##// END OF EJS Templates
update copyright to 2011/20xx-2011...
update copyright to 2011/20xx-2011 Closes #1033 (rebased to prevent recursive merge). Closes #2. 459 *.py files in : 39 empty files 176 files without copyright 36 have copyright but don't cite the dev team 208 have copyright and cite the dev team ----------------------------------------- 0 not up to date (cite dev team but not right year) FYI, list of files that don't have copyright (and are not empty..) [ 'IPython/config/profile/cluster/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/config/profile/math/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/config/profile/pylab/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/config/profile/pysh/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/config/profile/python3/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/config/profile/sympy/ipython_config.py', 'IPython/core/shadowns.py', 'IPython/core/tests/refbug.py', 'IPython/core/tests/simpleerr.py', 'IPython/core/tests/tclass.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_application.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_autocall.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_completer.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_fakemodule.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_formatters.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_handlers.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_history.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_imports.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_iplib.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_logger.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_magic.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_plugin.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_prefilter.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_profile.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_run.py', 'IPython/core/tests/test_splitinput.py', 'IPython/deathrow/astyle.py', 'IPython/deathrow/dtutils.py', 'IPython/deathrow/Gnuplot2.py', 'IPython/deathrow/GnuplotInteractive.py', 'IPython/deathrow/GnuplotRuntime.py', 'IPython/deathrow/gui/wx/ipshell_nonblocking.py', 'IPython/deathrow/gui/wx/ipython_history.py', 'IPython/deathrow/gui/wx/thread_ex.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ibrowse.py', 'IPython/deathrow/igrid.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipipe.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_defaults.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_kitcfg.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_legacy.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_p4.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_profile_none.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_profile_numpy.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_profile_scipy.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_profile_sh.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_traits_completer.py', 'IPython/deathrow/ipy_vimserver.py', 'IPython/deathrow/numeric_formats.py', 'IPython/deathrow/oldfrontend/process/__init__.py', 'IPython/deathrow/oldfrontend/wx/ipythonx.py', 'IPython/deathrow/scitedirector.py', 'IPython/deathrow/tests/test_prefilter.py', 'IPython/deathrow/twshell.py', 'IPython/extensions/__init__.py', 'IPython/extensions/autoreload.py', 'IPython/extensions/storemagic.py', 'IPython/extensions/tests/test_autoreload.py', 'IPython/external/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/argparse/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/decorator/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/decorators/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/decorators/_decorators.py', 'IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_noseclasses.py', 'IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_utils.py', 'IPython/external/guid/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/Itpl/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/mglob/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/mglob/_mglob.py', 'IPython/external/path/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/path/_path.py', 'IPython/external/pexpect/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/pyparsing/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/qt.py', 'IPython/external/qt_for_kernel.py', 'IPython/external/simplegeneric/__init__.py', 'IPython/external/simplegeneric/_simplegeneric.py', 'IPython/frontend/html/notebook/__init__.py', 'IPython/frontend/html/notebook/tests/test_kernelsession.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/base_frontend_mixin.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/ansi_code_processor.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/bracket_matcher.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/call_tip_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/completion_lexer.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/completion_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/console_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/history_console_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/ipython_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/kill_ring.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/mainwindow.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/pygments_highlighter.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/qtconsoleapp.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/rich_ipython_widget.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/styles.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/tests/test_ansi_code_processor.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/tests/test_completion_lexer.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/console/tests/test_kill_ring.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/kernelmanager.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/rich_text.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/svg.py', 'IPython/frontend/qt/util.py', 'IPython/kernel/__init__.py', 'IPython/lib/clipboard.py', 'IPython/lib/display.py', 'IPython/lib/irunner.py', 'IPython/lib/security.py', 'IPython/lib/tests/test_imports.py', 'IPython/lib/tests/test_irunner.py', 'IPython/lib/tests/test_irunner_pylab_magic.py', 'IPython/lib/tests/test_security.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v1/tests/nbexamples.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v1/tests/test_json.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v1/tests/test_nbbase.