##// END OF EJS Templates
Modifies Contents API to return Error objects...
Modifies Contents API to return Error objects Modfies the Contents class to return JavaScript Error objects instead of passing on the return values from $.ajax(). This has two advantages. First, it allows the content manager to parse errors and give more informative messages than the ajax response. Second, it makes the Contents interface more general, since other kinds of backends might generate client-side errors.

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621 lines | 24.1 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
], function(widgetmanager, _, Backbone, $, IPython){
var WidgetModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
constructor: function (widget_manager, model_id, comm, init_state_callback) {
// Constructor
// Creates a WidgetModel instance.
// Parameters
// ----------
// widget_manager : WidgetManager instance
// model_id : string
// An ID unique to this model.
// comm : Comm instance (optional)
// init_state_callback : callback (optional)
// Called once when the first state message is recieved from
// the back-end.
this.widget_manager = widget_manager;
this.init_state_callback = init_state_callback;
this._buffered_state_diff = {};
this.pending_msgs = 0;
this.msg_buffer = null;
this.state_lock = null;
this.id = model_id;
this.views = {};
if (comm !== undefined) {
// Remember comm associated with the model.
this.comm = comm;
comm.model = this;
// Hook comm messages up to model.
comm.on_close($.proxy(this._handle_comm_closed, this));
comm.on_msg($.proxy(this._handle_comm_msg, this));
return Backbone.Model.apply(this);
send: function (content, callbacks) {
// Send a custom msg over the comm.
if (this.comm !== undefined) {
var data = {method: 'custom', content: content};
this.comm.send(data, callbacks);
_handle_comm_closed: function (msg) {
// Handle when a widget is closed.
this.trigger('destroy', this);
delete this.comm.model; // Delete ref so GC will collect widget model.
delete this.comm;
delete this.model_id; // Delete id from model so widget manager cleans up.
for (var id in this.views) {
if (this.views.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
_handle_comm_msg: function (msg) {
// Handle incoming comm msg.
var method = msg.content.data.method;
switch (method) {
case 'update':
if (this.init_state_callback) {
this.init_state_callback.apply(this, [this]);
delete this.init_state_callback;
case 'custom':
this.trigger('msg:custom', msg.content.data.content);
case 'display':
this.widget_manager.display_view(msg, this);
set_state: function (state) {
// Handle when a widget is updated via the python side.
this.state_lock = state;
try {
var that = this;
WidgetModel.__super__.set.apply(this, [Object.keys(state).reduce(function(obj, key) {
obj[key] = that._unpack_models(state[key]);
return obj;
}, {})]);
} finally {
this.state_lock = null;
_handle_status: function (msg, callbacks) {
// Handle status msgs.
// execution_state : ('busy', 'idle', 'starting')
if (this.comm !== undefined) {
if (msg.content.execution_state ==='idle') {
// Send buffer if this message caused another message to be
// throttled.
if (this.msg_buffer !== null &&
(this.get('msg_throttle') || 3) === this.pending_msgs) {
var data = {method: 'backbone', sync_method: 'update', sync_data: this.msg_buffer};
this.comm.send(data, callbacks);
this.msg_buffer = null;
} else {
callbacks: function(view) {
// Create msg callbacks for a comm msg.
var callbacks = this.widget_manager.callbacks(view);
if (callbacks.iopub === undefined) {
callbacks.iopub = {};
var that = this;
callbacks.iopub.status = function (msg) {
that._handle_status(msg, callbacks);
return callbacks;
set: function(key, val, options) {
// Set a value.
var return_value = WidgetModel.__super__.set.apply(this, arguments);
// Backbone only remembers the diff of the most recent set()
// operation. Calling set multiple times in a row results in a
// loss of diff information. Here we keep our own running diff.
this._buffered_state_diff = $.extend(this._buffered_state_diff, this.changedAttributes() || {});
return return_value;
sync: function (method, model, options) {
// Handle sync to the back-end. Called when a model.save() is called.
// Make sure a comm exists.
var error = options.error || function() {
console.error('Backbone sync error:', arguments);
if (this.comm === undefined) {
return false;
// Delete any key value pairs that the back-end already knows about.
var attrs = (method === 'patch') ? options.attrs : model.toJSON(options);
if (this.state_lock !== null) {
var keys = Object.keys(this.state_lock);
for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (attrs[key] === this.state_lock[key]) {
delete attrs[key];
// Only sync if there are attributes to send to the back-end.
attrs = this._pack_models(attrs);
if (_.size(attrs) > 0) {
// If this message was sent via backbone itself, it will not
// have any callbacks. It's important that we create callbacks
// so we can listen for status messages, etc...
var callbacks = options.callbacks || this.callbacks();
// Check throttle.
if (this.pending_msgs >= (this.get('msg_throttle') || 3)) {
// The throttle has been exceeded, buffer the current msg so
// it can be sent once the kernel has finished processing
// some of the existing messages.
