##// END OF EJS Templates
Handle kernel messages synchronously...
Handle kernel messages synchronously A problem can happen when two messages come in for different comms, where the second depends on the first (for example, the first might be a message setting the state of a widget, and the second triggering a view creation for the widget). Since comm message queues are independent of each other, the second message could be executed before the first message. This exposes a more fundamental assumption users are likely to have that messages from python are processed synchronously. Thanks to @dmadeka for reporting an error that led to discovering this issue.
Jason Grout -
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/ git-hooks
README.md Loading ...
install-hooks.sh Loading ...
post-checkout Loading ...
post-merge Loading ...

git hooks for IPython

add these to your .git/hooks

For now, we just have post-checkout and post-merge,
both of which update submodules and attempt to rebuild css sourcemaps,
so make sure that you have a fully synced repo whenever you checkout or pull.

To use these hooks, run ./install-hooks.sh.
If you havn't initialised and updated the submodules manually, you will then need to run git checkout master to activate the hooks (even if you already have master checked out).