##// END OF EJS Templates
Strip prompts even if the prompt isn't present on the first line....
Strip prompts even if the prompt isn't present on the first line. Users (including me) often copy and paste examples from just after the first prompt. This checks for prompts in the first two lines of a block, but if they aren't found there, it will ignore prompt-like prefixes in later lines, to minimise interference with multi-line strings etc. Closes gh-3206
Thomas Kluyver -
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/ git-hooks
README.md Loading ...
post-checkout Loading ...
post-merge Loading ...

git hooks for IPython

add these to your .git/hooks

For now, we just have post-checkout and post-merge,
both of which just update submodules,
so make sure that you have a fully synced repo whenever you checkout or pull.

To use these hooks, you can symlink or copy them to your .git/hooks directory.

ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-checkout .git/hooks/post-checkout
ln -s ../../git-hooks/post-merge .git/hooks/post-merge