##// END OF EJS Templates
The IPythonWidget now tries to be smart about choosing colors to use for ANSI color codes.
The IPythonWidget now tries to be smart about choosing colors to use for ANSI color codes.

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375 lines | 15.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
""" A FrontendWidget that emulates the interface of the console IPython and
supports the additional functionality provided by the IPython kernel.
TODO: Add support for retrieving the system default editor. Requires code
paths for Windows (use the registry), Mac OS (use LaunchServices), and
Linux (use the xdg system).
# Standard library imports
from subprocess import Popen
# System library imports
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
# Local imports
from IPython.core.inputsplitter import IPythonInputSplitter
from IPython.core.usage import default_banner
from frontend_widget import FrontendWidget
class IPythonPromptBlock(object):
""" An internal storage object for IPythonWidget.
def __init__(self, block, length, number):
self.block = block
self.length = length
self.number = number
class IPythonWidget(FrontendWidget):
""" A FrontendWidget for an IPython kernel.
# Signal emitted when an editor is needed for a file and the editor has been
# specified as 'custom'. See 'set_editor' for more information.
custom_edit_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object, object)
# The default stylesheet: black text on a white background.
default_stylesheet = """
.error { color: red; }
.in-prompt { color: navy; }
.in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
.out-prompt { color: darkred; }
.out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
# A dark stylesheet: white text on a black background.
dark_stylesheet = """
QPlainTextEdit, QTextEdit { background-color: black; color: white }
QFrame { border: 1px solid grey; }
.error { color: red; }
.in-prompt { color: lime; }
.in-prompt-number { color: lime; font-weight: bold; }
.out-prompt { color: red; }
.out-prompt-number { color: red; font-weight: bold; }
# Default prompts.
in_prompt = 'In [<span class="in-prompt-number">%i</span>]: '
out_prompt = 'Out[<span class="out-prompt-number">%i</span>]: '
# FrontendWidget protected class variables.
_input_splitter_class = IPythonInputSplitter
# IPythonWidget protected class variables.
_payload_source_edit = 'IPython.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell.edit_magic'
_payload_source_page = 'IPython.zmq.page.page'
# 'object' interface
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(IPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
# IPythonWidget protected variables.
self._previous_prompt_obj = None
# Set a default editor and stylesheet.
# 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
def _handle_complete_reply(self, rep):
""" Reimplemented to support IPython's improved completion machinery.
cursor = self._get_cursor()
if rep['parent_header']['msg_id'] == self._complete_id and \
cursor.position() == self._complete_pos:
# The completer tells us what text was actually used for the
# matching, so we must move that many characters left to apply the
# completions.
text = rep['content']['matched_text']
cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=len(text))
self._complete_with_items(cursor, rep['content']['matches'])
def _handle_history_reply(self, msg):
""" Implemented to handle history replies, which are only supported by
the IPython kernel.
history_dict = msg['content']['history']
items = [ history_dict[key] for key in sorted(history_dict.keys()) ]
def _handle_prompt_reply(self, msg):
""" Implemented to handle prompt number replies, which are only
supported by the IPython kernel.
content = msg['content']
def _handle_pyout(self, msg):
""" Reimplemented for IPython-style "display hook".
if not self._hidden and self._is_from_this_session(msg):
content = msg['content']
prompt_number = content['prompt_number']
self._append_plain_text(content['data'] + '\n' +
def _started_channels(self):
""" Reimplemented to make a history request.
super(IPythonWidget, self)._started_channels()
# FIXME: Disabled until history requests are properly implemented.
#self.kernel_manager.xreq_channel.history(raw=True, output=False)
# 'FrontendWidget' interface
def execute_file(self, path, hidden=False):
""" Reimplemented to use the 'run' magic.
self.execute('%%run %s' % path, hidden=hidden)
# 'FrontendWidget' protected interface
def _complete(self):
""" Reimplemented to support IPython's improved completion machinery.
# We let the kernel split the input line, so we *always* send an empty
# text field. Readline-based frontends do get a real text field which
# they can use.
text = ''
# Send the completion request to the kernel
self._complete_id = self.kernel_manager.xreq_channel.complete(
text, # text
self._get_input_buffer_cursor_line(), # line
self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column(), # cursor_pos
self.input_buffer) # block
self._complete_pos = self._get_cursor().position()
def _get_banner(self):
""" Reimplemented to return IPython's default banner.
return default_banner + '\n'
def _process_execute_error(self, msg):
""" Reimplemented for IPython-style traceback formatting.
content = msg['content']
traceback = '\n'.join(content['traceback']) + '\n'
if False:
# FIXME: For now, tracebacks come as plain text, so we can't use
# the html renderer yet. Once we refactor ultratb to produce
# properly styled tracebacks, this branch should be the default
traceback = traceback.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
traceback = traceback.replace('\n', '<br/>')
ename = content['ename']
ename_styled = '<span class="error">%s</span>' % ename
traceback = traceback.replace(ename, ename_styled)
# This is the fallback for now, using plain text with ansi escapes
def _process_execute_payload(self, item):
""" Reimplemented to handle %edit and paging payloads.
if item['source'] == self._payload_source_edit:
self._edit(item['filename'], item['line_number'])
return True
elif item['source'] == self._payload_source_page:
return True
return False
def _show_interpreter_prompt(self, number=None, input_sep='\n'):
""" Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts.
