##// END OF EJS Templates
Improved MathJax, missing callback workaround...
Improved MathJax, missing callback workaround MathJax.InputJax.TeX.resetEquationNumbers is supposed to be available, but isn't consistently loaded before the notebook fires off its first re-render request. The code edits in mathjaxutils.js fix this issue. Additionally, there was some init code in mathjaxutils.js that has been properly excised to the html templates. Removed some orphan rendering code so that all typesetting now goes through mathjaxutils.js Finally, removed an extra cell in the demo notebook.

File last commit:

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432 lines | 15.1 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
CodeMirror.defineMode("rust", function() {
var indentUnit = 4, altIndentUnit = 2;
var valKeywords = {
"if": "if-style", "while": "if-style", "else": "else-style",
"do": "else-style", "ret": "else-style", "fail": "else-style",
"break": "atom", "cont": "atom", "const": "let", "resource": "fn",
"let": "let", "fn": "fn", "for": "for", "alt": "alt", "iface": "iface",
"impl": "impl", "type": "type", "enum": "enum", "mod": "mod",
"as": "op", "true": "atom", "false": "atom", "assert": "op", "check": "op",
"claim": "op", "native": "ignore", "unsafe": "ignore", "import": "else-style",
"export": "else-style", "copy": "op", "log": "op", "log_err": "op",
"use": "op", "bind": "op", "self": "atom"
var typeKeywords = function() {
var keywords = {"fn": "fn", "block": "fn", "obj": "obj"};
var atoms = "bool uint int i8 i16 i32 i64 u8 u16 u32 u64 float f32 f64 str char".split(" ");
for (var i = 0, e = atoms.length; i < e; ++i) keywords[atoms[i]] = "atom";
return keywords;
var operatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|\.@]/;
// Tokenizer
// Used as scratch variable to communicate multiple values without
// consing up tons of objects.
var tcat, content;
function r(tc, style) {
tcat = tc;
return style;
function tokenBase(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.next();
if (ch == '"') {
state.tokenize = tokenString;
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (ch == "'") {
tcat = "atom";
if (stream.eat("\\")) {
if (stream.skipTo("'")) { stream.next(); return "string"; }
else { return "error"; }
} else {
return stream.eat("'") ? "string" : "error";
if (ch == "/") {
if (stream.eat("/")) { stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; }
if (stream.eat("*")) {
state.tokenize = tokenComment(1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (ch == "#") {
if (stream.eat("[")) { tcat = "open-attr"; return null; }
return r("macro", "meta");
if (ch == ":" && stream.match(":<")) {
return r("op", null);
if (ch.match(/\d/) || (ch == "." && stream.eat(/\d/))) {
var flp = false;
if (!stream.match(/^x[\da-f]+/i) && !stream.match(/^b[01]+/)) {
if (stream.eat(".")) { flp = true; stream.eatWhile(/\d/); }
if (stream.match(/^e[+\-]?\d+/i)) { flp = true; }
if (flp) stream.match(/^f(?:32|64)/);
else stream.match(/^[ui](?:8|16|32|64)/);
return r("atom", "number");
if (ch.match(/[()\[\]{}:;,]/)) return r(ch, null);
if (ch == "-" && stream.eat(">")) return r("->", null);
if (ch.match(operatorChar)) {
return r("op", null);
content = stream.current();
if (stream.match(/^::\w/)) {
return r("prefix", "variable-2");
if (state.keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(content))
return r(state.keywords[content], content.match(/true|false/) ? "atom" : "keyword");
return r("name", "variable");
function tokenString(stream, state) {
var ch, escaped = false;
while (ch = stream.next()) {
if (ch == '"' && !escaped) {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return r("atom", "string");
escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
// Hack to not confuse the parser when a string is split in
// pieces.
