##// END OF EJS Templates
Merge pull request #2728 from Carreau/shifttab...
Merge pull request #2728 from Carreau/shifttab also bind shift tab for tooltip + config This does not change the curent behavior, only add the shift+tab shortcut. Note that the shift tab shortcut has a slightly different behavior. You can select part of a line and pressing shift-tab will show you the tooltip only for the selection. This is disabled for multiline selection to still allow to unindent block of code, Keep in mind that the real real shortcut for indent unindent is Ctrl+] or [ . Select/tab is not really supported by codemirror. Finally the "tooltip_on_tab" behavior is globally configurable via IPython.config so that it could be easily switched to false. It can be overridden via js console for test purpose. IPython.config.tooltip_on_tab = true | false Take effect immediately, only on current notebook. or globally via custom.js var user_conf = {tooltip_on_tab:false | true}; $.extend(IPython.config, user_conf)

File last commit:

r7645:a1c5e371 merge
r8971:99339d10 merge
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343 lines | 11.9 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""A kernel manager for multiple kernels.
* Brian Granger
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
import os
import signal
import sys
import uuid
import zmq
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream
from tornado import web
from IPython.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable
from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item
from IPython.utils.traitlets import (
Instance, Dict, List, Unicode, Float, Integer, Any, DottedObjectName,
# Classes
class DuplicateKernelError(Exception):
class MultiKernelManager(LoggingConfigurable):
"""A class for managing multiple kernels."""
kernel_manager_class = DottedObjectName(
"IPython.zmq.blockingkernelmanager.BlockingKernelManager", config=True,
help="""The kernel manager class. This is configurable to allow
subclassing of the KernelManager for customized behavior.
def _kernel_manager_class_changed(self, name, old, new):
self.kernel_manager_factory = import_item(new)
kernel_manager_factory = Any(help="this is kernel_manager_class after import")
def _kernel_manager_factory_default(self):
return import_item(self.kernel_manager_class)
context = Instance('zmq.Context')
def _context_default(self):
return zmq.Context.instance()
connection_dir = Unicode('')
_kernels = Dict()
def kernel_ids(self):
"""Return a list of the kernel ids of the active kernels."""
return self._kernels.keys()
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of running kernels."""
return len(self.kernel_ids)
def __contains__(self, kernel_id):
if kernel_id in self.kernel_ids:
return True
return False
def start_kernel(self, **kwargs):
"""Start a new kernel."""
kernel_id = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
# use base KernelManager for each Kernel
km = self.kernel_manager_factory(connection_file=os.path.join(
self.connection_dir, "kernel-%s.json" % kernel_id),
# start just the shell channel, needed for graceful restart
km.start_channels(shell=True, sub=False, stdin=False, hb=False)
self._kernels[kernel_id] = km
return kernel_id
def shutdown_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Shutdown a kernel by its kernel uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to shutdown.
del self._kernels[kernel_id]
def kill_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Kill a kernel by its kernel uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to kill.
del self._kernels[kernel_id]
def interrupt_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Interrupt (SIGINT) the kernel by its uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to interrupt.
return self.get_kernel(kernel_id).interrupt_kernel()
def signal_kernel(self, kernel_id, signum):
""" Sends a signal to the kernel by its uuid.
Note that since only SIGTERM is supported on Windows, this function
is only useful on Unix systems.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel to signal.
return self.get_kernel(kernel_id).signal_kernel(signum)
def get_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Get the single KernelManager object for a kernel by its uuid.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
km = self._kernels.get(kernel_id)
if km is not None:
return km
raise KeyError("Kernel with id not found: %s" % kernel_id)
def get_kernel_ports(self, kernel_id):
"""Return a dictionary of ports for a kernel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
port_dict : dict
A dict of key, value pairs where the keys are the names
(stdin_port,iopub_port,shell_port) and the values are the
integer port numbers for those channels.
# this will raise a KeyError if not found:
km = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
return dict(shell_port=km.shell_port,
def get_kernel_ip(self, kernel_id):
"""Return ip address for a kernel.
kernel_id : uuid
The id of the kernel.
ip : str
The ip address of the kernel.