// Combine updates if it is a 'patch' sync, otherwise replace updates
switch (method) {
case 'patch':
this.msg_buffer = $.extend(this.msg_buffer || {}, attrs);
case 'update':
case 'create':
this.msg_buffer = attrs;
return false;
this.msg_buffer_callbacks = callbacks;
} else {
// We haven't exceeded the throttle, send the message like
// normal.
var data = {method: 'backbone', sync_data: attrs};
this.comm.send(data, callbacks);
// Since the comm is a one-way communication, assume the message
// arrived. Don't call success since we don't have a model back from the server
// this means we miss out on the 'sync' event.
this._buffered_state_diff = {};
save_changes: function(callbacks) {
// Push this model's state to the back-end
// This invokes a Backbone.Sync.
this.save(this._buffered_state_diff, {patch: true, callbacks: callbacks});
_pack_models: function(value) {
// Replace models with model ids recursively.
var that = this;
var packed;
if (value instanceof Backbone.Model) {
return "IPY_MODEL_" + value.id;
} else if ($.isArray(value)) {
packed = [];
_.each(value, function(sub_value, key) {
return packed;
} else if (value instanceof Object) {
packed = {};
_.each(value, function(sub_value, key) {
packed[key] = that._pack_models(sub_value);
return packed;
} else {
return value;
_unpack_models: function(value) {
// Replace model ids with models recursively.
var that = this;
var unpacked;
if ($.isArray(value)) {
unpacked = [];
_.each(value, function(sub_value, key) {
return unpacked;
} else if (value instanceof Object) {
unpacked = {};
_.each(value, function(sub_value, key) {
unpacked[key] = that._unpack_models(sub_value);
return unpacked;
} else if (typeof value === 'string' && value.slice(0,10) === "IPY_MODEL_") {
var model = this.widget_manager.get_model(value.slice(10, value.length));
if (model) {
return model;
} else {
return value;
} else {
return value;
on_some_change: function(keys, callback, context) {
// on_some_change(["key1", "key2"], foo, context) differs from
// on("change:key1 change:key2", foo, context).
// If the widget attributes key1 and key2 are both modified,
// the second form will result in foo being called twice
// while the first will call foo only once.
this.on('change', function() {
if (keys.some(this.hasChanged, this)) {
}, this);
widgetmanager.WidgetManager.register_widget_model('WidgetModel', WidgetModel);
var WidgetView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(parameters) {
// Public constructor.
this.options = parameters.options;
this.child_model_views = {};
this.child_views = {};
this.id = this.id || IPython.utils.uuid();
this.model.views[this.id] = this;
this.on('displayed', function() {
this.is_displayed = true;
}, this);
update: function(){
// Triggered on model change.
// Update view to be consistent with this.model
create_child_view: function(child_model, options) {
// Create and return a child view.
// -given a model and (optionally) a view name if the view name is
// not given, it defaults to the model's default view attribute.
// TODO: this is hacky, and makes the view depend on this cell attribute and widget manager behavior
// it would be great to have the widget manager add the cell metadata
// to the subview without having to add it here.
var that = this;
var old_callback = options.callback || function(view) {};
options = $.extend({ parent: this, success: function(child_view) {
// Associate the view id with the model id.
if (that.child_model_views[child_model.id] === undefined) {
that.child_model_views[child_model.id] = [];
// Remember the view by id.
that.child_views[child_view.id] = child_view;
}}, options || {});
this.model.widget_manager.create_view(child_model, options);
pop_child_view: function(child_model) {
// Delete a child view that was previously created using create_child_view.
var view_ids = this.child_model_views[child_model.id];
if (view_ids !== undefined) {
// Only delete the first view in the list.
var view_id = view_ids[0];
var view = this.child_views[view_id];
delete this.child_views[view_id];
delete child_model.views[view_id];
// Remove the view list specific to this model if it is empty.
if (view_ids.length === 0) {
delete this.child_model_views[child_model.id];
return view;
return null;
do_diff: function(old_list, new_list, removed_callback, added_callback) {
// Difference a changed list and call remove and add callbacks for
// each removed and added item in the new list.
// Parameters
// ----------
// old_list : array
// new_list : array
// removed_callback : Callback(item)
// Callback that is called for each item removed.
// added_callback : Callback(item)
// Callback that is called for each item added.
// Walk the lists until an unequal entry is found.
var i;
for (i = 0; i < new_list.length; i++) {
if (i >= old_list.length || new_list[i] !== old_list[i]) {
// Remove the non-matching items from the old list.
for (var j = i; j < old_list.length; j++) {
// Add the rest of the new list items.
for (; i < new_list.length; i++) {
callbacks: function(){
// Create msg callbacks for a comm msg.
return this.model.callbacks(this);
render: function(){
// Render the view.