return r("op", "string");
function tokenComment(depth) {
return function(stream, state) {
var lastCh = null, ch;
while (ch = stream.next()) {
if (ch == "/" && lastCh == "*") {
if (depth == 1) {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
} else {
state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth - 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (ch == "*" && lastCh == "/") {
state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth + 1);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
lastCh = ch;
return "comment";
// Parser
var cx = {state: null, stream: null, marked: null, cc: null};
function pass() {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cx.cc.push(arguments[i]);
function cont() {
pass.apply(null, arguments);
return true;
function pushlex(type, info) {
var result = function() {
var state = cx.state;
state.lexical = {indented: state.indented, column: cx.stream.column(),
type: type, prev: state.lexical, info: info};
result.lex = true;
return result;
function poplex() {
var state = cx.state;
if (state.lexical.prev) {
if (state.lexical.type == ")")
state.indented = state.lexical.indented;
state.lexical = state.lexical.prev;
function typecx() { cx.state.keywords = typeKeywords; }
function valcx() { cx.state.keywords = valKeywords; }
poplex.lex = typecx.lex = valcx.lex = true;
function commasep(comb, end) {
function more(type) {
if (type == ",") return cont(comb, more);
if (type == end) return cont();
return cont(more);
return function(type) {
if (type == end) return cont();
return pass(comb, more);
function stat_of(comb, tag) {
return cont(pushlex("stat", tag), comb, poplex, block);
function block(type) {
if (type == "}") return cont();
if (type == "let") return stat_of(letdef1, "let");
if (type == "fn") return stat_of(fndef);
if (type == "type") return cont(pushlex("stat"), tydef, endstatement, poplex, block);
if (type == "enum") return stat_of(enumdef);
if (type == "mod") return stat_of(mod);
if (type == "iface") return stat_of(iface);
if (type == "impl") return stat_of(impl);
if (type == "open-attr") return cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(expression, "]"), poplex);
if (type == "ignore" || type.match(/[\]\);,]/)) return cont(block);
return pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, poplex, endstatement, block);
function endstatement(type) {
if (type == ";") return cont();
return pass();
function expression(type) {
if (type == "atom" || type == "name") return cont(maybeop);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), exprbrace, poplex);
if (type.match(/[\[\(]/)) return matchBrackets(type, expression);
if (type.match(/[\]\)\};,]/)) return pass();
if (type == "if-style") return cont(expression, expression);
if (type == "else-style" || type == "op") return cont(expression);
if (type == "for") return cont(pattern, maybetype, inop, expression, expression);
if (type == "alt") return cont(expression, altbody);
if (type == "fn") return cont(fndef);
if (type == "macro") return cont(macro);
return cont();
function maybeop(type) {
if (content == ".") return cont(maybeprop);
if (content == "::<"){return cont(typarams, maybeop);}
if (type == "op" || content == ":") return cont(expression);
if (type == "(" || type == "[") return matchBrackets(type, expression);
return pass();
function maybeprop(type) {
if (content.match(/^\w+$/)) {cx.marked = "variable"; return cont(maybeop);}
return pass(expression);
function exprbrace(type) {
if (type == "op") {
if (content == "|") return cont(blockvars, poplex, pushlex("}", "block"), block);
if (content == "||") return cont(poplex, pushlex("}", "block"), block);
if (content == "mutable" || (content.match(/^\w+$/) && cx.stream.peek() == ":"
&& !cx.stream.match("::", false)))
return pass(record_of(expression));
return pass(block);
function record_of(comb) {
function ro(type) {
if (content == "mutable" || content == "with") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(ro);}
if (content.match(/^\w*$/)) {cx.marked = "variable"; return cont(ro);}
if (type == ":") return cont(comb, ro);
if (type == "}") return cont();
return cont(ro);
return ro;
function blockvars(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(blockvars);}
if (type == "op" && content == "|") return cont();
return cont(blockvars);
function letdef1(type) {
if (type.match(/[\]\)\};]/)) return cont();
if (content == "=") return cont(expression, letdef2);
if (type == ",") return cont(letdef1);
return pass(pattern, maybetype, letdef1);
function letdef2(type) {
if (type.match(/[\]\)\};,]/)) return pass(letdef1);
else return pass(expression, letdef2);
function maybetype(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(typecx, rtype, valcx);
return pass();
function inop(type) {
if (type == "name" && content == "in") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont();}
return pass();
function fndef(type) {
if (content == "@" || content == "~") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(fndef);}
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(fndef);}
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams, fndef);
if (type == "{") return pass(expression);
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), commasep(argdef, ")"), poplex, fndef);
if (type == "->") return cont(typecx, rtype, valcx, fndef);
if (type == ";") return cont();
return cont(fndef);