return self.get_kernel(kernel_id).ip
def create_connected_stream(self, ip, port, socket_type):
sock = self.context.socket(socket_type)
addr = "tcp://%s:%i" % (ip, port)
self.log.info("Connecting to: %s" % addr)
return ZMQStream(sock)
def create_iopub_stream(self, kernel_id):
ip = self.get_kernel_ip(kernel_id)
ports = self.get_kernel_ports(kernel_id)
iopub_stream = self.create_connected_stream(ip, ports['iopub_port'], zmq.SUB)
iopub_stream.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
return iopub_stream
def create_shell_stream(self, kernel_id):
ip = self.get_kernel_ip(kernel_id)
ports = self.get_kernel_ports(kernel_id)
shell_stream = self.create_connected_stream(ip, ports['shell_port'], zmq.DEALER)
return shell_stream
def create_hb_stream(self, kernel_id):
ip = self.get_kernel_ip(kernel_id)
ports = self.get_kernel_ports(kernel_id)
hb_stream = self.create_connected_stream(ip, ports['hb_port'], zmq.REQ)
return hb_stream
class MappingKernelManager(MultiKernelManager):
"""A KernelManager that handles notebok mapping and HTTP error handling"""
kernel_argv = List(Unicode)
time_to_dead = Float(3.0, config=True, help="""Kernel heartbeat interval in seconds.""")
first_beat = Float(5.0, config=True, help="Delay (in seconds) before sending first heartbeat.")
max_msg_size = Integer(65536, config=True, help="""
The max raw message size accepted from the browser
over a WebSocket connection.
_notebook_mapping = Dict()
# Methods for managing kernels and sessions
def kernel_for_notebook(self, notebook_id):
"""Return the kernel_id for a notebook_id or None."""
return self._notebook_mapping.get(notebook_id)
def set_kernel_for_notebook(self, notebook_id, kernel_id):
"""Associate a notebook with a kernel."""
if notebook_id is not None:
self._notebook_mapping[notebook_id] = kernel_id
def notebook_for_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Return the notebook_id for a kernel_id or None."""
notebook_ids = [k for k, v in self._notebook_mapping.iteritems() if v == kernel_id]
if len(notebook_ids) == 1:
return notebook_ids[0]
return None
def delete_mapping_for_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Remove the kernel/notebook mapping for kernel_id."""
notebook_id = self.notebook_for_kernel(kernel_id)
if notebook_id is not None:
del self._notebook_mapping[notebook_id]
def start_kernel(self, notebook_id=None, **kwargs):
"""Start a kernel for a notebok an return its kernel_id.
notebook_id : uuid
The uuid of the notebook to associate the new kernel with. If this
is not None, this kernel will be persistent whenever the notebook
requests a kernel.
kernel_id = self.kernel_for_notebook(notebook_id)
if kernel_id is None:
kwargs['extra_arguments'] = self.kernel_argv
kernel_id = super(MappingKernelManager, self).start_kernel(**kwargs)
self.set_kernel_for_notebook(notebook_id, kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel started: %s" % kernel_id)
self.log.debug("Kernel args: %r" % kwargs)
self.log.info("Using existing kernel: %s" % kernel_id)
return kernel_id
def shutdown_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Shutdown a kernel and remove its notebook association."""
super(MappingKernelManager, self).shutdown_kernel(kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel shutdown: %s" % kernel_id)
def kill_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Kill a kernel and remove its notebook association."""
super(MappingKernelManager, self).kill_kernel(kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel killed: %s" % kernel_id)
def interrupt_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Interrupt a kernel."""
super(MappingKernelManager, self).interrupt_kernel(kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel interrupted: %s" % kernel_id)
def restart_kernel(self, kernel_id):
"""Restart a kernel while keeping clients connected."""
km = self.get_kernel(kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel restarted: %s" % kernel_id)
return kernel_id
# the following remains, in case the KM restart machinery is
# somehow unacceptable
# Get the notebook_id to preserve the kernel/notebook association.
notebook_id = self.notebook_for_kernel(kernel_id)
# Create the new kernel first so we can move the clients over.
new_kernel_id = self.start_kernel()
# Now kill the old kernel.
# Now save the new kernel/notebook association. We have to save it
# after the old kernel is killed as that will delete the mapping.
self.set_kernel_for_notebook(notebook_id, new_kernel_id)
self.log.info("Kernel restarted: %s" % new_kernel_id)
return new_kernel_id
def create_iopub_stream(self, kernel_id):
"""Create a new iopub stream."""
return super(MappingKernelManager, self).create_iopub_stream(kernel_id)
def create_shell_stream(self, kernel_id):
"""Create a new shell stream."""
return super(MappingKernelManager, self).create_shell_stream(kernel_id)
def create_hb_stream(self, kernel_id):
"""Create a new hb stream."""
return super(MappingKernelManager, self).create_hb_stream(kernel_id)
def _check_kernel_id(self, kernel_id):
"""Check a that a kernel_id exists and raise 404 if not."""
if kernel_id not in self:
raise web.HTTPError(404, u'Kernel does not exist: %s' % kernel_id)