"""Read and write notebooks as regular .py files."""
from .rwbase import NotebookReader, NotebookWriter
from .nbbase import new_code_cell, new_worksheet, new_notebook
class PyReaderError(Exception):
class PyReader(NotebookReader):
def reads(self, s, **kwargs):
return self.to_notebook(s,**kwargs)
def to_notebook(self, s, **kwargs):
lines = s.splitlines()
cells = []
cell_lines = []
code_cell = False
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(u'# <nbformat>'):
elif line.startswith(u'# <codecell>'):
if code_cell:
raise PyReaderError('Unexpected <codecell>')
# We can't use the ast to split blocks because there can be
# IPython syntax in the files.
# if cell_lines:
# for block in self.split_lines_into_blocks(cell_lines):
# cells.append(new_code_cell(input=block))
cell_lines = []
code_cell = True
elif line.startswith(u'# </codecell>'):
if not code_cell:
raise PyReaderError('Unexpected </codecell>')
code = u'\n'.join(cell_lines)
code = code.strip(u'\n')
if code:
code_cell = False
# We can't use the ast to split blocks because there can be
# IPython syntax in the files.
# if cell_lines:
# for block in self.split_lines_into_blocks(cell_lines):
# cells.append(new_code_cell(input=block))
ws = new_worksheet(cells=cells)
nb = new_notebook(worksheets=[ws])
return nb
def split_lines_into_blocks(self, lines):
if len(lines) == 1:
yield lines[0]
raise StopIteration()
import ast
source = '\n'.join(lines)
code = ast.parse(source)
starts = [x.lineno-1 for x in code.body]
for i in range(len(starts)-1):
yield '\n'.join(lines[starts[i]:starts[i+1]]).strip('\n')
yield '\n'.join(lines[starts[-1]:]).strip('\n')
class PyWriter(NotebookWriter):
def writes(self, nb, **kwargs):
lines = []
lines.extend(['# <nbformat>2</nbformat>',''])
for ws in nb.worksheets:
for cell in ws.cells:
if cell.cell_type == 'code':
input = cell.get('input')
if input is not None:
lines.extend([u'# <codecell>',u''])
lines.extend([u'',u'# </codecell>'])
return unicode('\n'.join(lines))
_reader = PyReader()
_writer = PyWriter()
reads = _reader.reads
read = _reader.read
to_notebook = _reader.to_notebook
write = _writer.write
writes = _writer.writes