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The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computing system that enables users to author documents that include live code, narrative text, LaTeX equations, HTML, images and video. These documents are contain a full record of a computation and its results and can be shared on email, Dropbox, version control systems (like git/GitHub) or nbviewer.ipython.org.
- [User Interface](User Interface.ipynb)
- [Running Code](Running Code.ipynb)
- [Basic Output](Basic Output.ipynb)
- [Plotting with Matplotlib](Plotting with Matplotlib.ipynb)
- [Markdown Cells](Markdown Cells.ipynb)
- [Typesetting Math Using MathJax](Typesetting Math Using MathJax.ipynb)
- [Display System](Display System.ipynb)
- [Custom Display Logic](Custom Display Logic.ipynb)
- [Trapezoid Rule](Trapezoid Rule.ipynb)
- SymPy
- [Raw Input](Raw Input.ipynb)
- [Importing Notebooks](Importing Notebooks.ipynb)
- [Connecting with the Qt Console](Connecting with the Qt Console.ipynb)
- [Animations Using clear_output](Animations Using clear_output.ipynb)