##// END OF EJS Templates
clear out the contents of but keep length of In[]
clear out the contents of but keep length of In[]

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" IPython extension: add %clear magic """
import gc
def clear_f(self,arg):
""" Clear various data (e.g. stored history data)
%clear in - clear input history
%clear out - clear output history
%clear shadow_compress - Compresses shadow history (to speed up ipython)
%clear shadow_nuke - permanently erase all entries in shadow history
%clear dhist - clear dir history
%clear array - clear only variables that are NumPy arrays
In [1]: clear in
Flushing input history
In [2]: clear shadow_compress
Compressing shadow history
In [3]: clear shadow_nuke
Erased all keys from shadow history
In [4]: clear dhist
Clearing directory history
ip = self.shell
user_ns = self.user_ns # local lookup, heavily used
for target in arg.split():
if target == 'out':
print "Flushing output cache (%d entries)" % len(user_ns['_oh'])
elif target == 'in':
print "Flushing input history"
pc = self.displayhook.prompt_count + 1
for n in range(1, pc):
key = '_i'+repr(n)
# don't delete these, as %save and %macro depending on the length
# of these lists to be preserved
self.history_manager.input_hist_parsed[:] = [''] * pc
self.history_manager.input_hist_raw[:] = [''] * pc
elif target == 'array':
# Support cleaning up numpy arrays
from numpy import ndarray
# This must be done with items and not iteritems because we're
# going to modify the dict in-place.
for x,val in user_ns.items():
if isinstance(val,ndarray):
del user_ns[x]
except ImportError:
print "Clear array only works if Numpy is available."
elif target == 'shadow_compress':
print "Compressing shadow history"
elif target == 'shadow_nuke':
print "Erased all keys from shadow history "
for k in ip.db.keys('shadowhist/*'):
del ip.db[k]
elif target == 'dhist':
print "Clearing directory history"
del user_ns['_dh'][:]
_loaded = False
# Activate the extension
def load_ipython_extension(ip):
"""Load the extension in IPython."""
global _loaded
if not _loaded:
from IPython.core.completerlib import quick_completer
quick_completer('%clear','in out array shadow_nuke shadow_compress dhist')