function tydef(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(tydef);}
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams, tydef);
if (content == "=") return cont(typecx, rtype, valcx);
return cont(tydef);
function enumdef(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(enumdef);}
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams, enumdef);
if (content == "=") return cont(typecx, rtype, valcx, endstatement);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), typecx, enumblock, valcx, poplex);
return cont(enumdef);
function enumblock(type) {
if (type == "}") return cont();
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), commasep(rtype, ")"), poplex, enumblock);
if (content.match(/^\w+$/)) cx.marked = "def";
return cont(enumblock);
function mod(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(mod);}
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
return pass();
function iface(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(iface);}
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams, iface);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
return pass();
function impl(type) {
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams, impl);
if (content == "of" || content == "for") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(rtype, impl);}
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(impl);}
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
return pass();
function typarams(type) {
if (content == ">") return cont();
if (content == ",") return cont(typarams);
if (content == ":") return cont(rtype, typarams);
return pass(rtype, typarams);
function argdef(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(argdef);}
if (type == ":") return cont(typecx, rtype, valcx);
return pass();
function rtype(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "variable-3"; return cont(rtypemaybeparam); }
if (content == "mutable") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(rtype);}
if (type == "atom") return cont(rtypemaybeparam);
if (type == "op" || type == "obj") return cont(rtype);
if (type == "fn") return cont(fntype);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("{"), record_of(rtype), poplex);
return matchBrackets(type, rtype);
function rtypemaybeparam(type) {
if (content == "<") return cont(typarams);
return pass();
function fntype(type) {
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex("("), commasep(rtype, ")"), poplex, fntype);
if (type == "->") return cont(rtype);
return pass();
function pattern(type) {
if (type == "name") {cx.marked = "def"; return cont(patternmaybeop);}
if (type == "atom") return cont(patternmaybeop);
if (type == "op") return cont(pattern);
if (type.match(/[\]\)\};,]/)) return pass();
return matchBrackets(type, pattern);
function patternmaybeop(type) {
if (type == "op" && content == ".") return cont();
if (content == "to") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(pattern);}
else return pass();
function altbody(type) {
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}", "alt"), altblock1, poplex);
return pass();
function altblock1(type) {
if (type == "}") return cont();
if (type == "|") return cont(altblock1);
if (content == "when") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(expression, altblock2);}
if (type.match(/[\]\);,]/)) return cont(altblock1);
return pass(pattern, altblock2);
function altblock2(type) {
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}", "alt"), block, poplex, altblock1);
else return pass(altblock1);
function macro(type) {
if (type.match(/[\[\(\{]/)) return matchBrackets(type, expression);
return pass();
function matchBrackets(type, comb) {
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(comb, "]"), poplex);
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), commasep(comb, ")"), poplex);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), commasep(comb, "}"), poplex);
return cont();
function parse(state, stream, style) {
var cc = state.cc;
// Communicate our context to the combinators.
// (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.)
cx.state = state; cx.stream = stream; cx.marked = null, cx.cc = cc;
while (true) {
var combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : block;
if (combinator(tcat)) {
while(cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1].lex)
return cx.marked || style;
return {
startState: function() {
return {
tokenize: tokenBase,
cc: [],
lexical: {indented: -indentUnit, column: 0, type: "top", align: false},
keywords: valKeywords,
indented: 0
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = false;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
tcat = content = null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (style == "comment") return style;
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = true;
if (tcat == "prefix") return style;
if (!content) content = stream.current();
return parse(state, stream, style);
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) return 0;
var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), lexical = state.lexical,
type = lexical.type, closing = firstChar == type;
if (type == "stat") return lexical.indented + indentUnit;
if (lexical.align) return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : (lexical.info == "alt" ? altIndentUnit : indentUnit));
electricChars: "{}"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-rustsrc", "rust");