# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""test LoadBalancedView objects
* Min RK
# Copyright (C) 2011 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
import sys
import time
import zmq
from nose import SkipTest
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from IPython import parallel as pmod
from IPython.parallel import error
from IPython.parallel.tests import add_engines
from .clienttest import ClusterTestCase, crash, wait, skip_without
def setup():
add_engines(3, total=True)
class TestLoadBalancedView(ClusterTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.view = self.client.load_balanced_view()
def test_z_crash_task(self):
"""test graceful handling of engine death (balanced)"""
# self.add_engines(1)
ar = self.view.apply_async(crash)
self.assertRaisesRemote(error.EngineError, ar.get, 10)
eid = ar.engine_id
tic = time.time()
while eid in self.client.ids and time.time()-tic < 5:
self.assertFalse(eid in self.client.ids, "Engine should have died")
def test_map(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
data = list(range(16))
r = self.view.map_sync(f, data)
self.assertEqual(r, list(map(f, data)))
def test_map_generator(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
data = list(range(16))
r = self.view.map_sync(f, iter(data))
self.assertEqual(r, list(map(f, iter(data))))
def test_map_short_first(self):
def f(x,y):
if y is None:
return y
if x is None:
return x
return x*y
data = list(range(10))
data2 = list(range(4))
r = self.view.map_sync(f, data, data2)
self.assertEqual(r, list(map(f, data, data2)))
def test_map_short_last(self):
def f(x,y):
if y is None:
return y
if x is None:
return x
return x*y
data = list(range(4))
data2 = list(range(10))
r = self.view.map_sync(f, data, data2)
self.assertEqual(r, list(map(f, data, data2)))
def test_map_unordered(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
def slow_f(x):
import time
return x**2
data = list(range(16,0,-1))
reference = list(map(f, data))
amr = self.view.map_async(slow_f, data, ordered=False)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(amr, pmod.AsyncMapResult))
# check individual elements, retrieved as they come
# list comprehension uses __iter__
astheycame = [ r for r in amr ]
# Ensure that at least one result came out of order:
self.assertNotEqual(astheycame, reference, "should not have preserved order")
self.assertEqual(sorted(astheycame, reverse=True), reference, "result corrupted")
def test_map_ordered(self):
def f(x):
return x**2
def slow_f(x):
import time
return x**2
data = list(range(16,0,-1))
reference = list(map(f, data))
amr = self.view.map_async(slow_f, data)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(amr, pmod.AsyncMapResult))
# check individual elements, retrieved as they come
# list(amr) uses __iter__
astheycame = list(amr)
# Ensure that results came in order
self.assertEqual(astheycame, reference)
self.assertEqual(amr.result, reference)
def test_map_iterable(self):
"""test map on iterables (balanced)"""
view = self.view
# 101 is prime, so it won't be evenly distributed
arr = range(101)
# so that it will be an iterator, even in Python 3
it = iter(arr)
r = view.map_sync(lambda x:x, arr)
self.assertEqual(r, list(arr))
def test_abort(self):
view = self.view
ar = self.client[:].apply_async(time.sleep, .5)
ar = self.client[:].apply_async(time.sleep, .5)
ar2 = view.apply_async(lambda : 2)
ar3 = view.apply_async(lambda : 3)
self.assertRaises(error.TaskAborted, ar2.get)
self.assertRaises(error.TaskAborted, ar3.get)
def test_retries(self):
view = self.view
def fail():
assert False
for r in range(len(self.client)-1):
with view.temp_flags(retries=r):
self.assertRaisesRemote(AssertionError, view.apply_sync, fail)
with view.temp_flags(retries=len(self.client), timeout=0.1):
self.assertRaisesRemote(error.TaskTimeout, view.apply_sync, fail)
def test_short_timeout(self):
view = self.view
def fail():
import time
assert False
with view.temp_flags(retries=1, timeout=0.01):
self.assertRaisesRemote(AssertionError, view.apply_sync, fail)
def test_invalid_dependency(self):
view = self.view
with view.temp_flags(after='12345'):
self.assertRaisesRemote(error.InvalidDependency, view.apply_sync, lambda : 1)
def test_impossible_dependency(self):
view = self.client.load_balanced_view()
ar1 = view.apply_async(lambda : 1)
e1 = ar1.engine_id
e2 = e1
while e2 == e1:
ar2 = view.apply_async(lambda : 1)
e2 = ar2.engine_id
with view.temp_flags(follow=[ar1, ar2]):
self.assertRaisesRemote(error.ImpossibleDependency, view.apply_sync, lambda : 1)
def test_follow(self):
ar = self.view.apply_async(lambda : 1)
ars = []
first_id = ar.engine_id
self.view.follow = ar
for i in range(5):
ars.append(self.view.apply_async(lambda : 1))
for ar in ars:
self.assertEqual(ar.engine_id, first_id)
def test_after(self):
view = self.view
ar = view.apply_async(time.sleep, 0.5)
with view.temp_flags(after=ar):
ar2 = view.apply_async(lambda : 1)
self.assertTrue(ar2.started >= ar.completed, "%s not >= %s"%(ar.started, ar.completed))