# If a number was not specified, make a prompt number request.
if number is None:
# Show a new prompt and save information about it so that it can be
# updated later if the prompt number turns out to be wrong.
self._prompt_sep = input_sep
self._show_prompt(self._make_in_prompt(number), html=True)
block = self._control.document().lastBlock()
length = len(self._prompt)
self._previous_prompt_obj = IPythonPromptBlock(block, length, number)
# Update continuation prompt to reflect (possibly) new prompt length.
self._make_continuation_prompt(self._prompt), html=True)
def _show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(self, msg):
""" Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts.
# Update the old prompt number if necessary.
content = msg['content']
previous_prompt_number = content['prompt_number']
if self._previous_prompt_obj and \
self._previous_prompt_obj.number != previous_prompt_number:
block = self._previous_prompt_obj.block
# Make sure the prompt block has not been erased.
if block.isValid() and not block.text().isEmpty():
# Remove the old prompt and insert a new prompt.
cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(block)
prompt = self._make_in_prompt(previous_prompt_number)
self._prompt = self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text(
cursor, prompt)
# When the HTML is inserted, Qt blows away the syntax
# highlighting for the line, so we need to rehighlight it.
self._previous_prompt_obj = None
# Show a new prompt with the kernel's estimated prompt number.
next_prompt = content['next_prompt']
# 'IPythonWidget' interface
def reset_styling(self):
""" Restores the default IPythonWidget styling.
self.set_styling(self.default_stylesheet, syntax_style='default')
#self.set_styling(self.dark_stylesheet, syntax_style='monokai')
def set_editor(self, editor, line_editor=None):
""" Sets the editor to use with the %edit magic.
editor : str
A command for invoking a system text editor. If the string contains
a {filename} format specifier, it will be used. Otherwise, the
filename will be appended to the end the command.
This parameter also takes a special value:
'custom' : Emit a 'custom_edit_requested(str, int)' signal
instead of opening an editor.
line_editor : str, optional
The editor command to use when a specific line number is
requested. The string should contain two format specifiers: {line}
and {filename}. If this parameter is not specified, the line number
option to the %edit magic will be ignored.
self._editor = editor
self._editor_line = line_editor
def set_styling(self, stylesheet, syntax_style=None):
""" Sets the IPythonWidget styling.
stylesheet : str
A CSS stylesheet. The stylesheet can contain classes for:
1. Qt: QPlainTextEdit, QFrame, QWidget, etc
2. Pygments: .c, .k, .o, etc (see PygmentsHighlighter)
3. IPython: .error, .in-prompt, .out-prompt, etc.
syntax_style : str or None [default None]
If specified, use the Pygments style with given name. Otherwise,
the stylesheet is queried for Pygments style information.
if self._page_control:
if syntax_style is None:
bg_color = self._control.palette().background().color()
# 'IPythonWidget' protected interface
def _edit(self, filename, line=None):
""" Opens a Python script for editing.
filename : str
A path to a local system file.
line : int, optional
A line of interest in the file.
if self._editor == 'custom':
self.custom_edit_requested.emit(filename, line)
elif self._editor == 'default':
self._append_plain_text('No default editor available.\n')
filename = '"%s"' % filename
if line and self._editor_line:
command = self._editor_line.format(filename=filename,
command = self._editor.format()
except KeyError:
command = self._editor.format(filename=filename)
command += ' ' + filename
except KeyError:
self._append_plain_text('Invalid editor command.\n')
Popen(command, shell=True)
except OSError:
msg = 'Opening editor with command "%s" failed.\n'
self._append_plain_text(msg % command)
def _make_in_prompt(self, number):
""" Given a prompt number, returns an HTML In prompt.
body = self.in_prompt % number
return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body
def _make_continuation_prompt(self, prompt):
""" Given a plain text version of an In prompt, returns an HTML
continuation prompt.
end_chars = '...: '
space_count = len(prompt.lstrip('\n')) - len(end_chars)
body = '&nbsp;' * space_count + end_chars
return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body
def _make_out_prompt(self, number):
""" Given a prompt number, returns an HTML Out prompt.
body = self.out_prompt % number
return '<span class="out-prompt">%s</span>' % body