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Shaperilio/qtgui fixes (#13957)...
Shaperilio/qtgui fixes (#13957) I started using the released version of my `PySide6`-enabling changes and noted some problems. In this PR, I fix those, and also overall improve the feedback to the user when a GUI event loop is hooked in: - Report which event loop is running when using `%gui <some GUI>`; e.g. `%gui qt` will show `Installed qt6 event loop hook.` - Report when the event loop is disabled; i.e. `%gui` will show `GUI event loop hook disabled.` if an event loop hook was installed, or `No event loop hook running.` if nothing was installed. - Requesting a second event loop will give the message `Shell is already running a gui event loop for <some GUI>. Call with no arguments to disable current loop.` - Requesting a different version of Qt, i.e. `%gui qt6` followed by `%gui` followed by `%gui qt5` will show `Cannot switch Qt versions for this session; will use qt6.` followed by `Installed qt6 event loop hook.` (Fixes / improves #13864)
Matthias Bussonnier -
r28163:88d1fedc merge
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/ docs / source / whatsnew / pr
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Documenting What's New

When making a new pull request that either adds a new feature, or makes a
backwards-incompatible change to IPython, please add a new .rst file in this
directory documenting this change as a part of your Pull Request.

This will allow multiple Pull Requests to do the same without conflicting with
one another. Periodically, IPython developers with commit rights will run a
script and populate development.rst
with the contents of this directory, and clean it up.

Files which describe new features can have any name, such as
antigravity-feature.rst, whereas backwards incompatible changes must have
have a filename starting with incompat-, such as
incompat-switching-to-perl.rst. Our "What's new" files always have two
sections, and this prefix scheme will make sure that the backwards incompatible
changes get routed to their proper section.

To merge these files into :file:whatsnew/development.rst, run the script :file:tools/update_whatsnew.py.