self):
"""Start logging for this application.
The default is to log to stdout using a StreaHandler. The log level
starts at loggin.WARN, but this can be adjusted by setting the
``log_level`` attribute.
log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
if sys.executable.endswith('pythonw.exe'):
# this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only
# hooked up in parallel applications
_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(open(os.devnull, 'w'))
_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
_log_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.log_format)
return log
# the alias map for configurables
aliases = Dict({'log-level' : 'Application.log_level'})
# flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags
# flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags
# this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict
# and the second being the help string for the flag
flags = Dict()
def _flags_changed(self, name, old, new):
"""ensure flags dict is valid"""
for key,value in new.iteritems():
assert len(value) == 2, "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)
assert isinstance(value[0], (dict, Config)), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)
assert isinstance(value[1], basestring), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value)
# subcommands for launching other applications
# if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application
# this must be a dict of two-tuples,
# the first element being the application class/import string
# and the second being the help string for the subcommand
subcommands = Dict()
# parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested
subapp = Instance('IPython.config.application.Application', allow_none=True)
# extra command-line arguments that don't set config values
extra_args = List(Unicode)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line
# options and config files.
if self.__class__ not in self.classes:
self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__)
def _config_changed(self, name, old, new):
SingletonConfigurable._config_changed(self, name, old, new)
self.log.debug('Config changed:')
def initialize(self, argv=None):
"""Do the basic steps to configure me.
Override in subclasses.
def start(self):
"""Start the app mainloop.
Override in subclasses.
if self.subapp is not None:
return self.subapp.start()
def print_alias_help(self):
"""Print the alias part of the help."""
if not self.aliases:
lines = []
classdict = {}
for cls in self.classes:
# include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names
for c in cls.mro()[:-3]:
classdict[c.__name__] = c
for alias, longname in self.aliases.iteritems():
classname, traitname = longname.split('.',1)
cls = classdict[classname]
trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname]
help = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait).splitlines()
# reformat first line
help[0] = help[0].replace(longname, alias) + ' (%s)'%longname
if len(alias) == 1:
help[0] = help[0].replace('--%s='%alias, '-%s '%alias)
# lines.append('')
print os.linesep.join(lines)
def print_flag_help(self):
"""Print the flag part of the help."""
if not self.flags:
lines = []
for m, (cfg,help) in self.flags.iteritems():
prefix = '--' if len(m) > 1 else '-'
# lines.append('')
print os.linesep.join(lines)
def print_options(self):
if not self.flags and not self.aliases:
lines = ['Options']
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description):
print os.linesep.join(lines)
def print_subcommands(self):
"""Print the subcommand part of the help."""
if not self.subcommands:
lines = ["Subcommands"]
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description):
for subc, (cls, help) in self.subcommands.iteritems():
if help:
print os.linesep.join(lines)
def print_help(self, classes=False):
"""Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes.
If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.
if classes:
if self.classes:
print "Class parameters"
print "----------------"
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description):
print p
for cls in self.classes:
print "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`"
def print_description(self):
"""Print the application description."""
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description):
print p
def print_examples(self):
"""Print usage and examples.
This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string
and should contain examples of the application's usage.
if self.examples:
print "Examples"
print "--------"
print indent(dedent(self.examples.strip()))
def print_version(self):
"""Print the version string."""
print self.version
def update_config(self, config):
"""Fire the traits events when the config is updated."""
# Save a copy of the current config.
newconfig = deepcopy(self.config)
# Merge the new config into the current one.
# Save the combined config as self.config, which triggers the traits
# events.
self.config = newconfig
def initialize_subcommand(self, subc, argv=None):
"""Initialize a subcommand with argv."""
subapp,help = self.subcommands.get(subc)
if isinstance(subapp, basestring):
subapp = import_item(subapp)
# clear existing instances
# instantiate
self.subapp = subapp.instance()
# and initialize subapp
def flatten_flags(self):
"""flatten flags and aliases, so cl-args override as expected.
This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell,
but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell
getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg.
Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list
will be promoted.
# build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular
# it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list
# that are descendents
mro_tree = defaultdict(list)
for cls in self.classes:
clsname = cls.__name__
for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]:
# exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object
# flatten aliases, which have the form:
# { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' }
aliases = {}
for alias, cls_trait in self.aliases.iteritems():
cls,trait = cls_trait.split('.',1)
children = mro_tree[cls]
if len(children) == 1:
# exactly one descendent, promote alias
cls = children[0]
aliases[alias] = '.'.join([cls,trait])
# flatten flags, which are of the form:
# { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')}
flags = {}
for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.iteritems():
newflag = {}
for cls, subdict in flagdict.iteritems():
children = mro_tree[cls]
# exactly one descendent, promote flag section
if len(children) == 1:
cls = children[0]
newflag[cls] = subdict
flags[key] = (newflag, help)
return flags, aliases
def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
"""Parse the command line arguments."""
argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv
if argv and argv[0] == 'help':
# turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h`
argv = argv[1:] + ['-h']
if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0:
# we have subcommands, and one may have been specified
subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:]
if re.match(r'^\w(\-?\w)*$', subc) and subc in self.subcommands:
# it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter
return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv)
# Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be
# about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and
# version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first
# occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv.
interpreted_argv = argv[:argv.index('--')]
except ValueError:
interpreted_argv = argv
if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ('-h', '--help-all', '--help')):
self.print_help('--help-all' in interpreted_argv)
if '--version' in interpreted_argv or '-V' in interpreted_argv:
# flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority:
flags,aliases = self.flatten_flags()
loader = KVArgParseConfigLoader(argv=argv, aliases=aliases,
config = loader.load_config()
# store unparsed args in extra_args
self.extra_args = loader.extra_args
def load_config_file(self, filename, path=None):
"""Load a .py based config file by filename and path."""
loader = PyFileConfigLoader(filename, path=path)
config = loader.load_config()
except ConfigFileNotFound:
# problem finding the file, raise
except Exception:
# try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the
# unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished
filename = loader.full_filename or filename
# problem while running the file
self.log.error("Exception while loading config file %s",
filename, exc_info=True)
self.log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename)
def generate_config_file(self):
"""generate default config file from Configurables"""
lines = ["# Configuration file for %s."%self.name]
lines.append('c = get_config()')
for cls in self.classes:
return '\n'.join(lines)
def exit(self, exit_status=0):
self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s" % self.name)
# utility functions, for convenience
def boolean_flag(name, configurable, set_help='', unset_help=''):
"""Helper for building basic --trait, --no-trait flags.
name : str
The name of the flag.
configurable : str
The 'Class.trait' string of the trait to be set/unset with the flag
set_help : unicode
help string for --name flag
unset_help : unicode
help string for --no-name flag
cfg : dict
A dict with two keys: 'name', and 'no-name', for setting and unsetting
the trait, respectively.
# default helpstrings
set_help = set_help or "set %s=True"%configurable
unset_help = unset_help or "set %s=False"%configurable
cls,trait = configurable.split('.')
setter = {cls : {trait : True}}
unsetter = {cls : {trait : False}}
return {name : (setter, set_help), 'no-'+name : (unsetter, unset_help)}