##// END OF EJS Templates
support for unicode identifiers...
support for unicode identifiers This rewrites some of the regular expressions that are used to match Python identifiers, so that they are unicode compatible. In Python 3, identifiers can contain unicode characters as long as the first character is not numeric. Examples for the changes: • inputtransformer: ``` In [1]: π = 3.14 In [2]: π.is_integer? Object `is_integer` not found. ``` ---------- • namespace: ``` π.is_integ*? ``` or ``` In [1]: %psearch π.is_integ Python identifiers can only contain ascii characters. ``` ---------- • prefilter: ``` %autocall 1 φ = float get_ipython().prefilter("φ 3") # should be 'φ(3)', but returns 'φ 3' ``` ---------- • completerlib: If there is a file e.g. named `π.py` in the current directory, then ``` import IPython IPython.core.completerlib.module_list('.') # should contain module 'π' ```

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IO related utilities.
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import atexit
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from warnings import warn
from IPython.utils.decorators import undoc
from .capture import CapturedIO, capture_output
class IOStream:
def __init__(self, stream, fallback=None):
warn('IOStream is deprecated since IPython 5.0, use sys.{stdin,stdout,stderr} instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if not hasattr(stream,'write') or not hasattr(stream,'flush'):
if fallback is not None:
stream = fallback
raise ValueError("fallback required, but not specified")
self.stream = stream
self._swrite = stream.write
# clone all methods not overridden:
def clone(meth):
return not hasattr(self, meth) and not meth.startswith('_')
for meth in filter(clone, dir(stream)):
val = getattr(stream, meth)
except AttributeError:
setattr(self, meth, val)
def __repr__(self):
cls = self.__class__
tpl = '{mod}.{cls}({args})'
return tpl.format(mod=cls.__module__, cls=cls.__name__, args=self.stream)
def write(self,data):
warn('IOStream is deprecated since IPython 5.0, use sys.{stdin,stdout,stderr} instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
# print handles some unicode issues which may trip a plain
# write() call. Emulate write() by using an empty end
# argument.
print(data, end='', file=self.stream)
# if we get here, something is seriously broken.
print('ERROR - failed to write data to stream:', self.stream,
def writelines(self, lines):
warn('IOStream is deprecated since IPython 5.0, use sys.{stdin,stdout,stderr} instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if isinstance(lines, str):
lines = [lines]
for line in lines:
# This class used to have a writeln method, but regular files and streams
# in Python don't have this method. We need to keep this completely
# compatible so we removed it.
def closed(self):
return self.stream.closed
def close(self):
# setup stdin/stdout/stderr to sys.stdin/sys.stdout/sys.stderr
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# io.std* are deprecated, but don't show our own deprecation warnings
# during initialization of the deprecated API.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
stdin = IOStream(sys.stdin, fallback=devnull)
stdout = IOStream(sys.stdout, fallback=devnull)
stderr = IOStream(sys.stderr, fallback=devnull)
class Tee(object):
"""A class to duplicate an output stream to stdout/err.
This works in a manner very similar to the Unix 'tee' command.
When the object is closed or deleted, it closes the original file given to
it for duplication.
# Inspired by:
# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2007-May/442737.html
def __init__(self, file_or_name, mode="w", channel='stdout'):
"""Construct a new Tee object.
file_or_name : filename or open filehandle (writable)
File that will be duplicated
mode : optional, valid mode for open().
If a filename was give, open with this mode.
channel : str, one of ['stdout', 'stderr']
if channel not in ['stdout', 'stderr']:
raise ValueError('Invalid channel spec %s' % channel)
if hasattr(file_or_name, 'write') and hasattr(file_or_name, 'seek'):
self.file = file_or_name
self.file = open(file_or_name, mode)
self.channel = channel
self.ostream = getattr(sys, channel)
setattr(sys, channel, self)
self._closed = False
def close(self):
"""Close the file and restore the channel."""
setattr(sys, self.channel, self.ostream)
self._closed = True
def write(self, data):
"""Write data to both channels."""
def flush(self):
"""Flush both channels."""
def __del__(self):
if not self._closed:
def ask_yes_no(prompt, default=None, interrupt=None):
"""Asks a question and returns a boolean (y/n) answer.
If default is given (one of 'y','n'), it is used if the user input is
empty. If interrupt is given (one of 'y','n'), it is used if the user
presses Ctrl-C. Otherwise the question is repeated until an answer is
An EOF is treated as the default answer. If there is no default, an
exception is raised to prevent infinite loops.
Valid answers are: y/yes/n/no (match is not case sensitive)."""
answers = {'y':True,'n':False,'yes':True,'no':False}
ans = None
while ans not in answers.keys():
ans = input(prompt+' ').lower()
if not ans: # response was an empty string
ans = default
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if interrupt:
ans = interrupt
except EOFError:
if default in answers.keys():
ans = default
return answers[ans]
def temp_pyfile(src, ext='.py'):
"""Make a temporary python file, return filename and filehandle.
src : string or list of strings (no need for ending newlines if list)
Source code to be written to the file.
ext : optional, string
Extension for the generated file.
(filename, open filehandle)
It is the caller's responsibility to close the open file and unlink it.
fname = tempfile.mkstemp(ext)[1]
with open(fname,'w') as f:
return fname
def atomic_writing(*args, **kwargs):
"""DEPRECATED: moved to notebook.services.contents.fileio"""
warn("IPython.utils.io.atomic_writing has moved to notebook.services.contents.fileio since IPython 4.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
from notebook.services.contents.fileio import atomic_writing
return atomic_writing(*args, **kwargs)
def raw_print(*args, **kw):
"""DEPRECATED: Raw print to sys.__stdout__, otherwise identical interface to print()."""
warn("IPython.utils.io.raw_print has been deprecated since IPython 7.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
print(*args, sep=kw.get('sep', ' '), end=kw.get('end', '\n'),
def raw_print_err(*args, **kw):
"""DEPRECATED: Raw print to sys.__stderr__, otherwise identical interface to print()."""
warn("IPython.utils.io.raw_print_err has been deprecated since IPython 7.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
print(*args, sep=kw.get('sep', ' '), end=kw.get('end', '\n'),
# used by IPykernel <- 4.9. Removed during IPython 7-dev period and re-added
# Keep for a version or two then should remove
rprint = raw_print
rprinte = raw_print_err
def unicode_std_stream(stream='stdout'):
"""DEPRECATED, moved to nbconvert.utils.io"""
warn("IPython.utils.io.unicode_std_stream has moved to nbconvert.utils.io since IPython 4.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
from nbconvert.utils.io import unicode_std_stream
return unicode_std_stream(stream)