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.. _parallel_process:
Starting the IPython controller and engines
To use IPython for parallel computing, you need to start one instance of
the controller and one or more instances of the engine. The controller
and each engine can run on different machines or on the same machine.
Because of this, there are many different possibilities.
Broadly speaking, there are two ways of going about starting a controller and engines:
* In an automated manner using the :command:`ipcluster` command.
* In a more manual way using the :command:`ipcontroller` and
:command:`ipengine` commands.
This document describes both of these methods. We recommend that new users
start with the :command:`ipcluster` command as it simplifies many common usage
General considerations
Before delving into the details about how you can start a controller and
engines using the various methods, we outline some of the general issues that
come up when starting the controller and engines. These things come up no
matter which method you use to start your IPython cluster.
Let's say that you want to start the controller on ``host0`` and engines on
hosts ``host1``-``hostn``. The following steps are then required:
1. Start the controller on ``host0`` by running :command:`ipcontroller` on
2. Move the JSON file (:file:`ipcontroller-engine.json`) created by the
controller from ``host0`` to hosts ``host1``-``hostn``.
3. Start the engines on hosts ``host1``-``hostn`` by running
:command:`ipengine`. This command has to be told where the JSON file
(:file:`ipcontroller-engine.json`) is located.
At this point, the controller and engines will be connected. By default, the JSON files
created by the controller are put into the :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_default/security`
directory. If the engines share a filesystem with the controller, step 2 can be skipped as
the engines will automatically look at that location.
The final step required to actually use the running controller from a client is to move
the JSON file :file:`ipcontroller-client.json` from ``host0`` to any host where clients
will be run. If these file are put into the :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_default/security`
directory of the client's host, they will be found automatically. Otherwise, the full path
to them has to be passed to the client's constructor.
Using :command:`ipcluster`
The :command:`ipcluster` command provides a simple way of starting a
controller and engines in the following situations:
1. When the controller and engines are all run on localhost. This is useful
for testing or running on a multicore computer.
2. When engines are started using the :command:`mpirun` command that comes
with most MPI [MPI]_ implementations
3. When engines are started using the PBS [PBS]_ batch system
(or other `qsub` systems, such as SGE).
4. When the controller is started on localhost and the engines are started on
remote nodes using :command:`ssh`.
5. When engines are started using the Windows HPC Server batch system.
.. note::
Currently :command:`ipcluster` requires that the
:file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/security` directory live on a shared filesystem that is
seen by both the controller and engines. If you don't have a shared file
system you will need to use :command:`ipcontroller` and
:command:`ipengine` directly.
Under the hood, :command:`ipcluster` just uses :command:`ipcontroller`
and :command:`ipengine` to perform the steps described above.
The simplest way to use ipcluster requires no configuration, and will
launch a controller and a number of engines on the local machine. For instance,
to start one controller and 4 engines on localhost, just do::
$ ipcluster start -n 4
To see other command line options for the local mode, do::
$ ipcluster -h
Configuring an IPython cluster
Cluster configurations are stored as `profiles`. You can create a new profile with::
$ ipcluster create -p myprofile
This will create the directory :file:`IPYTHONDIR/cluster_myprofile`, and populate it
with the default configuration files for the three IPython cluster commands. Once
you edit those files, you can continue to call ipcluster/ipcontroller/ipengine
with no arguments beyond ``-p myprofile``, and any configuration will be maintained.
There is no limit to the number of profiles you can have, so you can maintain a profile for each
of your common use cases. The default profile will be used whenever the
profile argument is not specified, so edit :file:`IPYTHONDIR/cluster_default/*_config.py` to
represent your most common use case.
The configuration files are loaded with commented-out settings and explanations,
which should cover most of the available possibilities.
Using various batch systems with :command:`ipcluster`
:command:`ipcluster` has a notion of Launchers that can start controllers
and engines with various remote execution schemes. Currently supported
models include `mpiexec`, PBS-style (Torque, SGE), and Windows HPC Server.
.. note::
The Launchers and configuration are designed in such a way that advanced
users can subclass and configure them to fit their own system that we
have not yet supported (such as Condor)
Using :command:`ipcluster` in mpiexec/mpirun mode
The mpiexec/mpirun mode is useful if you:
1. Have MPI installed.
2. Your systems are configured to use the :command:`mpiexec` or
:command:`mpirun` commands to start MPI processes.
If these are satisfied, you can create a new profile::
$ ipcluster create -p mpi
and edit the file :file:`IPYTHONDIR/cluster_mpi/ipcluster_config.py`.
There, instruct ipcluster to use the MPIExec launchers by adding the lines:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.Global.engine_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.MPIExecEngineSetLauncher'
If the default MPI configuration is correct, then you can now start your cluster, with::
$ ipcluster start -n 4 -p mpi
This does the following:
1. Starts the IPython controller on current host.
2. Uses :command:`mpiexec` to start 4 engines.
If you have a reason to also start the Controller with mpi, you can specify:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.Global.controller_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.MPIExecControllerLauncher'
.. note::
The Controller *will not* be in the same MPI universe as the engines, so there is not
much reason to do this unless sysadmins demand it.