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v2/tests/nbexamples.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v2/tests/test_json.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v2/tests/test_nbbase.py', 'IPython/nbformat/v2/tests/test_nbpy.py', 'IPython/quarantine/clearcmd.py', 'IPython/quarantine/envpersist.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ext_rescapture.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_app_completers.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_completers.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_editors.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_exportdb.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_extutil.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_fsops.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_gnuglobal.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_jot.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_lookfor.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_profile_doctest.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_pydb.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_rehashdir.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_render.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_server.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_signals.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_synchronize_with.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_system_conf.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_which.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_winpdb.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ipy_workdir.py', 'IPython/quarantine/jobctrl.py', 'IPython/quarantine/ledit.py', 'IPython/quarantine/win32clip.py', 'IPython/testing/mkdoctests.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/dtexample.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/ipdoctest.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/iptest.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/setup.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/show_refs.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/simple.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/simplevars.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/test_ipdoctest.py', 'IPython/testing/plugin/test_refs.py', 'IPython/testing/skipdoctest.py', 'IPython/testing/tests/test_decorators.py', 'IPython/utils/autoattr.py', 'IPython/utils/nested_context.py', 'IPython/utils/pickleshare.py', 'IPython/utils/py3compat.py', 'IPython/utils/PyColorize.py', 'IPython/utils/rlineimpl.py', 'IPython/utils/strdispatch.py', 'IPython/utils/tempdir.py', 'IPython/utils/tests/test_imports.py', 'IPython/utils/tests/test_wildcard.py', 'IPython/utils/upgradedir.py', 'IPython/zmq/completer.py', 'IPython/zmq/displayhook.py', 'IPython/zmq/entry_point.py', 'IPython/zmq/frontend.py', 'IPython/zmq/iostream.py', 'IPython/zmq/ipkernel.py', 'IPython/zmq/log.py', 'IPython/zmq/parentpoller.py', 'IPython/zmq/pykernel.py', 'IPython/zmq/pylab/backend_inline.py', 'IPython/zmq/zmqshell.py' ]

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364 lines | 10.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" PickleShare - a small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support
Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary. Unlike
shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously. Changing a
value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the
same database.
Concurrency is possible because the values are stored in separate files. Hence
the "database" is a directory where *all* files are governed by PickleShare.
Example usage::
from pickleshare import *
db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare')
print "Should be empty:",db.items()
db['hello'] = 15
db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313]
db['paths/are/ok/key'] = [1,(5,46)]
print db.keys()
del db['aku ankka']
This module is certainly not ZODB, but can be used for low-load
(non-mission-critical) situations where tiny code size trumps the
advanced features of a "real" object database.
Installation guide: easy_install pickleshare
Author: Ville Vainio <vivainio@gmail.com>
License: MIT open source license.
from IPython.external.path import path as Path
import os,stat,time
import collections
import cPickle as pickle
import glob
def gethashfile(key):
return ("%02x" % abs(hash(key) % 256))[-2:]
_sentinel = object()
class PickleShareDB(collections.MutableMapping):
""" The main 'connection' object for PickleShare database """
def __init__(self,root):
""" Return a db object that will manage the specied directory"""
self.root = Path(root).expanduser().abspath()
if not self.root.isdir():
# cache has { 'key' : (obj, orig_mod_time) }
self.cache = {}
def __getitem__(self,key):
""" db['key'] reading """
fil = self.root / key
mtime = (fil.stat()[stat.ST_MTIME])
except OSError:
raise KeyError(key)
if fil in self.cache and mtime == self.cache[fil][1]:
return self.cache[fil][0]
# The cached item has expired, need to read
obj = pickle.loads(fil.open("rbU").read())
raise KeyError(key)
self.cache[fil] = (obj,mtime)
return obj
def __setitem__(self,key,value):
""" db['key'] = 5 """
fil = self.root / key
parent = fil.parent
if parent and not parent.isdir():
# We specify protocol 2, so that we can mostly go between Python 2
# and Python 3. We can upgrade to protocol 3 when Python 2 is obsolete.
pickled = pickle.dump(value,fil.open('wb'), protocol=2)
self.cache[fil] = (value,fil.mtime)
except OSError,e:
if e.errno != 2:
def hset(self, hashroot, key, value):
""" hashed set """
hroot = self.root / hashroot
if not hroot.isdir():
hfile = hroot / gethashfile(key)
d = self.get(hfile, {})
d.update( {key : value})
self[hfile] = d
def hget(self, hashroot, key, default = _sentinel, fast_only = True):
""" hashed get """
hroot = self.root / hashroot
hfile = hroot / gethashfile(key)
d = self.get(hfile, _sentinel )
#print "got dict",d,"from",hfile
if d is _sentinel:
if fast_only:
if default is _sentinel:
raise KeyError(key)
return default
# slow mode ok, works even after hcompress()
d = self.hdict(hashroot)
return d.get(key, default)
def hdict(self, hashroot):
""" Get all data contained in hashed category 'hashroot' as dict """
hfiles = self.keys(hashroot + "/*")
last = len(hfiles) and hfiles[-1] or ''
if last.endswith('xx'):
# print "using xx"
hfiles = [last] + hfiles[:-1]
all = {}
for f in hfiles:
# print "using",f
except KeyError:
print "Corrupt",f,"deleted - hset is not threadsafe!"
