##// END OF EJS Templates
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode...
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode This code was repeated in both CodeCell and TextCell, both of which are extensions of Cell, so this just unifies the logic in Cell. TextCell had logic here to check if the cell was rendered or not, but I don't believe it is possible to end up triggering such a code path. (Should that be required, I can always just add back these methods to TextCell, performing the .rendered==True check, and calling the Cell prior to this, code mirror at_top would only return true on if the cursor was at the first character of the top line. Now, pressing up arrow on any character on the top line will take you to the cell above. The same applies for the bottom line. Pressing down arrow would only go to the next cell if the cursor was at a location *after* the last character (something that is only possible to achieve in vim mode if the last line is empty, for example). Now, down arrow on any character of the last line will go to the next cell.

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243 lines | 8.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
%store magic for lightweight persistence.
Stores variables, aliases and macros in IPython's database.
To automatically restore stored variables at startup, add this to your
:file:`ipython_config.py` file::
c.StoreMagic.autorestore = True
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (c) 2012, The IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# Imports
# Stdlib
import inspect, os, sys, textwrap
# Our own
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest
from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool
from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types
# Functions and classes
def restore_aliases(ip):
staliases = ip.db.get('stored_aliases', {})
for k,v in staliases.items():
#print "restore alias",k,v # dbg
#self.alias_table[k] = v
def refresh_variables(ip):
db = ip.db
for key in db.keys('autorestore/*'):
# strip autorestore
justkey = os.path.basename(key)
obj = db[key]
except KeyError:
print("Unable to restore variable '%s', ignoring (use %%store -d to forget!)" % justkey)
print("The error was:", sys.exc_info()[0])
#print "restored",justkey,"=",obj #dbg
ip.user_ns[justkey] = obj
def restore_dhist(ip):
ip.user_ns['_dh'] = ip.db.get('dhist',[])
def restore_data(ip):
class StoreMagics(Magics):
"""Lightweight persistence for python variables.
Provides the %store magic."""
autorestore = Bool(False, config=True, help=
"""If True, any %store-d variables will be automatically restored
when IPython starts.
def __init__(self, shell):
super(StoreMagics, self).__init__(shell=shell)
if self.autorestore:
def store(self, parameter_s=''):
"""Lightweight persistence for python variables.
In [1]: l = ['hello',10,'world']
In [2]: %store l
In [3]: exit
(IPython session is closed and started again...)
ville@badger:~$ ipython
In [1]: l
NameError: name 'l' is not defined
In [2]: %store -r
In [3]: l
Out[3]: ['hello', 10, 'world']
* ``%store`` - Show list of all variables and their current
* ``%store spam`` - Store the *current* value of the variable spam
to disk
* ``%store -d spam`` - Remove the variable and its value from storage
* ``%store -z`` - Remove all variables from storage
* ``%store -r`` - Refresh all variables from store (overwrite
current vals)
* ``%store -r spam bar`` - Refresh specified variables from store
(delete current val)
* ``%store foo >a.txt`` - Store value of foo to new file a.txt
* ``%store foo >>a.txt`` - Append value of foo to file a.txt
It should be noted that if you change the value of a variable, you
need to %store it again if you want to persist the new value.
Note also that the variables will need to be pickleable; most basic
python types can be safely %store'd.
Also aliases can be %store'd across sessions.
opts,argsl = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'drz',mode='string')
args = argsl.split(None,1)
ip = self.shell
db = ip.db
# delete
if 'd' in opts:
todel = args[0]
except IndexError:
raise UsageError('You must provide the variable to forget')
del db['autorestore/' + todel]
raise UsageError("Can't delete variable '%s'" % todel)
# reset
elif 'z' in opts:
for k in db.keys('autorestore/*'):
del db[k]
elif 'r' in opts:
if args:
for arg in args:
obj = db['autorestore/' + arg]
except KeyError:
print("no stored variable %s" % arg)
ip.user_ns[arg] = obj
# run without arguments -> list variables & values
elif not args:
vars = db.keys('autorestore/*')
if vars:
size = max(map(len, vars))
size = 0
print('Stored variables and their in-db values:')
fmt = '%-'+str(size)+'s -> %s'
get = db.get
for var in vars:
justkey = os.path.basename(var)
# print 30 first characters from every var
print(fmt % (justkey, repr(get(var, '<unavailable>'))[:50]))
# default action - store the variable
# %store foo >file.txt or >>file.txt
if len(args) > 1 and args[1].startswith('>'):
fnam = os.path.expanduser(args[1].lstrip('>').lstrip())
if args[1].startswith('>>'):
fil = open(fnam, 'a')
fil = open(fnam, 'w')
obj = ip.ev(args[0])
print("Writing '%s' (%s) to file '%s'." % (args[0],
obj.__class__.__name__, fnam))
if not isinstance (obj, string_types):
from pprint import pprint
pprint(obj, fil)
if not obj.endswith('\n'):
# %store foo
obj = ip.user_ns[args[0]]
except KeyError:
# it might be an alias
name = args[0]
cmd = ip.alias_manager.retrieve_alias(name)
except ValueError:
raise UsageError("Unknown variable '%s'" % name)
staliases = db.get('stored_aliases',{})
staliases[name] = cmd
db['stored_aliases'] = staliases
print("Alias stored: %s (%s)" % (name, cmd))
modname = getattr(inspect.getmodule(obj), '__name__', '')
if modname == '__main__':
Warning:%s is %s
Proper storage of interactively declared classes (or instances
of those classes) is not possible! Only instances
of classes in real modules on file system can be %%store'd.
""" % (args[0], obj) ))
#pickled = pickle.dumps(obj)
db[ 'autorestore/' + args[0] ] = obj
print("Stored '%s' (%s)" % (args[0], obj.__class__.__name__))
def load_ipython_extension(ip):
"""Load the extension in IPython."""