##// END OF EJS Templates
Adjustment to console signal-handling...
Adjustment to console signal-handling Do not explicitly interrupt the kernel, because the subprocess already gets the interrupt. Once we properly prevent this, then the interrupt can be restored. Also, the KeyboardInterrupt is still raised if not executing, in order to restore the prompt. In ipkernel, the interrupt is ignored during poll, and restored after the loop exits, to prevent it being swallowed in future code that expects normal sigint behavior.

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256 lines | 10.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# Standard libary imports.
from base64 import decodestring
import os
import re
# System libary imports.
from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
# Local imports
from IPython.frontend.qt.svg import save_svg, svg_to_clipboard, svg_to_image
from ipython_widget import IPythonWidget
class RichIPythonWidget(IPythonWidget):
""" An IPythonWidget that supports rich text, including lists, images, and
tables. Note that raw performance will be reduced compared to the plain
text version.
# RichIPythonWidget protected class variables.
_payload_source_plot = 'IPython.zmq.pylab.backend_payload.add_plot_payload'
# 'object' interface
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
""" Create a RichIPythonWidget.
kw['kind'] = 'rich'
super(RichIPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
# Configure the ConsoleWidget HTML exporter for our formats.
self._html_exporter.image_tag = self._get_image_tag
# Dictionary for resolving document resource names to SVG data.
self._name_to_svg_map = {}
# 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface
def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
""" Reimplemented to return a custom context menu for images.
format = self._control.cursorForPosition(pos).charFormat()
name = format.stringProperty(QtGui.QTextFormat.ImageName)
if name:
menu = QtGui.QMenu()
menu.addAction('Copy Image', lambda: self._copy_image(name))
menu.addAction('Save Image As...', lambda: self._save_image(name))
svg = self._name_to_svg_map.get(name, None)
if svg is not None:
menu.addAction('Copy SVG', lambda: svg_to_clipboard(svg))
menu.addAction('Save SVG As...',
lambda: save_svg(svg, self._control))
menu = super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._context_menu_make(pos)
return menu
# 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
def _handle_pyout(self, msg):
""" Overridden to handle rich data types, like SVG.
if not self._hidden and self._is_from_this_session(msg):
content = msg['content']
prompt_number = content['execution_count']
data = content['data']
if data.has_key('image/svg+xml'):
self.log.debug("pyout: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
self._append_plain_text(self.output_sep, True)
self._append_html(self._make_out_prompt(prompt_number), True)
self._append_svg(data['image/svg+xml'], True)
self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
elif data.has_key('image/png'):
self.log.debug("pyout: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
self._append_plain_text(self.output_sep, True)
self._append_html(self._make_out_prompt(prompt_number), True)
# This helps the output to look nice.
self._append_plain_text('\n', True)
self._append_png(decodestring(data['image/png'].encode('ascii')), True)
self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
# Default back to the plain text representation.
return super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._handle_pyout(msg)
def _handle_display_data(self, msg):
""" Overridden to handle rich data types, like SVG.
if not self._hidden and self._is_from_this_session(msg):
source = msg['content']['source']
data = msg['content']['data']
metadata = msg['content']['metadata']
# Try to use the svg or html representations.
# FIXME: Is this the right ordering of things to try?
if data.has_key('image/svg+xml'):
self.log.debug("display: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
svg = data['image/svg+xml']
self._append_svg(svg, True)
elif data.has_key('image/png'):
self.log.debug("display: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
# PNG data is base64 encoded as it passes over the network
# in a JSON structure so we decode it.
png = decodestring(data['image/png'].encode('ascii'))
self._append_png(png, True)
# Default back to the plain text representation.
return super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._handle_display_data(msg)
# 'RichIPythonWidget' protected interface
def _append_png(self, png, before_prompt=False):
""" Append raw PNG data to the widget.
self._append_custom(self._insert_png, png, before_prompt)
def _append_svg(self, svg, before_prompt=False):
""" Append raw SVG data to the widget.
self._append_custom(self._insert_svg, svg, before_prompt)
def _add_image(self, image):
""" Adds the specified QImage to the document and returns a
QTextImageFormat that references it.
document = self._control.document()
name = str(image.cacheKey())
QtCore.QUrl(name), image)
format = QtGui.QTextImageFormat()
return format
def _copy_image(self, name):
""" Copies the ImageResource with 'name' to the clipboard.
image = self._get_image(name)
def _get_image(self, name):
""" Returns the QImage stored as the ImageResource with 'name'.
document = self._control.document()
image = document.resource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource,
return image
def _get_image_tag(self, match, path = None, format = "png"):
""" Return (X)HTML mark-up for the image-tag given by match.
match : re.SRE_Match
A match to an HTML image tag as exported by Qt, with
match.group("Name") containing the matched image ID.
path : string|None, optional [default None]
If not None, specifies a path to which supporting files may be
written (e.g., for linked images). If None, all images are to be
included inline.
format : "png"|"svg", optional [default "png"]
Format for returned or referenced images.
if format == "png":
image = self._get_image(match.group("name"))
except KeyError:
return "<b>Couldn't find image %s</b>" % match.group("name")
if path is not None:
if not os.path.exists(path):
relpath = os.path.basename(path)
if image.save("%s/qt_img%s.png" % (path,match.group("name")),
return '<img src="%s/qt_img%s.png">' % (relpath,
return "<b>Couldn't save image!</b>"
ba = QtCore.QByteArray()
buffer_ = QtCore.QBuffer(ba)
image.save(buffer_, "PNG")
return '<img src="data:image/png;base64,\n%s\n" />' % (
elif format == "svg":
svg = str(self._name_to_svg_map[match.group("name")])
except KeyError:
return "<b>Couldn't find image %s</b>" % match.group("name")
# Not currently checking path, because it's tricky to find a
# cross-browser way to embed external SVG images (e.g., via
# object or embed tags).
# Chop stand-alone header from matplotlib SVG
offset = svg.find("<svg")
assert(offset > -1)
return svg[offset:]
return '<b>Unrecognized image format</b>'
def _insert_png(self, cursor, png):
""" Insert raw PNG data into the widget.
image = QtGui.QImage()
image.loadFromData(png, 'PNG')
except ValueError:
self._insert_plain_text(cursor, 'Received invalid PNG data.')
format = self._add_image(image)
def _insert_svg(self, cursor, svg):
""" Insert raw SVG data into the widet.
image = svg_to_image(svg)
except ValueError:
self._insert_plain_text(cursor, 'Received invalid SVG data.')
format = self._add_image(image)
self._name_to_svg_map[format.name()] = svg
def _save_image(self, name, format='PNG'):
""" Shows a save dialog for the ImageResource with 'name'.
dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self._control, 'Save Image')
dialog.setNameFilter('%s file (*.%s)' % (format, format.lower()))
if dialog.exec_():
filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
image = self._get_image(name)
image.save(filename, format)