##// END OF EJS Templates
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode...
refactor to improve cell switching in edit mode This code was repeated in both CodeCell and TextCell, both of which are extensions of Cell, so this just unifies the logic in Cell. TextCell had logic here to check if the cell was rendered or not, but I don't believe it is possible to end up triggering such a code path. (Should that be required, I can always just add back these methods to TextCell, performing the .rendered==True check, and calling the Cell prior to this, code mirror at_top would only return true on if the cursor was at the first character of the top line. Now, pressing up arrow on any character on the top line will take you to the cell above. The same applies for the bottom line. Pressing down arrow would only go to the next cell if the cursor was at a location *after* the last character (something that is only possible to achieve in vim mode if the last line is empty, for example). Now, down arrow on any character of the last line will go to the next cell.

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var xor = function (a, b) {return !a ^ !b;};
var isArray = function (a) {return toString.call(a) === "[object Array]" || toString.call(a) === "[object RuntimeArray]";};
var recursive_compare = function(a, b) {
// Recursively compare two objects.
var same = true;
same = same && !xor(a instanceof Object, b instanceof Object);
same = same && !xor(isArray(a), isArray(b));
if (same) {
if (a instanceof Object) {
var key;
for (key in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) {
same = false;
for (key in b) {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) {
same = false;
} else {
return a === b;
return same;
// Test the widget framework.
casper.notebook_test(function () {
var index;
this.then(function () {
// Check if the WidgetManager class is defined.
this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() {
return IPython.WidgetManager !== undefined;
}), 'WidgetManager class is defined');
index = this.append_cell(
'from IPython.html import widgets\n' +
'from IPython.display import display, clear_output\n' +
this.then(function () {
// Check if the widget manager has been instantiated.
this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() {
return IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager !== undefined;
}), 'Notebook widget manager instantiated');
// Functions that can be used to test the packing and unpacking APIs
var that = this;
var test_pack = function (input) {
var output = that.evaluate(function(input) {
var model = new IPython.WidgetModel(IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager, undefined);
var results = model._pack_models(input);
return results;
}, {input: input});
that.test.assert(recursive_compare(input, output),
JSON.stringify(input) + ' passed through Model._pack_model unchanged');
var test_unpack = function (input) {
var output = that.evaluate(function(input) {
var model = new IPython.WidgetModel(IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager, undefined);
var results = model._unpack_models(input);
return results;
}, {input: input});
that.test.assert(recursive_compare(input, output),
JSON.stringify(input) + ' passed through Model._unpack_model unchanged');
var test_packing = function(input) {
test_packing({0: 'hi', 1: 'bye'});
test_packing(['hi', 'bye']);
test_packing(['hi', 5]);
test_packing(['hi', '5']);
test_packing([1.0, 0]);
test_packing([1.0, false]);
test_packing([1, false]);
test_packing([1, false, {a: 'hi'}]);
test_packing([1, false, ['hi']]);
// Test multi-set, single touch code. First create a custom widget.
this.evaluate(function() {
var MultiSetView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({
render: function(){
this.model.set('a', 1);
this.model.set('b', 2);
this.model.set('c', 3);
IPython.WidgetManager.register_widget_view('MultiSetView', MultiSetView);
}, {});
// Try creating the multiset widget, verify that sets the values correctly.
var multiset = {};
multiset.index = this.append_cell(
'from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, CInt\n' +
'class MultiSetWidget(widgets.Widget):\n' +
' _view_name = Unicode("MultiSetView", sync=True)\n' +
' a = CInt(0, sync=True)\n' +
' b = CInt(0, sync=True)\n' +
' c = CInt(0, sync=True)\n' +
' d = CInt(-1, sync=True)\n' + // See if it sends a full state.
' def _handle_receive_state(self, sync_data):\n' +
' widgets.Widget._handle_receive_state(self, sync_data)\n'+
' self.d = len(sync_data)\n' +
'multiset = MultiSetWidget()\n' +
'display(multiset)\n' +
this.execute_cell_then(multiset.index, function(index) {
multiset.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim();
index = this.append_cell(
'print("%d%d%d" % (multiset.a, multiset.b, multiset.c))');
this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index) {
this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(), '123',
'Multiple model.set calls and one view.touch update state in back-end.');
index = this.append_cell(
'print("%d" % (multiset.d))');
this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index) {
this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(), '3',
'Multiple model.set calls sent a partial state.');
var textbox = {};
throttle_index = this.append_cell(
'import time\n' +
'textbox = widgets.TextWidget()\n' +
'display(textbox)\n' +
'textbox.add_class("my-throttle-textbox")\n' +
'def handle_change(name, old, new):\n' +
' print(len(new))\n' +
' time.sleep(0.5)\n' +
'textbox.on_trait_change(handle_change, "value")\n' +
this.execute_cell_then(throttle_index, function(index){
textbox.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim();
'.widget-area .widget-subarea'),
'Widget subarea exists.');
'.my-throttle-textbox'), 'Textbox exists.');
// Send 20 characters
this.sendKeys('.my-throttle-textbox', '....................');
this.then(function () {
var outputs = this.evaluate(function(i) {
return IPython.notebook.get_cell(i).output_area.outputs;
}, {i : throttle_index});
// Only 4 outputs should have printed, but because of timing, sometimes
// 5 outputs will print. All we need to do is verify num outputs <= 5
// because that is much less than 20.
this.test.assert(outputs.length <= 5, 'Messages throttled.');
// We also need to verify that the last state sent was correct.
var last_state = outputs[outputs.length-1].text;
this.test.assertEquals(last_state, "20\n", "Last state sent when throttling.");