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""" Legacy stuff
Various stuff that are there for historical / familiarity reasons.
This is automatically imported by default profile, though not other profiles
(e.g. 'sh' profile).
Stuff that is considered obsolete / redundant is gradually moved here.
import IPython.ipapi
ip = IPython.ipapi.get()
import os,sys
from IPython.genutils import *
# use ?
def magic_pdef(self, parameter_s='', namespaces=None):
"""Print the definition header for any callable object.
If the object is a class, print the constructor information."""
self._inspect('pdef',parameter_s, namespaces)
ip.expose_magic("pdef", magic_pdef)
# use ?
def magic_pdoc(self, parameter_s='', namespaces=None):
"""Print the docstring for an object.
If the given object is a class, it will print both the class and the
constructor docstrings."""
self._inspect('pdoc',parameter_s, namespaces)
ip.expose_magic("pdoc", magic_pdoc)
# use ??
def magic_psource(self, parameter_s='', namespaces=None):
"""Print (or run through pager) the source code for an object."""
self._inspect('psource',parameter_s, namespaces)
ip.expose_magic("pdoc", magic_psource)
# use ?
def magic_pfile(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Print (or run through pager) the file where an object is defined.
The file opens at the line where the object definition begins. IPython
will honor the environment variable PAGER if set, and otherwise will
do its best to print the file in a convenient form.
If the given argument is not an object currently defined, IPython will
try to interpret it as a filename (automatically adding a .py extension
if needed). You can thus use %pfile as a syntax highlighting code
# first interpret argument as an object name
out = self._inspect('pfile',parameter_s)
# if not, try the input as a filename
if out == 'not found':
filename = get_py_filename(parameter_s)
except IOError,msg:
print msg
ip.expose_magic("pfile", magic_pfile)
# use rehashx
def magic_rehash(self, parameter_s = ''):
"""Update the alias table with all entries in $PATH.
This version does no checks on execute permissions or whether the
contents of $PATH are truly files (instead of directories or something
else). For such a safer (but slower) version, use %rehashx."""
# This function (and rehashx) manipulate the alias_table directly
# rather than calling magic_alias, for speed reasons. A rehash on a
# typical Linux box involves several thousand entries, so efficiency
# here is a top concern.
path = filter(os.path.isdir,os.environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep))
alias_table = self.shell.alias_table
for pdir in path:
for ff in os.listdir(pdir):
# each entry in the alias table must be (N,name), where
# N is the number of positional arguments of the alias.
alias_table[ff] = (0,ff)
# Make sure the alias table doesn't contain keywords or builtins
# Call again init_auto_alias() so we get 'rm -i' and other modified
# aliases since %rehash will probably clobber them
ip.expose_magic("rehash", magic_rehash)
#use cd -<tab>
def magic_dhist(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Print your history of visited directories.
%dhist -> print full history\\
%dhist n -> print last n entries only\\
%dhist n1 n2 -> print entries between n1 and n2 (n1 not included)\\
This history is automatically maintained by the %cd command, and
always available as the global list variable _dh. You can use %cd -<n>
to go to directory number <n>."""
dh = self.shell.user_ns['_dh']
if parameter_s:
args = map(int,parameter_s.split())
if len(args) == 1:
ini,fin = max(len(dh)-(args[0]),0),len(dh)
elif len(args) == 2:
ini,fin = args
ini,fin = 0,len(dh)
header = 'Directory history (kept in _dh)',
ip.expose_magic("dhist", magic_dhist)
# Exit
def magic_Quit(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Exit IPython without confirmation (like %Exit)."""
self.shell.exit_now = True
ip.expose_magic("Quit", magic_Quit)
# make it autocallable fn if you really need it
def magic_p(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Just a short alias for Python's 'print'."""
exec 'print ' + parameter_s in self.shell.user_ns
ip.expose_magic("p", magic_p)
# up + enter. One char magic.
def magic_r(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Repeat previous input.
If given an argument, repeats the previous command which starts with
the same string, otherwise it just repeats the previous input.
Shell escaped commands (with ! as first character) are not recognized
by this system, only pure python code and magic commands.
start = parameter_s.strip()
esc_magic = self.shell.ESC_MAGIC
# Identify magic commands even if automagic is on (which means
# the in-memory version is different from that typed by the user).
if self.shell.rc.automagic:
start_magic = esc_magic+start
start_magic = start
# Look through the input history in reverse
for n in range(len(self.shell.input_hist)-2,0,-1):
input = self.shell.input_hist[n]
# skip plain 'r' lines so we don't recurse to infinity
if input != '_ip.magic("r")\n' and \
(input.startswith(start) or input.startswith(start_magic)):
#print 'match',`input` # dbg
print 'Executing:',input,
print 'No previous input matching `%s` found.' % start
ip.expose_magic("r", magic_r)
# use _ip.option.automagic
def magic_automagic(self, parameter_s = ''):
"""Make magic functions callable without having to type the initial %.
Without argumentsl toggles on/off (when off, you must call it as
%automagic, of course). With arguments it sets the value, and you can
use any of (case insensitive):
- on,1,True: to activate
- off,0,False: to deactivate.
Note that magic functions have lowest priority, so if there's a
variable whose name collides with that of a magic fn, automagic won't
work for that function (you get the variable instead). However, if you
delete the variable (del var), the previously shadowed magic function
becomes visible to automagic again."""
rc = self.shell.rc
arg = parameter_s.lower()
if parameter_s in ('on','1','true'):
rc.automagic = True
elif parameter_s in ('off','0','false'):
rc.automagic = False
rc.automagic = not rc.automagic
print '\n' + Magic.auto_status[rc.automagic]
ip.expose_magic("automagic", magic_automagic)
# use _ip.options.autocall
def magic_autocall(self, parameter_s = ''):
"""Make functions callable without having to type parentheses.
%autocall [mode]
The mode can be one of: 0->Off, 1->Smart, 2->Full. If not given, the
value is toggled on and off (remembering the previous state)."""
rc = self.shell.rc
if parameter_s:
arg = int(parameter_s)
arg = 'toggle'
if not arg in (0,1,2,'toggle'):
error('Valid modes: (0->Off, 1->Smart, 2->Full')
if arg in (0,1,2):
rc.autocall = arg
else: # toggle
if rc.autocall:
self._magic_state.autocall_save = rc.autocall
rc.autocall = 0
rc.autocall = self._magic_state.autocall_save
except AttributeError:
rc.autocall = self._magic_state.autocall_save = 1
print "Automatic calling is:",['OFF','Smart','Full'][rc.autocall]
ip.expose_magic("autocall", magic_autocall)