##// END OF EJS Templates
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode...
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode This code was repeated in both CodeCell and TextCell, both of which are extensions of Cell, so this just unifies the logic in Cell. TextCell had logic here to check if the cell was rendered or not, but I don't believe it is possible to end up triggering such a code path. (Should that be required, I can always just add back these methods to TextCell, performing the .rendered==True check, and calling the Cell prior to this, code mirror at_top would only return true on if the cursor was at the first character of the top line. Now, pressing up arrow on any character on the top line will take you to the cell above. The same applies for the bottom line. Pressing down arrow would only go to the next cell if the cursor was at a location *after* the last character (something that is only possible to achieve in vim mode if the last line is empty, for example). Now, down arrow on any character of the last line will go to the next cell.

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241 lines | 7.6 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Tests for pylab tools module.
# Copyright (c) 2011, the IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# Imports
from __future__ import print_function
from io import UnsupportedOperation, BytesIO
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from nose import SkipTest
import nose.tools as nt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Our own imports
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
from IPython.core.display import _PNG, _JPEG
from .. import pylabtools as pt
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
# Globals and constants
# Local utilities
# Classes and functions
def test_figure_to_svg():
# simple empty-figure test
fig = plt.figure()
nt.assert_equal(pt.print_figure(fig, 'svg'), None)
# simple check for at least svg-looking output
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
svg = pt.print_figure(fig, 'svg')[:100].lower()
nt.assert_in(b'doctype svg', svg)
def _check_pil_jpeg_bytes():
"""Skip if PIL can't write JPEGs to BytesIO objects"""
# PIL's JPEG plugin can't write to BytesIO objects
# Pillow fixes this
from PIL import Image
buf = BytesIO()
img = Image.new("RGB", (4,4))
img.save(buf, 'jpeg')
except Exception as e:
ename = e.__class__.__name__
raise SkipTest("PIL can't write JPEG to BytesIO: %s: %s" % (ename, e))
def test_figure_to_jpeg():
# simple check for at least jpeg-looking output
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
jpeg = pt.print_figure(fig, 'jpeg', quality=50)[:100].lower()
assert jpeg.startswith(_JPEG)
def test_retina_figure():
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
png, md = pt.retina_figure(fig)
assert png.startswith(_PNG)
nt.assert_in('width', md)
nt.assert_in('height', md)
_fmt_mime_map = {
'png': 'image/png',
'jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
'pdf': 'application/pdf',
'retina': 'image/png',
'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
def test_select_figure_formats_str():
ip = get_ipython()
for fmt, active_mime in _fmt_mime_map.items():
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, fmt)
for mime, f in ip.display_formatter.formatters.items():
if mime == active_mime:
nt.assert_in(Figure, f)
nt.assert_not_in(Figure, f)
def test_select_figure_formats_kwargs():
ip = get_ipython()
kwargs = dict(quality=10, bbox_inches='tight')
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, 'png', **kwargs)
formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/png']
f = formatter.lookup_by_type(Figure)
cell = f.__closure__[0].cell_contents
nt.assert_equal(cell, kwargs)
# check that the formatter doesn't raise
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
formatter.enabled = True
png = formatter(fig)
assert png.startswith(_PNG)
def test_select_figure_formats_set():
ip = get_ipython()
for fmts in [
{'png', 'svg'},
('jpeg', 'pdf', 'retina'),
active_mimes = {_fmt_mime_map[fmt] for fmt in fmts}
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, fmts)
for mime, f in ip.display_formatter.formatters.items():
if mime in active_mimes:
nt.assert_in(Figure, f)
nt.assert_not_in(Figure, f)
def test_select_figure_formats_bad():
ip = get_ipython()
with nt.assert_raises(ValueError):
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, 'foo')
with nt.assert_raises(ValueError):
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, {'png', 'foo'})
with nt.assert_raises(ValueError):
pt.select_figure_formats(ip, ['retina', 'pdf', 'bar', 'bad'])
def test_import_pylab():
ns = {}
pt.import_pylab(ns, import_all=False)
nt.assert_true('plt' in ns)
nt.assert_equal(ns['np'], np)
class TestPylabSwitch(object):
class Shell(InteractiveShell):
def enable_gui(self, gui):
def setup(self):
import matplotlib
def act_mpl(backend):
matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = backend
# Save rcParams since they get modified
self._saved_rcParams = matplotlib.rcParams
self._saved_rcParamsOrig = matplotlib.rcParamsOrig
matplotlib.rcParams = dict(backend='Qt4Agg')
matplotlib.rcParamsOrig = dict(backend='Qt4Agg')
# Mock out functions
self._save_am = pt.activate_matplotlib
pt.activate_matplotlib = act_mpl
self._save_ip = pt.import_pylab
pt.import_pylab = lambda *a,**kw:None
self._save_cis = pt.configure_inline_support
pt.configure_inline_support = lambda *a,**kw:None
def teardown(self):
pt.activate_matplotlib = self._save_am
pt.import_pylab = self._save_ip
pt.configure_inline_support = self._save_cis
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams = self._saved_rcParams
matplotlib.rcParamsOrig = self._saved_rcParamsOrig
def test_qt(self):
s = self.Shell()
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib(None)
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('inline')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'inline')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('qt')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('inline')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'inline')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib()
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
def test_inline(self):
s = self.Shell()
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('inline')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'inline')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, None)
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('inline')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'inline')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, None)
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('qt')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
def test_qt_gtk(self):
s = self.Shell()
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('qt')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')
gui, backend = s.enable_matplotlib('gtk')
nt.assert_equal(gui, 'qt')
nt.assert_equal(s.pylab_gui_select, 'qt')