#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ The IPython controller application """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import sys from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log from IPython.core.application import Application from IPython.kernel.clusterdir import ApplicationWithClusterDir from IPython.kernel.engineconnector import EngineConnector from IPython.kernel.engineservice import EngineService from IPython.kernel.fcutil import Tub from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main application #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cl_args = ( # Controller config (('--furl-file',), dict( type=unicode, dest='Global.furl_file', help='The full location of the file containing the FURL of the ' 'controller. If this is not given, the FURL file must be in the ' 'security directory of the cluster directory. This location is ' 'resolved using the --profile and --app-dir options.', metavar='Global.furl_file') ), # MPI (('--mpi',), dict( type=str, dest='MPI.use', help='How to enable MPI (mpi4py, pytrilinos, or empty string to disable).', metavar='MPI.use') ), # Global config (('--log-to-file',), dict( action='store_true', dest='Global.log_to_file', help='Log to a file in the log directory (default is stdout)') ) ) mpi4py_init = """from mpi4py import MPI as mpi mpi.size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() mpi.rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() """ pytrilinos_init = """from PyTrilinos import Epetra class SimpleStruct: pass mpi = SimpleStruct() mpi.rank = 0 mpi.size = 0 """ default_config_file_name = u'ipengine_config.py' _description = """Start an IPython engine for parallel computing.\n\n IPython engines run in parallel and perform computations on behalf of a client and controller. A controller needs to be started before the engines. The engine can be configured using command line options or using a cluster directory. Cluster directories contain config, log and security files and are usually located in your .ipython directory and named as "cluster_". See the --profile and --cluster-dir options for details. """ class IPEngineApp(ApplicationWithClusterDir): name = u'ipengine' description = _description config_file_name = default_config_file_name auto_create_cluster_dir = True cl_arguments = Application.cl_arguments + cl_args def create_default_config(self): super(IPEngineApp, self).create_default_config() # The engine should not clean logs as we don't want to remove the # active log files of other running engines. self.default_config.Global.clean_logs = False # Global config attributes self.default_config.Global.exec_lines = [] self.default_config.Global.shell_class = 'IPython.kernel.core.interpreter.Interpreter' # Configuration related to the controller # This must match the filename (path not included) that the controller # used for the FURL file. self.default_config.Global.furl_file_name = u'ipcontroller-engine.furl' # If given, this is the actual location of the controller's FURL file. # If not, this is computed using the profile, app_dir and furl_file_name self.default_config.Global.furl_file = u'' # The max number of connection attemps and the initial delay between # those attemps. self.default_config.Global.connect_delay = 0.1 self.default_config.Global.connect_max_tries = 15 # MPI related config attributes self.default_config.MPI.use = '' self.default_config.MPI.mpi4py = mpi4py_init self.default_config.MPI.pytrilinos = pytrilinos_init def post_load_command_line_config(self): pass def pre_construct(self): super(IPEngineApp, self).pre_construct() self.find_cont_furl_file() def find_cont_furl_file(self): """Set the furl file. Here we don't try to actually see if it exists for is valid as that is hadled by the connection logic. """ config = self.master_config # Find the actual controller FURL file if not config.Global.furl_file: try_this = os.path.join( config.Global.cluster_dir, config.Global.security_dir, config.Global.furl_file_name ) config.Global.furl_file = try_this def construct(self): # This is the working dir by now. sys.path.insert(0, '') self.start_mpi() self.start_logging() # Create the underlying shell class and EngineService shell_class = import_item(self.master_config.Global.shell_class) self.engine_service = EngineService(shell_class, mpi=mpi) self.exec_lines() # Create the service hierarchy self.main_service = service.MultiService() self.engine_service.setServiceParent(self.main_service) self.tub_service = Tub() self.tub_service.setServiceParent(self.main_service) # This needs to be called before the connection is initiated self.main_service.startService() # This initiates the connection to the controller and calls # register_engine to tell the controller we are ready to do work self.engine_connector = EngineConnector(self.tub_service) log.msg("Using furl file: %s" % self.master_config.Global.furl_file) reactor.callWhenRunning(self.call_connect) def call_connect(self): d = self.engine_connector.connect_to_controller( self.engine_service, self.master_config.Global.furl_file, self.master_config.Global.connect_delay, self.master_config.Global.connect_max_tries ) def handle_error(f): log.msg('Error connecting to controller. This usually means that ' 'i) the controller was not started, ii) a firewall was blocking ' 'the engine from connecting to the controller or iii) the engine ' ' was not pointed at the right FURL file:') log.msg(f.getErrorMessage()) reactor.callLater(0.1, reactor.stop) d.addErrback(handle_error) def start_mpi(self): global mpi mpikey = self.master_config.MPI.use mpi_import_statement = self.master_config.MPI.get(mpikey, None) if mpi_import_statement is not None: try: self.log.info("Initializing MPI:") self.log.info(mpi_import_statement) exec mpi_import_statement in globals() except: mpi = None else: mpi = None def exec_lines(self): for line in self.master_config.Global.exec_lines: try: log.msg("Executing statement: '%s'" % line) self.engine_service.execute(line) except: log.msg("Error executing statement: %s" % line) def start_app(self): reactor.run() def launch_new_instance(): """Create and run the IPython controller""" app = IPEngineApp() app.start() if __name__ == '__main__': launch_new_instance()