##// END OF EJS Templates
Add an option (`ipython_warning_is_error`) to not stop on error....
Add an option (`ipython_warning_is_error`) to not stop on error. The behavior pre-6.5 was to keep on going even if unexpected exceptions or warnings were shown, on 7.x the default is to abort the build. For compat reasons (and convenience), you can now set back the behavior to the original one to just log to stderr and move on.

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231 lines | 8.2 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Simple tools to query github.com and gather stats about issues.
To generate a report for IPython 2.0, run:
python github_stats.py --milestone 2.0 --since-tag rel-1.0.0
# Imports
import codecs
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from subprocess import check_output
from gh_api import (
get_paged_request, make_auth_header, get_pull_request, is_pull_request,
get_milestone_id, get_issues_list, get_authors,
# Globals
ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
PER_PAGE = 100
# Functions
def round_hour(dt):
return dt.replace(minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0)
def _parse_datetime(s):
"""Parse dates in the format returned by the Github API."""
if s:
return datetime.strptime(s, ISO8601)
return datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
def issues2dict(issues):
"""Convert a list of issues to a dict, keyed by issue number."""
idict = {}
for i in issues:
idict[i['number']] = i
return idict
def split_pulls(all_issues, project="ipython/ipython"):
"""split a list of closed issues into non-PR Issues and Pull Requests"""
pulls = []
issues = []
for i in all_issues:
if is_pull_request(i):
pull = get_pull_request(project, i['number'], auth=True)
return issues, pulls
def issues_closed_since(period=timedelta(days=365), project="ipython/ipython", pulls=False):
"""Get all issues closed since a particular point in time. period
can either be a datetime object, or a timedelta object. In the
latter case, it is used as a time before the present.
which = 'pulls' if pulls else 'issues'
if isinstance(period, timedelta):
since = round_hour(datetime.utcnow() - period)
since = period
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s?state=closed&sort=updated&since=%s&per_page=%i" % (project, which, since.strftime(ISO8601), PER_PAGE)
allclosed = get_paged_request(url, headers=make_auth_header())
filtered = [ i for i in allclosed if _parse_datetime(i['closed_at']) > since ]
if pulls:
filtered = [ i for i in filtered if _parse_datetime(i['merged_at']) > since ]
# filter out PRs not against master (backports)
filtered = [ i for i in filtered if i['base']['ref'] == 'master' ]
filtered = [ i for i in filtered if not is_pull_request(i) ]
return filtered
def sorted_by_field(issues, field='closed_at', reverse=False):
"""Return a list of issues sorted by closing date date."""
return sorted(issues, key = lambda i:i[field], reverse=reverse)
def report(issues, show_urls=False):
"""Summary report about a list of issues, printing number and title."""
if show_urls:
for i in issues:
role = 'ghpull' if 'merged_at' in i else 'ghissue'
print(u'* :%s:`%d`: %s' % (role, i['number'],
i['title'].replace(u'`', u'``')))
for i in issues:
print(u'* %d: %s' % (i['number'], i['title'].replace(u'`', u'``')))
# Main script
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("DEPRECATE: backport_pr.py is deprecated and it is now recommended"
"to install `ghpro` from PyPI.", file=sys.stderr)
# Whether to add reST urls for all issues in printout.
show_urls = True
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--since-tag', type=str,
help="The git tag to use for the starting point (typically the last major release)."
parser.add_argument('--milestone', type=str,
help="The GitHub milestone to use for filtering issues [optional]."
parser.add_argument('--days', type=int,
help="The number of days of data to summarize (use this or --since-tag)."
parser.add_argument('--project', type=str, default="ipython/ipython",
help="The project to summarize."
parser.add_argument('--links', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Include links to all closed Issues and PRs in the output."
opts = parser.parse_args()
tag = opts.since_tag
# set `since` from days or git tag
if opts.days:
since = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=opts.days)
if not tag:
tag = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=0']).strip().decode('utf8')
cmd = ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%ai', tag]
tagday, tz = check_output(cmd).strip().decode('utf8').rsplit(' ', 1)
since = datetime.strptime(tagday, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
h = int(tz[1:3])
m = int(tz[3:])
td = timedelta(hours=h, minutes=m)
if tz[0] == '-':
since += td
since -= td
since = round_hour(since)
milestone = opts.milestone
project = opts.project
print("fetching GitHub stats since %s (tag: %s, milestone: %s)" % (since, tag, milestone), file=sys.stderr)
if milestone:
milestone_id = get_milestone_id(project=project, milestone=milestone,
issues_and_pulls = get_issues_list(project=project,
issues, pulls = split_pulls(issues_and_pulls, project=project)
issues = issues_closed_since(since, project=project, pulls=False)
pulls = issues_closed_since(since, project=project, pulls=True)
# For regular reports, it's nice to show them in reverse chronological order
issues = sorted_by_field(issues, reverse=True)
pulls = sorted_by_field(pulls, reverse=True)
n_issues, n_pulls = map(len, (issues, pulls))
n_total = n_issues + n_pulls
# Print summary report we can directly include into release notes.
since_day = since.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
today = datetime.today().strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
print("GitHub stats for %s - %s (tag: %s)" % (since_day, today, tag))
print("These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.")
ncommits = 0
all_authors = []
if tag:
# print git info, in addition to GitHub info:
since_tag = tag+'..'
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--oneline', since_tag]
ncommits += len(check_output(cmd).splitlines())
author_cmd = ['git', 'log', '--use-mailmap', "--format=* %aN", since_tag]
all_authors.extend(check_output(author_cmd).decode('utf-8', 'replace').splitlines())
pr_authors = []
for pr in pulls:
ncommits = len(pr_authors) + ncommits - len(pulls)
author_cmd = ['git', 'check-mailmap'] + pr_authors
with_email = check_output(author_cmd).decode('utf-8', 'replace').splitlines()
all_authors.extend([ u'* ' + a.split(' <')[0] for a in with_email ])
unique_authors = sorted(set(all_authors), key=lambda s: s.lower())
print("We closed %d issues and merged %d pull requests." % (n_issues, n_pulls))
if milestone:
print("The full list can be seen `on GitHub <https://github.com/{project}/issues?q=milestone%3A{milestone}>`__".format(project=project,milestone=milestone)
print("The following %i authors contributed %i commits." % (len(unique_authors), ncommits))
if opts.links:
print("GitHub issues and pull requests:")
print('Pull Requests (%d):\n' % n_pulls)
report(pulls, show_urls)
print('Issues (%d):\n' % n_issues)
report(issues, show_urls)