##// END OF EJS Templates
Separate magic code into base file and implementation of magics....
Separate magic code into base file and implementation of magics. Ran a first solid pass with Pyflakes to clean the code.

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326 lines | 11.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# encoding: utf-8
"""Magic functions for InteractiveShell.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Janko Hauser <jhauser@zscout.de> and
# Copyright (C) 2001 Fernando Perez <fperez@colorado.edu>
# Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
# Stdlib
import os
import re
import sys
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
# Our own
from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable
from IPython.core import oinspect
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
from IPython.core.prefilter import ESC_MAGIC
from IPython.external.decorator import decorator
from IPython.utils.ipstruct import Struct
from IPython.utils.process import arg_split
from IPython.utils.traitlets import Dict, Enum, Instance
from IPython.utils.warn import error
# Globals
line_magics = {}
cell_magics = {}
# Utility classes and functions
class Bunch: pass
# Used for exception handling in magic_edit
class MacroToEdit(ValueError): pass
def on_off(tag):
"""Return an ON/OFF string for a 1/0 input. Simple utility function."""
return ['OFF','ON'][tag]
def compress_dhist(dh):
head, tail = dh[:-10], dh[-10:]
newhead = []
done = set()
for h in head:
if h in done:
return newhead + tail
def needs_local_scope(func):
"""Decorator to mark magic functions which need to local scope to run."""
func.needs_local_scope = True
return func
# Class and method decorators for registering magics
def register_magics(cls):
global line_magics, cell_magics
cls.line_magics = line_magics
cls.cell_magics = cell_magics
cls.registered = True
line_magics = {}
cell_magics = {}
return cls
def _magic_marker(magic_type):
global line_magics, cell_magics
if magic_type not in ('line', 'cell'):
raise ValueError('magic_type must be one of ["line", "cell"], %s given'
% magic_type)
if magic_type == 'line':
line_magics = {}
cell_magics = {}
# This is a closure to capture the magic_type. We could also use a class,
# but it's overkill for just that one bit of state.
def magic_deco(arg):
global line_magics, cell_magics
call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
if callable(arg):
# "Naked" decorator call (just @foo, no args)
func = arg
name = func.func_name
func.magic_name = name
retval = decorator(call, func)
elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
# Decorator called with arguments (@foo('bar'))
name = arg
def mark(func, *a, **kw):
func.magic_name = name
return decorator(call, func)
retval = mark
raise ValueError("Decorator can only be called with "
"string or function")
# Record the magic function in the global table that will then be
# appended to the class via the register_magics class decorator
if magic_type == 'line':
line_magics[name] = retval
cell_magics[name] = retval
return retval
return magic_deco
line_magic = _magic_marker('line')
cell_magic = _magic_marker('cell')
# Core Magic classes
class MagicManager(Configurable):
"""Object that handles all magic-related functionality for IPython.
# An instance of the IPython shell we are attached to
shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC')
auto_status = Enum([
'Automagic is OFF, % prefix IS needed for magic functions.',
'Automagic is ON, % prefix NOT needed for magic functions.'])
def __init__(self, shell=None, config=None, **traits):
super(MagicManager, self).__init__(shell=shell, config=config, **traits)
def lsmagic(self):
"""Return a list of currently available magic functions.
Gives a list of the bare names after mangling (['ls','cd', ...], not
# FIXME. This needs a cleanup, in the way the magics list is built.
# magics in class definition
class_magic = lambda fn: fn.startswith('magic_') and \
# in instance namespace (run-time user additions)
inst_magic = lambda fn: fn.startswith('magic_') and \
# and bound magics by user (so they can access self):
inst_bound_magic = lambda fn: fn.startswith('magic_') and \
magics = filter(class_magic, Magic.__dict__.keys()) + \
filter(inst_magic, self.__dict__.keys()) + \
filter(inst_bound_magic, self.__class__.__dict__.keys())
out = []
for fn in set(magics):
out.append(fn.replace('magic_', '', 1))
return out
# Key base class that provides the central functionality for magics.
class Magics(object):
"""Base class for implementing magic functions.
