##// END OF EJS Templates
Backport PR #5605: Two cell toolbar fixes....
Backport PR #5605: Two cell toolbar fixes. 1. When a new notebook is loaded we should update the state of the ``select`` element listing the cell tollbar presets in the main toolbar, so that its value reflects the ``celltollbar`` metadata entry of the notebook. 2. When a new notebook without ``celltoolbar`` metadata entry is loaded we should make sure that the cell tollbars are hidden. In particular, that is needed when you are working to a notebook with a certain cell toolbar preset and then you revert the notebook to a state with no cell toolbars.
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/ docs
Makefile Loading ...
README.rst Loading ...
autogen_api.py Loading ...
autogen_config.py Loading ...
gh-pages.py Loading ...
make.cmd Loading ...

IPython Documentation

This directory contains the majority of the documentation for IPython.


The following tools are needed to build the documentation:


On Debian-based systems, you should be able to run:

sudo apt-get install sphinx

The documentation gets built using make, and comes in several flavors.

make html - build the API and narrative documentation web pages, this is the the default make target, so running just make is equivalent to make html.

make html_noapi - same as above, but without running the auto-generated API docs. When you are working on the narrative documentation, the most time consuming portion of the build process is the processing and rending of the API documentation. This build target skips that.

make pdf will compile a pdf from the documentation.

You can run make help to see information on all possible make targets.