On newer MPI implementations (such as OpenMPI), this will work even if you
don't make any calls to MPI or call :func:`MPI_Init`. However, older MPI
implementations actually require each process to call :func:`MPI_Init` upon
starting. The easiest way of having this done is to install the mpi4py
[mpi4py]_ package and then specify the ``c.MPI.use`` option in :file:`ipengine_config.py`:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.MPI.use = 'mpi4py'
Unfortunately, even this won't work for some MPI implementations. If you are
having problems with this, you will likely have to use a custom Python
executable that itself calls :func:`MPI_Init` at the appropriate time.
Fortunately, mpi4py comes with such a custom Python executable that is easy to
install and use. However, this custom Python executable approach will not work
with :command:`ipcluster` currently.
More details on using MPI with IPython can be found :ref:`here <parallelmpi>`.
Using :command:`ipcluster` in PBS mode
The PBS mode uses the Portable Batch System [PBS]_ to start the engines.
As usual, we will start by creating a fresh profile::
$ ipcluster create -p pbs
And in :file:`ipcluster_config.py`, we will select the PBS launchers for the controller
and engines:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.Global.controller_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.PBSControllerLauncher'
c.Global.engine_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.PBSEngineSetLauncher'
IPython does provide simple default batch templates for PBS and SGE, but you may need
to specify your own. Here is a sample PBS script template:
.. sourcecode:: bash
#PBS -N ipython
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -l nodes=${n/4}:ppn=4
#PBS -q $queue
export PATH=$$HOME/usr/local/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$$HOME/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
/usr/local/bin/mpiexec -n ${n} ipengine --cluster_dir=${cluster_dir}
There are a few important points about this template:
1. This template will be rendered at runtime using IPython's :mod:`Itpl`
template engine.
2. Instead of putting in the actual number of engines, use the notation
``${n}`` to indicate the number of engines to be started. You can also uses
expressions like ``${n/4}`` in the template to indicate the number of
nodes. There will always be a ${n} and ${cluster_dir} variable passed to the template.
These allow the batch system to know how many engines, and where the configuration
files reside. The same is true for the batch queue, with the template variable ``$queue``.
3. Because ``$`` is a special character used by the template engine, you must
escape any ``$`` by using ``$$``. This is important when referring to
environment variables in the template, or in SGE, where the config lines start
with ``#$``, which will have to be ``#$$``.
4. Any options to :command:`ipengine` can be given in the batch script
template, or in :file:`ipengine_config.py`.
5. Depending on the configuration of you system, you may have to set
environment variables in the script template.
The controller template should be similar, but simpler:
.. sourcecode:: bash
#PBS -N ipython
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -q $queue
export PATH=$$HOME/usr/local/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$$HOME/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
ipcontroller --cluster_dir=${cluster_dir}
Once you have created these scripts, save them with names like
:file:`pbs.engine.template`. Now you can load them into the :file:`ipcluster_config` with:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.PBSEngineSetLauncher.batch_template_file = "pbs.engine.template"
c.PBSControllerLauncher.batch_template_file = "pbs.controller.template"
Alternately, you can just define the templates as strings inside :file:`ipcluster_config`.
Whether you are using your own templates or our defaults, the extra configurables available are
the number of engines to launch (``$n``, and the batch system queue to which the jobs are to be
submitted (``$queue``)). These are configurables, and can be specified in
.. sourcecode:: python
c.PBSLauncher.queue = 'veryshort.q'
c.PBSEngineSetLauncher.n = 64
Note that assuming you are running PBS on a multi-node cluster, the Controller's default behavior
of listening only on localhost is likely too restrictive. In this case, also assuming the
nodes are safely behind a firewall, you can simply instruct the Controller to listen for
connections on all its interfaces, by adding in :file:`ipcontroller_config`:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.RegistrationFactory.ip = '*'
You can now run the cluster with::
$ ipcluster start -p pbs -n 128
Additional configuration options can be found in the PBS section of :file:`ipcluster_config`.
.. note::
Due to the flexibility of configuration, the PBS launchers work with simple changes
to the template for other :command:`qsub`-using systems, such as Sun Grid Engine,
and with further configuration in similar batch systems like Condor.
Using :command:`ipcluster` in SSH mode
The SSH mode uses :command:`ssh` to execute :command:`ipengine` on remote
nodes and :command:`ipcontroller` can be run remotely as well, or on localhost.
.. note::
When using this mode it highly recommended that you have set up SSH keys
and are using ssh-agent [SSH]_ for password-less logins.