Shell functions which can be reached as %function_name. All magic
functions should accept a string, which they can parse for their own
needs. This can make some functions easier to type, eg `%cd ../`
vs. `%cd("../")`
Classes providing magic functions need to subclass this class, and they
- Use the method decorators `@line_magic` and `@cell_magic` to decorate
individual methods as magic functions, AND
- Use the class decorator `@register_magics` to ensure that the magic
methods are properly registered at the instance level upon instance
See :mod:`magic_functions` for examples of actual implementation classes.
options_table = Dict(config=True,
help = """Dict holding all command-line options for each magic.
class __metaclass__(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
cls.registered = False
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
def __init__(self, shell):
if not(self.__class__.registered):
raise ValueError('unregistered Magics')
self.shell = shell
def arg_err(self,func):
"""Print docstring if incorrect arguments were passed"""
print 'Error in arguments:'
print oinspect.getdoc(func)
def format_latex(self,strng):
"""Format a string for latex inclusion."""
# Characters that need to be escaped for latex:
escape_re = re.compile(r'(%|_|\$|#|&)',re.MULTILINE)
# Magic command names as headers:
cmd_name_re = re.compile(r'^(%s.*?):' % ESC_MAGIC,
# Magic commands
cmd_re = re.compile(r'(?P<cmd>%s.+?\b)(?!\}\}:)' % ESC_MAGIC,
# Paragraph continue
par_re = re.compile(r'\\$',re.MULTILINE)
# The "\n" symbol
newline_re = re.compile(r'\\n')
# Now build the string for output:
#strng = cmd_name_re.sub(r'\n\\texttt{\\textsl{\\large \1}}:',strng)
strng = cmd_name_re.sub(r'\n\\bigskip\n\\texttt{\\textbf{ \1}}:',
strng = cmd_re.sub(r'\\texttt{\g<cmd>}',strng)
strng = par_re.sub(r'\\\\',strng)
strng = escape_re.sub(r'\\\1',strng)
strng = newline_re.sub(r'\\textbackslash{}n',strng)
return strng
def parse_options(self, arg_str, opt_str, *long_opts, **kw):
"""Parse options passed to an argument string.
The interface is similar to that of getopt(), but it returns back a
Struct with the options as keys and the stripped argument string still
as a string.
arg_str is quoted as a true sys.argv vector by using shlex.split.
This allows us to easily expand variables, glob files, quote
arguments, etc.
-mode: default 'string'. If given as 'list', the argument string is
returned as a list (split on whitespace) instead of a string.
-list_all: put all option values in lists. Normally only options
appearing more than once are put in a list.
-posix (True): whether to split the input line in POSIX mode or not,
as per the conventions outlined in the shlex module from the
standard library."""
# inject default options at the beginning of the input line
caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name.replace('magic_','')
arg_str = '%s %s' % (self.options_table.get(caller,''),arg_str)
mode = kw.get('mode','string')
if mode not in ['string','list']:
raise ValueError,'incorrect mode given: %s' % mode
# Get options
list_all = kw.get('list_all',0)
posix = kw.get('posix', os.name == 'posix')
strict = kw.get('strict', True)
# Check if we have more than one argument to warrant extra processing:
odict = {} # Dictionary with options
args = arg_str.split()
if len(args) >= 1:
# If the list of inputs only has 0 or 1 thing in it, there's no
# need to look for options
argv = arg_split(arg_str, posix, strict)
# Do regular option processing
opts,args = getopt(argv,opt_str,*long_opts)
except GetoptError,e:
raise UsageError('%s ( allowed: "%s" %s)' % (e.msg,opt_str,
" ".join(long_opts)))
for o,a in opts:
if o.startswith('--'):
o = o[2:]
o = o[1:]
except AttributeError:
odict[o] = [odict[o],a]
except KeyError:
if list_all:
odict[o] = [a]
odict[o] = a
# Prepare opts,args for return
opts = Struct(odict)
if mode == 'string':
args = ' '.join(args)
return opts,args
def default_option(self,fn,optstr):
"""Make an entry in the options_table for fn, with value optstr"""
if fn not in self.lsmagic():
error("%s is not a magic function" % fn)
self.options_table[fn] = optstr