del self[f]
return all
def hcompress(self, hashroot):
""" Compress category 'hashroot', so hset is fast again
hget will fail if fast_only is True for compressed items (that were
hset before hcompress).
hfiles = self.keys(hashroot + "/*")
all = {}
for f in hfiles:
# print "using",f
self[hashroot + '/xx'] = all
for f in hfiles:
p = self.root / f
if p.basename() == 'xx':
def __delitem__(self,key):
""" del db["key"] """
fil = self.root / key
except OSError:
# notfound and permission denied are ok - we
# lost, the other process wins the conflict
def _normalized(self, p):
""" Make a key suitable for user's eyes """
return str(self.root.relpathto(p)).replace('\\','/')
def keys(self, globpat = None):
""" All keys in DB, or all keys matching a glob"""
if globpat is None:
files = self.root.walkfiles()
files = [Path(p) for p in glob.glob(self.root/globpat)]
return [self._normalized(p) for p in files if p.isfile()]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(keys)
def __len__(self):
return len(keys)
def uncache(self,*items):
""" Removes all, or specified items from cache
Use this after reading a large amount of large objects
to free up memory, when you won't be needing the objects
for a while.
if not items:
self.cache = {}
for it in items:
def waitget(self,key, maxwaittime = 60 ):
""" Wait (poll) for a key to get a value
Will wait for `maxwaittime` seconds before raising a KeyError.
The call exits normally if the `key` field in db gets a value
within the timeout period.
Use this for synchronizing different processes or for ensuring
that an unfortunately timed "db['key'] = newvalue" operation
in another process (which causes all 'get' operation to cause a
KeyError for the duration of pickling) won't screw up your program
wtimes = [0.2] * 3 + [0.5] * 2 + [1]
tries = 0
waited = 0
while 1:
val = self[key]
return val
except KeyError:
if waited > maxwaittime:
raise KeyError(key)
if tries < len(wtimes) -1:
def getlink(self,folder):
""" Get a convenient link for accessing items """
return PickleShareLink(self, folder)
def __repr__(self):
return "PickleShareDB('%s')" % self.root
class PickleShareLink:
""" A shortdand for accessing nested PickleShare data conveniently.
Created through PickleShareDB.getlink(), example::
lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test')
lnk.foo = 2
lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5
def __init__(self, db, keydir ):
def __getattr__(self,key):
return self.__dict__['db'][self.__dict__['keydir']+'/' + key]
def __setattr__(self,key,val):
self.db[self.keydir+'/' + key] = val
def __repr__(self):
db = self.__dict__['db']
keys = db.keys( self.__dict__['keydir'] +"/*")
return "<PickleShareLink '%s': %s>" % (
";".join([Path(k).basename() for k in keys]))
def test():
db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare')
print "Should be empty:",db.items()
db['hello'] = 15
db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313]
db['paths/nest/ok/keyname'] = [1,(5,46)]
db.hset('hash', 'aku', 12)
db.hset('hash', 'ankka', 313)
print "12 =",db.hget('hash','aku')
print "313 =",db.hget('hash','ankka')
print "all hashed",db.hdict('hash')
print db.keys()
print db.keys('paths/nest/ok/k*')
print dict(db) # snapsot of whole db
db.uncache() # frees memory, causes re-reads later
# shorthand for accessing deeply nested files
lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test')
lnk.foo = 2
lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5
print lnk.bar # 7
def stress():
db = PickleShareDB('~/fsdbtest')
import time,sys
for i in range(1000):
for j in range(1000):
if i % 15 == 0 and i < 200:
if str(j) in db:
del db[str(j)]
if j%33 == 0:
db[str(j)] = db.get(str(j), []) + [(i,j,"proc %d" % os.getpid())]
db.hset('hash',j, db.hget('hash',j,15) + 1 )
print i,
if i % 10 == 0:
def main():
import textwrap
usage = textwrap.dedent("""\
pickleshare - manage PickleShare databases
pickleshare dump /path/to/db > dump.txt
pickleshare load /path/to/db < dump.txt
pickleshare test /path/to/db
DB = PickleShareDB
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print usage
cmd = sys.argv[1]
args = sys.argv[2:]
if cmd == 'dump':
if not args: args= ['.']
db = DB(args[0])
import pprint
elif cmd == 'load':
cont = sys.stdin.read()
db = DB(args[0])
data = eval(cont)
for k,v in db.items():
db[k] = v
elif cmd == 'testwait':
db = DB(args[0])
print db.waitget('250')
elif cmd == 'test':
if __name__== "__main__":