##// END OF EJS Templates
Fix rpmlint: non-executable-script...
Fix rpmlint: non-executable-script """ This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed. If the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits, otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere. """ Mostly deleting the shebang, but some files contain a __main__ function, so make them executable. This is the last commit of this series and: Closes gh-647.

File last commit:

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319 lines | 11.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# encoding: utf-8
Job and task components for writing .xml files that the Windows HPC Server
2008 can use to start jobs.
* Brian Granger
* MinRK
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
import os
import re
import uuid
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable
from IPython.utils.traitlets import (
Unicode, Int, List, Instance,
Enum, Bool
# Job and Task classes
def as_str(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
elif isinstance(value, bool):
if value:
return 'true'
return 'false'
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return repr(value)
return value
def indent(elem, level=0):
i = "\n" + level*" "
if len(elem):
if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
elem.text = i + " "
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
for elem in elem:
indent(elem, level+1)
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
elem.tail = i
def find_username():
domain = os.environ.get('USERDOMAIN')
username = os.environ.get('USERNAME','')
if domain is None:
return username
return '%s\\%s' % (domain, username)
class WinHPCJob(Configurable):
job_id = Unicode('')
job_name = Unicode('MyJob', config=True)
min_cores = Int(1, config=True)
max_cores = Int(1, config=True)
min_sockets = Int(1, config=True)
max_sockets = Int(1, config=True)
min_nodes = Int(1, config=True)
max_nodes = Int(1, config=True)
unit_type = Unicode("Core", config=True)
auto_calculate_min = Bool(True, config=True)
auto_calculate_max = Bool(True, config=True)
run_until_canceled = Bool(False, config=True)
is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True)
username = Unicode(find_username(), config=True)
job_type = Unicode('Batch', config=True)
priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'),
default_value='Highest', config=True)
requested_nodes = Unicode('', config=True)
project = Unicode('IPython', config=True)
xmlns = Unicode('http://schemas.microsoft.com/HPCS2008/scheduler/')
version = Unicode("2.000")
tasks = List([])
def owner(self):
return self.username
def _write_attr(self, root, attr, key):
s = as_str(getattr(self, attr, ''))
if s:
root.set(key, s)
def as_element(self):
# We have to add _A_ type things to get the right order than
# the MSFT XML parser expects.
root = ET.Element('Job')
self._write_attr(root, 'version', '_A_Version')
self._write_attr(root, 'job_name', '_B_Name')
self._write_attr(root, 'unit_type', '_C_UnitType')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_cores', '_D_MinCores')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_cores', '_E_MaxCores')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_sockets', '_F_MinSockets')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_sockets', '_G_MaxSockets')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_nodes', '_H_MinNodes')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_nodes', '_I_MaxNodes')
self._write_attr(root, 'run_until_canceled', '_J_RunUntilCanceled')
self._write_attr(root, 'is_exclusive', '_K_IsExclusive')
self._write_attr(root, 'username', '_L_UserName')
self._write_attr(root, 'job_type', '_M_JobType')
self._write_attr(root, 'priority', '_N_Priority')
self._write_attr(root, 'requested_nodes', '_O_RequestedNodes')
self._write_attr(root, 'auto_calculate_max', '_P_AutoCalculateMax')
self._write_attr(root, 'auto_calculate_min', '_Q_AutoCalculateMin')
self._write_attr(root, 'project', '_R_Project')
self._write_attr(root, 'owner', '_S_Owner')
self._write_attr(root, 'xmlns', '_T_xmlns')
dependencies = ET.SubElement(root, "Dependencies")
etasks = ET.SubElement(root, "Tasks")
for t in self.tasks:
return root
def tostring(self):
"""Return the string representation of the job description XML."""
root = self.as_element()
txt = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
# Now remove the tokens used to order the attributes.
txt = re.sub(r'_[A-Z]_','',txt)
txt = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' + txt
return txt
def write(self, filename):
"""Write the XML job description to a file."""
txt = self.tostring()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def add_task(self, task):
"""Add a task to the job.
task : :class:`WinHPCTask`
The task object to add.
