##// END OF EJS Templates
added new readme in the directory
added new readme in the directory
Paul Ivanov -
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/ docs / source / whatsnew / pr
README.md Loading ...

Documenting What's New

When making a new pull request that either adds a new feature, or makes a
backwards-incompatible change to IPython, please add a new .rst file in this
directory documenting this change as a part of your Pull Request.

This will allow multiple Pull Requests to do the same without conflicting with
one another. Periodically, IPython developers with commit rights will run a
script and populate developement.rst with the contents
of this directory, and clean it up.

Files which describe new features can have any name, such as
antigravity-feature.rst, whereas backwards incompatible changes should have a
filename of incompat-switching-to-perl.rst. Our "What's new" files always have
two sections, and this prefix scheme will make sure that the backwards
incompatible changes get routed to their proper section.