##// END OF EJS Templates
Merge pull request #4174 from minrk/markup-templates...
Merge pull request #4174 from minrk/markup-templates various issues in markdown and rst templates - remove prompts from default output - add missing HTML block - remove double-wrapping of latex - use plain-markdown indentation for code blocks (could use GFM ``` ` ` `python```) - images didn't work in either one at all - markdown extracts output closes #4024
Min RK -
r12461:8c88aec6 merge
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/ git-hooks
README.md Loading ...
post-checkout Loading ...
post-merge Loading ...

git hooks for IPython

add these to your .git/hooks

For now, we just have post-checkout and post-merge,
both of which just update submodules,
so make sure that you have a fully synced repo whenever you checkout or pull.

To use these hooks, you can symlink or copy them to your .git/hooks directory.

ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-checkout .git/hooks/post-checkout
ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-merge .git/hooks/post-merge