As usual, we start by creating a clean profile::
$ ipcluster create -p ssh
To use this mode, select the SSH launchers in :file:`ipcluster_config.py`:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.Global.engine_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.SSHEngineSetLauncher'
# and if the Controller is also to be remote:
c.Global.controller_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.SSHControllerLauncher'
The controller's remote location and configuration can be specified:
.. sourcecode:: python
# Set the user and hostname for the controller
# c.SSHControllerLauncher.hostname = 'controller.example.com'
# c.SSHControllerLauncher.user = os.environ.get('USER','username')
# Set the arguments to be passed to ipcontroller
# note that remotely launched ipcontroller will not get the contents of
# the local ipcontroller_config.py unless it resides on the *remote host*
# in the location specified by the --cluster_dir argument.
# c.SSHControllerLauncher.program_args = ['-r', '-ip', '', '--cluster_dir', '/path/to/cd']
.. note::
SSH mode does not do any file movement, so you will need to distribute configuration
files manually. To aid in this, the `reuse_files` flag defaults to True for ssh-launched
Controllers, so you will only need to do this once, unless you override this flag back
to False.
Engines are specified in a dictionary, by hostname and the number of engines to be run
on that host.
.. sourcecode:: python
c.SSHEngineSetLauncher.engines = { 'host1.example.com' : 2,
'host2.example.com' : 5,
'host3.example.com' : (1, ['--cluster_dir', '/home/different/location']),
'host4.example.com' : 8 }
* The `engines` dict, where the keys are the host we want to run engines on and
the value is the number of engines to run on that host.
* on host3, the value is a tuple, where the number of engines is first, and the arguments
to be passed to :command:`ipengine` are the second element.
For engines without explicitly specified arguments, the default arguments are set in
a single location:
.. sourcecode:: python
c.SSHEngineSetLauncher.engine_args = ['--cluster_dir', '/path/to/cluster_ssh']
Current limitations of the SSH mode of :command:`ipcluster` are:
* Untested on Windows. Would require a working :command:`ssh` on Windows.
Also, we are using shell scripts to setup and execute commands on remote
* No file movement -
Using the :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine` commands
It is also possible to use the :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine`
commands to start your controller and engines. This approach gives you full
control over all aspects of the startup process.
Starting the controller and engine on your local machine
To use :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine` to start things on your
local machine, do the following.
First start the controller::
$ ipcontroller
Next, start however many instances of the engine you want using (repeatedly)
the command::
$ ipengine
The engines should start and automatically connect to the controller using the
JSON files in :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_default/security`. You are now ready to use the
controller and engines from IPython.
.. warning::
The order of the above operations may be important. You *must*
start the controller before the engines, unless you are reusing connection
information (via `-r`), in which case ordering is not important.
.. note::
On some platforms (OS X), to put the controller and engine into the
background you may need to give these commands in the form ``(ipcontroller
&)`` and ``(ipengine &)`` (with the parentheses) for them to work
Starting the controller and engines on different hosts
When the controller and engines are running on different hosts, things are
slightly more complicated, but the underlying ideas are the same:
1. Start the controller on a host using :command:`ipcontroller`.
2. Copy :file:`ipcontroller-engine.json` from :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/security` on
the controller's host to the host where the engines will run.
3. Use :command:`ipengine` on the engine's hosts to start the engines.
The only thing you have to be careful of is to tell :command:`ipengine` where
the :file:`ipcontroller-engine.json` file is located. There are two ways you
can do this:
* Put :file:`ipcontroller-engine.json` in the :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/security`
directory on the engine's host, where it will be found automatically.
* Call :command:`ipengine` with the ``--file=full_path_to_the_file``
The ``--file`` flag works like this::
$ ipengine --file=/path/to/my/ipcontroller-engine.json
.. note::
If the controller's and engine's hosts all have a shared file system
(:file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/security` is the same on all of them), then things
will just work!
Make JSON files persistent
At fist glance it may seem that that managing the JSON files is a bit
annoying. Going back to the house and key analogy, copying the JSON around
each time you start the controller is like having to make a new key every time
you want to unlock the door and enter your house. As with your house, you want
to be able to create the key (or JSON file) once, and then simply use it at
any point in the future.
To do this, the only thing you have to do is specify the `-r` flag, so that
the connection information in the JSON files remains accurate::
$ ipcontroller -r
Then, just copy the JSON files over the first time and you are set. You can
start and stop the controller and engines any many times as you want in the
future, just make sure to tell the controller to reuse the file.
.. note::
You may ask the question: what ports does the controller listen on if you
don't tell is to use specific ones? The default is to use high random port
numbers. We do this for two reasons: i) to increase security through
obscurity and ii) to multiple controllers on a given host to start and
automatically use different ports.
Log files
All of the components of IPython have log files associated with them.
These log files can be extremely useful in debugging problems with
IPython and can be found in the directory :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/log`.
Sending the log files to us will often help us to debug any problems.
Configuring `ipcontroller`
Ports and addresses
Database Backend
.. seealso::
Configuring `ipengine`
.. note::
.. [PBS] Portable Batch System. http://www.openpbs.org/
.. [SSH] SSH-Agent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ssh-agent