// By default, this is only called the first time the view is created
show: function(){
// Show the widget-area
if (this.options && this.options.cell &&
this.options.cell.widget_area !== undefined) {
send: function (content) {
// Send a custom msg associated with this view.
this.model.send(content, this.callbacks());
touch: function () {
after_displayed: function (callback, context) {
// Calls the callback right away is the view is already displayed
// otherwise, register the callback to the 'displayed' event.
if (this.is_displayed) {
} else {
this.on('displayed', callback, context);
var DOMWidgetView = WidgetView.extend({
initialize: function (parameters) {
// Public constructor
DOMWidgetView.__super__.initialize.apply(this, [parameters]);
this.on('displayed', this.show, this);
this.model.on('change:visible', this.update_visible, this);
this.model.on('change:_css', this.update_css, this);
this.model.on('change:_dom_classes', function(model, new_classes) {
var old_classes = model.previous('_dom_classes');
this.update_classes(old_classes, new_classes);
}, this);
this.model.on('change:color', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('color', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:background_color', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('background', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:width', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('width', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:height', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('height', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:border_color', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('border-color', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:border_width', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('border-width', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:border_style', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('border-style', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:font_style', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('font-style', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:font_weight', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('font-weight', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:font_size', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('font-size', this._default_px(value)); }, this);
this.model.on('change:font_family', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('font-family', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:padding', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('padding', value); }, this);
this.model.on('change:margin', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('margin', this._default_px(value)); }, this);
this.model.on('change:border_radius', function (model, value) {
this.update_attr('border-radius', this._default_px(value)); }, this);
this.after_displayed(function() {
this.update_visible(this.model, this.model.get("visible"));
this.update_classes([], this.model.get('_dom_classes'));
this.update_attr('color', this.model.get('color'));
this.update_attr('background', this.model.get('background_color'));
this.update_attr('width', this.model.get('width'));
this.update_attr('height', this.model.get('height'));
this.update_attr('border-color', this.model.get('border_color'));
this.update_attr('border-width', this.model.get('border_width'));
this.update_attr('border-style', this.model.get('border_style'));
this.update_attr('font-style', this.model.get('font_style'));
this.update_attr('font-weight', this.model.get('font_weight'));
this.update_attr('font-size', this.model.get('font_size'));
this.update_attr('font-family', this.model.get('font_family'));
this.update_attr('padding', this.model.get('padding'));
this.update_attr('margin', this.model.get('margin'));
this.update_attr('border-radius', this.model.get('border_radius'));
this.update_css(this.model, this.model.get("_css"));
}, this);
_default_px: function(value) {
// Makes browser interpret a numerical string as a pixel value.
if (/^\d+\.?(\d+)?$/.test(value.trim())) {
return value.trim() + 'px';
return value;
update_attr: function(name, value) {
// Set a css attr of the widget view.
this.$el.css(name, value);
update_visible: function(model, value) {
// Update visibility
update_css: function (model, css) {
// Update the css styling of this view.
var e = this.$el;
if (css === undefined) {return;}
for (var i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
// Apply the css traits to all elements that match the selector.
var selector = css[i][0];
var elements = this._get_selector_element(selector);
if (elements.length > 0) {
var trait_key = css[i][1];
var trait_value = css[i][2];
elements.css(trait_key ,trait_value);
update_classes: function (old_classes, new_classes, $el) {
// Update the DOM classes applied to an element, default to this.$el.
if ($el===undefined) {
$el = this.$el;
this.do_diff(old_classes, new_classes, function(removed) {
}, function(added) {
update_mapped_classes: function(class_map, trait_name, previous_trait_value, $el) {
// Update the DOM classes applied to the widget based on a single
// trait's value.
// Given a trait value classes map, this function automatically
// handles applying the appropriate classes to the widget element
// and removing classes that are no longer valid.
// Parameters
// ----------
// class_map: dictionary
// Dictionary of trait values to class lists.
// Example:
// {
// success: ['alert', 'alert-success'],
// info: ['alert', 'alert-info'],
// warning: ['alert', 'alert-warning'],
// danger: ['alert', 'alert-danger']
// };
// trait_name: string
// Name of the trait to check the value of.
// previous_trait_value: optional string, default ''
// Last trait value
// $el: optional jQuery element handle, defaults to this.$el
// Element that the classes are applied to.
var key = previous_trait_value;
if (key === undefined) {
key = this.model.previous(trait_name);
var old_classes = class_map[key] ? class_map[key] : [];
key = this.model.get(trait_name);
var new_classes = class_map[key] ? class_map[key] : [];
this.update_classes(old_classes, new_classes, $el || this.$el);
_get_selector_element: function (selector) {
// Get the elements via the css selector.
var elements;
if (!selector) {
elements = this.$el;
} else {
elements = this.$el.find(selector).addBack(selector);
return elements;
var widget = {
'WidgetModel': WidgetModel,
'WidgetView': WidgetView,
'DOMWidgetView': DOMWidgetView,
// For backwards compatability.
$.extend(IPython, widget);
return widget;