class WinHPCTask(Configurable):
task_id = Unicode('')
task_name = Unicode('')
version = Unicode("2.000")
min_cores = Int(1, config=True)
max_cores = Int(1, config=True)
min_sockets = Int(1, config=True)
max_sockets = Int(1, config=True)
min_nodes = Int(1, config=True)
max_nodes = Int(1, config=True)
unit_type = Unicode("Core", config=True)
command_line = Unicode('', config=True)
work_directory = Unicode('', config=True)
is_rerunnaable = Bool(True, config=True)
std_out_file_path = Unicode('', config=True)
std_err_file_path = Unicode('', config=True)
is_parametric = Bool(False, config=True)
environment_variables = Instance(dict, args=(), config=True)
def _write_attr(self, root, attr, key):
s = as_str(getattr(self, attr, ''))
if s:
root.set(key, s)
def as_element(self):
root = ET.Element('Task')
self._write_attr(root, 'version', '_A_Version')
self._write_attr(root, 'task_name', '_B_Name')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_cores', '_C_MinCores')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_cores', '_D_MaxCores')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_sockets', '_E_MinSockets')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_sockets', '_F_MaxSockets')
self._write_attr(root, 'min_nodes', '_G_MinNodes')
self._write_attr(root, 'max_nodes', '_H_MaxNodes')
self._write_attr(root, 'command_line', '_I_CommandLine')
self._write_attr(root, 'work_directory', '_J_WorkDirectory')
self._write_attr(root, 'is_rerunnaable', '_K_IsRerunnable')
self._write_attr(root, 'std_out_file_path', '_L_StdOutFilePath')
self._write_attr(root, 'std_err_file_path', '_M_StdErrFilePath')
self._write_attr(root, 'is_parametric', '_N_IsParametric')
self._write_attr(root, 'unit_type', '_O_UnitType')
return root
def get_env_vars(self):
env_vars = ET.Element('EnvironmentVariables')
for k, v in self.environment_variables.iteritems():
variable = ET.SubElement(env_vars, "Variable")
name = ET.SubElement(variable, "Name")
name.text = k
value = ET.SubElement(variable, "Value")
value.text = v
return env_vars
# By declaring these, we can configure the controller and engine separately!
class IPControllerJob(WinHPCJob):
job_name = Unicode('IPController', config=False)
is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True)
username = Unicode(find_username(), config=True)
priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'),
default_value='Highest', config=True)
requested_nodes = Unicode('', config=True)
project = Unicode('IPython', config=True)
class IPEngineSetJob(WinHPCJob):
job_name = Unicode('IPEngineSet', config=False)
is_exclusive = Bool(False, config=True)
username = Unicode(find_username(), config=True)
priority = Enum(('Lowest','BelowNormal','Normal','AboveNormal','Highest'),
default_value='Highest', config=True)
requested_nodes = Unicode('', config=True)
project = Unicode('IPython', config=True)
class IPControllerTask(WinHPCTask):
task_name = Unicode('IPController', config=True)
controller_cmd = List(['ipcontroller.exe'], config=True)
controller_args = List(['--log-to-file', '--log-level=40'], config=True)
# I don't want these to be configurable
std_out_file_path = Unicode('', config=False)
std_err_file_path = Unicode('', config=False)
min_cores = Int(1, config=False)
max_cores = Int(1, config=False)
min_sockets = Int(1, config=False)
max_sockets = Int(1, config=False)
min_nodes = Int(1, config=False)
max_nodes = Int(1, config=False)
unit_type = Unicode("Core", config=False)
work_directory = Unicode('', config=False)
def __init__(self, config=None):
super(IPControllerTask, self).__init__(config=config)
the_uuid = uuid.uuid1()
self.std_out_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipcontroller-%s.out' % the_uuid)
self.std_err_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipcontroller-%s.err' % the_uuid)
def command_line(self):
return ' '.join(self.controller_cmd + self.controller_args)
class IPEngineTask(WinHPCTask):
task_name = Unicode('IPEngine', config=True)
engine_cmd = List(['ipengine.exe'], config=True)
engine_args = List(['--log-to-file', '--log-level=40'], config=True)
# I don't want these to be configurable
std_out_file_path = Unicode('', config=False)
std_err_file_path = Unicode('', config=False)
min_cores = Int(1, config=False)
max_cores = Int(1, config=False)
min_sockets = Int(1, config=False)
max_sockets = Int(1, config=False)
min_nodes = Int(1, config=False)
max_nodes = Int(1, config=False)
unit_type = Unicode("Core", config=False)
work_directory = Unicode('', config=False)
def __init__(self, config=None):
the_uuid = uuid.uuid1()
self.std_out_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipengine-%s.out' % the_uuid)
self.std_err_file_path = os.path.join('log','ipengine-%s.err' % the_uuid)
def command_line(self):
return ' '.join(self.engine_cmd + self.engine_args)
# j = WinHPCJob(None)
# j.job_name = 'IPCluster'
# j.username = 'GNET\\bgranger'
# j.requested_nodes = 'GREEN'
# t = WinHPCTask(None)
# t.task_name = 'Controller'
# t.command_line = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\Python\Python25\Scripts\ipcontroller.exe --log-to-file -p default --log-level 10"
# t.work_directory = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\.ipython\cluster_default"
# t.std_out_file_path = 'controller-out.txt'
# t.std_err_file_path = 'controller-err.txt'
# t.environment_variables['PYTHONPATH'] = r"\\blue\domainusers$\bgranger\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages"
# j.add_task(t)