File Upload Widget.ipynb
187 lines
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import base64
from __future__ import print_function # py 2.7 compat.
from IPython.html import widgets # Widget definitions.
from traitlets import Unicode # Traitlet needed to add synced attributes to the widget.
This is a custom widget that allows the user to upload file data to the notebook server. The file data is sent via a statefull value
attribute of the widget. The widget has an upload failed event that fires in the front-end and is echoed to the back-end using a custom msg.
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class FileWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):
_view_name = Unicode('FilePickerView', sync=True)
value = Unicode(sync=True)
filename = Unicode(sync=True)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
widgets.DOMWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Call the base.
# Allow the user to register error callbacks with the following signatures:
# callback()
# callback(sender)
self.errors = widgets.CallbackDispatcher(accepted_nargs=[0, 1])
# Listen for custom msgs
def _handle_custom_msg(self, content):
"""Handle a msg from the front-end.
content: dict
Content of the msg."""
if 'event' in content and content['event'] == 'error':
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require(["widgets/js/widget", "widgets/js/manager"], function(widget, manager){
var FilePickerView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({
render: function(){
// Render the view.
this.setElement($('<input />')
.attr('type', 'file'));
events: {
// List of events and their handlers.
'change': 'handle_file_change',
handle_file_change: function(evt) {
// Handle when the user has changed the file.
// Retrieve the first (and only!) File from the FileList object
var file =[0];
if (file) {
// Read the file's textual content and set value to those contents.
var that = this;
var file_reader = new FileReader();
file_reader.onload = function(e) {
} else {
// The file couldn't be opened. Send an error msg to the
// back-end.
this.send({ 'event': 'error' });
// Set the filename of the file.
// Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager.
manager.WidgetManager.register_widget_view('FilePickerView', FilePickerView);
The following shows how the file widget can be used.
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file_widget = FileWidget()
# Register an event to echo the filename when it has been changed.
def file_loading():
print("Loading %s" % file_widget.filename)
file_widget.on_trait_change(file_loading, 'filename')
# Register an event to echo the filename and contents when a file
# has been uploaded.
def file_loaded():
print("Loaded, file contents: %s" % file_widget.value)
file_widget.on_trait_change(file_loaded, 'value')
# Register an event to print an error message when a file could not
# be opened. Since the error messages are not handled through
# traitlets but instead handled through custom msgs, the registration
# of the handler is different than the two examples above. Instead
# the API provided by the CallbackDispatcher must be used.
def file_failed():
print("Could not load file contents of %s" % file_widget.filename)